I can be the villain that you need me to be If that's what it takes for you to once again truly be happy Then that's what's important to me, that's what I want to see If I can't be that for you then I've failed miserably...
Oh the stupidity
I can play the bad guy, that comes pretty easy To think love would find me, that in itself was awfully silly I don't even have the love from my own friggin' family ...apparently no thanks to me... But to bring you to the reality that it's time to leave me... ...that came all too naturally
I love the world I hate the world I love friends I hate friends The world is a friend to committing righteousness The world is a friend to committing wrongdoing. I want to live in this world I want to live out of this world I want to be an aliens to a lunar circle I want to be far from solar circle
My mom and I sat talking at a coffee shop for six hours. We'd never gotten along so well. We discussed all the good things, marriage, babies, degrees. We said this in a world of divorce, death, debt. I said, I wonder what awful thing will happen next.
Billy Jeans Lived next door I was five He was tall He wore denim shirts And matching jeans. He’d squeeze me real tight So I squirmed And I screamed. I kicked And I cried Until I was freed.
In tales told near and far, I stand alone, Always the villain in stories, widely known. But deep within, a heart yearns to change, To break free from this fate, rearrange.
When you realise you are the bad person in everyone's story
You can't craft honor Character a clear birthmark Darkness a defect
I think you can pretend but ultimately we are either born with it and are naturally inclined to do the right thing or without it and are forever doomed to replicate those who are. Sometimes they are successful but most of them fail miserably.
I saw a ladder It was set firmly into the ground Reaching all the way up into the sky The bottom steps were broad But as it continued up Narrower the steps became Many people could climb the bottom steps But the steeper and higher the ladder became The less people could fit onto the steps Most fell off the ladder Back onto the ground The ones who persisted continued upwards Walking in singularity No one to the left, no one to the right of them Single file they soldiered on At the top there was a bright light Into which they were consumed The ladder was pulled back Like a carpet rolled up There was now no connection between those above, and those below And the wolves and the sheep had been divided
sean achilleos 14-08-2023 https://www.facebook.com/SeanAchilleosOfficial