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alena Aug 2014
Life finally decided it wanted a fair shot at me
It got me all alone
In the tunnel I was travelling
heading towards the light, of my future

Life took my family from my side
chained them on the walls of the tunnel
holding hostage
slowly suffocating them

I was torn
stay and try to help
or leave... and definitely help

Life took the light at the end of the tunnel
snubbed it out with one blow
and handed me the candle
smoke still rising from the wick

Life took my wants and dreams
that I carried in my pocket
crushed them in his immune hands
and put them in his endless pockets

Life hit me
in the face
wrenched my heart from my chest
took all my air
and made me watch as he swallowed them
he took my supports
and I crumbled
but when I looked up
through bruised and teary eyes

Life was dangling new options;
new people
new love
a new future
in front of my face

Life thought that he could taunt me
That I wouldn't get up
That I couldn't get up
Life didn't know after I got up
I'd hit him back.

I now know what I truly wanted all along
I may not know how to get there,
because it ended up my tunnel is a maze
but I will.

because life taught me;
I didn't know what I wanted,
That I can do it on my own,
That I don't have to be alone,
I am no bodies responsibility but mine
That when you have something you want...
you fight...
And when people, even family say you can't
you never ever let them be right...
I'm a lover but I've become a fighter because of it...
When Satan strikes you,
Strike him back with God's Word!
Josiah Wilson Aug 2014
I live for the cut and ****** of battle
I dance to the rhythm of violent death
I listen for the gasping, moaning rattle
Of the fallen man's last, desperate breath

My veins run hot with warrior's blood
My sword sings out the song of war
The foe breaks over me like a flood
How could I ever ask for more?

For when I ****, I feel alive
The death I bring makes my heart beat
Taking a life is what makes me thrive
When covered in blood I feel complete
Don't Exist Apr 2014
which is stronger?
the answer might be obvious
come one guess
it could never be hatred but..
no, it has to be hatred
that's all I see in the world anyway
hatred, hatred, hatred
but no love
but wait
there is love in the world
but it so superficial
maybe that is why hatred is overcoming
but naturally  hatred will overcome
as naturally humans have weak love
but then that is okay
that is why the darkness is there for
it is to increase that love
love will never be stronger than hatred
but then love will always be desired
for eternity to come
A simple Poem
If God is for us,
Who can be against us?
Adriean New Jul 2014
Your heart & mind battle everyday.
They battle inside you
World War 3.
Just like other wars in history,
someone wanted one thing,
others wanted it different.
Your heart wants them.
Your brain says no.
Grab your helmet.
There is going to be war
& it has just began.
Maybe you need a better reason for a war.
cosmicashes Jul 2014
love is a battle field and not many of us are willing to fight. Most of us just want the rewards but how many will actually brave the war for love?. Don't be one of the soldiers that sit back and watch the other soldiers fight . Lace up your armour and get your shield ready, its time you fought for what's yours.
"if you love something set it free, if it loves you it will come back". I believe that if you truly love something then you would do anything you could to fight for them.
LoveIsReal Jul 2014
You're sad
You're depressed
You don't wanna live anymore
But you're wrong
You don't wanna be sad
You don't wanna be depressed
You do wanna live
But you don't know if you're strong enough to fight it
But you need to
Fight to live
Fight to be happy
Fight to smile a real smile
Fight the battle within
I believe
Everyone believes
You can win
YOU just have to believe in yourself
So now start believing cause you can fight
FIGHT for your LIFE!!
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