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Thomas Newlove Jan 2016
"New Year, new you" she said as she took off her old one and put on a brave new face. This one hid the bruises but not the tears in her eyes
Tweet Verse is a poem consisting of exactly 140 characters (excluding the title) as per the Twitter character limit. The name is my own (as far as I'm aware.)
D Jan 2016
20 16 is finally here,
Spread only love and cheer,
And have a Happy New Year!!
curlygirl Jan 2016
i've been everything from a pessimist to
      a mess
a protector
       a liar
a learner
       a sinner
a provider
        a drinker
a lover
         an enabler
a care-taker
          a crier
a hard-worker
an optimist,
all molded into one to make me
                        **a human
silas Jan 2016
"maybe it'll feel like christmas this year,"
i say, time and time again

it's been a year and i still feel the emptiness
the chills up my spine when i hear your name
the coldness of my heart that dropped ten degrees more than it is outside

a present, a kiss, a simple greeting
what does it take to make a holiday happy?

i don't want your ******* pity
i want to be remembered
as something more than just nothing to you

what a tragic love story, a depressing tale  
especially on christmas day
what gift could be any worse
than a broken heart?
here's to you, for breaking my heart. merry christmas.
L Marie Dec 2015
There's nothing like the impending new year
Than to make you realize
How far you've come
Forward or backward
Or perhaps you didn't move at all,
Stuck on square one.

I always thought we stayed in one place
A few steps closer
Until a sudden pang,
Sent us flying back
All the way to square one;
I've realized I was wrong.

Square one was just a single step back
To refocus,
We've grown so close,
Only like a spiral,
Circling further and further in,
All to one center.

Reflecting now, we are truly the same
For we do not attack straight on,
Like a line;
Instead, we are cautious,
Handling what's precious
In careful hands.

What feels like square one and a step
Is more like an ocean we've crossed;
Patience is the key to a treasure chest
And maybe, we just hit land;
Now it's time to pace (ourselves)
And follow the maps drawn on our hearts.
Noah Ducane Dec 2015
Year by year
Will shatter the mold
Of the last.

Goodbye without tears
But hopeful cheers
For the last hour.

And you'll pray
Day by day
Not knowing why.

And you'll look
For changes
Change by change
Not knowing how.

It's already gone
But it won't be long
Before the next.

But know how much
You loved it
This time's over
And nostalgia will wrap it
In a warm blanket
Of sugary memories.
Finally, a new year has finally arrived.
Bidding 2015 goodbye and 2016 hello.
But before I can fully welcome the new year
I must go over and reminisce
What 2015 had given to me.

So, 2015, thank you.
Thank you for all the ups and the downs
For the happiness and the sadness
For the good and the bad
For the realizations and the lessons
For the pain and the stress
For one hell of a roller coaster ride this year had been

You are one of the toughest years I faced
Yet, I am so thankful
For it made me who I am now
Someone who is ready to brace 2016 hello.
A lot had happened within the 365 days
But it proved to me that I am capable
Capable of enduring all of these
So, thank you, 2015.
You were awesome
But it is time for me to let you go now.
However, do not fret for I hold what you taught me.
This would be my key for a better "me"
And for another great year

I know it would be
I can feel it...

2015, adieu.
Bidding 2015, goodbye.
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
This is
the last 3 a.m
of 2015*

2014 - 3 a.m
laying in bed
next to a man
who claimed to love me
and lied.

2013 - 3 a.m
laying my head
on the cold tombstone
of the man
who was supposed to be there
all my life.

2010 - 3 a.m
laying my mom's head
onto the pillow
because she was too drunk
to do it herself
and daddy didn't come home.

2009 - 3 a.m
finding a bullet
full of lead
and wondering if that
was the reason
the yelling had stopped
in my parent's bedroom.

2007 - 3 a.m
sleeping well fed
in a warm and comfy bed
as my parents kissed in the living room
and they were happy
and so was I.

2015 - 3 a.m
downing the meds
the doctor prescribed
to numb away the pain
- but, surprise
it didn't succeed
cause just as well
I can't stand to breathe.

*This is
the last
3 a.m
In a nutshell.
Tab Dec 2015
2015 was the year of concepts for me
Concept 1: Me in your arms
Concept 2: You never let go
Concept 3: I'm not a burden
Concept 4: I know I'm loved
Concept 5: I'm whole and nothing is missing
Concept 6: This isn't a poem and this is all true
Oh wait
Concept 7: 2016 will be ok
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