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Who are we without it, verses, who can we become with it...
Hope is not a feeling or emotion but the desire to believe good things will happen. A believer knows that their HOPE is solid; concrete evidence that is grounded in the knowledge of facts that cannot lie. Many people think that hoping for a good day or hoping for a loved one to survive but there is no guarantee it will happen. That's is called "wishful thinking" and it is undependable, also it has no power to bring anything passed it.
In my case, I didn't always have it and at one point... I was absolutely defeated by dismay. My 7th-grade year started off great but towards the end, I had classmates bullying me. They belittled me in numerous ways by taunting me with my mistakes and purposely making my life a living hell. I was threatened to be "ganged'' and ambushed on a daily basis, to the point of administrative leave was forced for my safety and well-being but it didn't stop there... My classmates cyber-bullied me to believe this world was a better place without me. Honestly, I had literally no idea from the start it would end up being this bad. I often cried until I tried to end my very existence on multiple occasions. Because I had no Hope and often couldn't cope with what was happening to me.
Until one day, my mother sat me down, talked to me about her story and how her life was similar to mine. I realized I was entertaining my enemies by allowing them to torment my emotions in dangerous ways by practicing destructive habits and I learned to turn their undermining comments into fuel...
My own mother placed a seed of hope in my mind and it bloomed like a Cherry Blossom Tree. I have hoped for the light and the end of the tunnel but now I have restored my sight to my blinded eyes and the desire to live a full happy life Mentally and spiritually. Hope is a sure anchor of the soul and is far superior to that of my world.
Today I am stronger and happier than ever. I have suffered but learned so much, that with Hope, I will always have this feeling of relief.
I am grateful that I found HOPE. Because if not I probably won't be writing this. My story would have faded in the years to come.
Payton Hayes Jul 2018
I’ve never had a deja’vu moment,
but I could have sworn I’ve seen you before,
after passing you on the sidewalk.
It wasn’t because you had a familiar face,
God knows I’m the worst when it comes to
remembering these details.
It was something in your stardust that
awakened mine.
I’ll never forget you.
kiana Jul 2018
I assist you
on this brimming morning
to welcome
this new day
the gift
you keep on
Mother Earth
I am awake
with fallen stars
as wide eyes
and awakening
my soul's soul
for you
Katlyn Orthman Jun 2018
When I awakened
There was nothing left
Not soul on Earth
Not a single breath

I looked outside
With dread and sorrow
At the empty streets
There is no tomorrow

My fingers shook
With fear and pain
To see my brothers,
Broken and slain

I am the survivor
The guilt came fast
How could I have lived
When all have passed?

I sank to my knees
My head back in despair
I folded my hands
And sent out a prayer

Please take me too
The guilt is too much
Without friends or family
Who're warm to the touch

An angel appeared
A bright swirling light
With a voice that said
"Please live and fight

Although the day seems dim
There is still hope to bear
For you're not the only one
Who wanders in despair

There is one more
Shes kind and not afraid
She will bring a light inside
That's just as bright as day"

I dared to rest my eyes
On the swirling mass of light
In its reflection
It was me ready to fight

I am kind and not afraid
I am as bright as the light of day
I am strong and I will fight
With all my heart and all my might
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
...My hardened heart has been awakened.
The broken grounds will begin to quake and
within the crevices between the faults,
Your rushing water will flood....

Here is a little excerpt from a much larger spoken word poem entitled, “Reborn”.
I have found her
within the chaos
within the dense, saturated cover of the human malady
she fell to me
when I had feared that the connection was lost
emotion that fires straight to what is left of our souls

funny how truth can be so clear in love
yet so distant, so muddled in life

I have found her
and she has found my heart
still beating,
my dreams
to be awakened
my hopes to be fulfilled
when carried
into the fray
oldie - revised
UZara Mist Mar 2018
Wake up,
you're alive.

But who asked if I wanted this life?
I didn't choose to be here;
nor there.
yet, I'm everywhere.

Day by day,
I pass through time -  
like a bird in the sky.
My mind,
in a constant bind.
Thoughts consumed of what I once knew.

Night by night,
My soul -
finally set free.
The moonlight -
I wish to be.
Will I ever be content with just me?

Please don't dream.
Amanda Mar 2018
I have awakened
a deep, drawing wanderlust
that yearns to break free.
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