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 Feb 2018 courtney
I hate the feeling of lingering words in the air,

When there is something I should say,

But it just won't come out,

I always feel scared,

"That is stupid,"

"Go away,"

Or maybe,

"That's exactly what I needed you to say."
 Feb 2018 courtney
vanessa ann
this is a tale
of two star-crossed lovers
with a love so powerful
they tainted the heavens
with bursts of colours

they were never meant to be;
mischievous little kids
finding love in sinful glee
in laughter, between dreams and reality

and though it was lawless,
they found solace
because in every prison,
they found a rhyme and a reason

but even for a love so great,
they could not escape
the fates’ wrath and envy

destiny pulled on their threads
cut them loose, thrusted them into misery;
for their memories were wiped clean,
but feelings remained as strong as they had ever been

the boy exiled in a far off land
across the pacific sea
the girl trapped in her need to break free
in a realm both boring and bland

ensnared in a labyrinth of woe
the lovers yearned for anything—
for something, for someone,
to obliterate this endless longing

the gods answered them
in the form of two loved ones
polished in every edge,
a perfect someone

but perfect felt too perfect
and not perfect enough
to fill up the hole
left by a perfectly imperfect

until one day the gods whispered
for the winds to push the two
and the birds to tug at their sleeves
over mountain and sea
even through the darkest valley
so their paths would finally meet

and so they did.

in the flurry of a moment
a pair of brown eyes met
and time was frozen
once more

the two stared intently
as if remembering a broken melody
a lost childhood song
branded as a wrong

the birds fluttered and flew
taking the cursed red fibre
snipped them in two
and the lovers felt all the lighter

it was the girl who spoke first:
“**** the stars.
i don’t want perfect,
i want you.”

eyes dazzling, the boy nodded:
“we’ll invert the universe—
the night sky a blank white
the stars pitch black
the earth moving in reverse”

the fates saw and surrendered
as the stars began to wither
for this love is love
in all its splendor

so the lovers walked away with a promise
under their breaths, they both swore:
“i lost you once,
but nevermore.”

they say no one can rewrite the stars,
so i propose we orchestrate supernovas.
 Feb 2018 courtney
never apologize for the way
on your darkest of days
you may enter a phase
that feels a lot like
you are an interstellar being
these broken parts of you
are star-glowing matter
the pieces have a path
they’ll always
and when they do... their
new density will display
an even greater array
of the Light
That is
embrace your fragility
it holds your Power
to  t r a n s f o r m
..the same divine
ability is how a
nebula is
 Feb 2018 courtney
Jillian McLean
The brunettes want to be blonde ,
and the blondes want to be brunette.
The tall want to be short,
and the short want to be tall
the petite want to be curvy
and the curvy want to be petite,
she wants to be her
and her wants to be she
he wants to him
and him wants to be he
we want to be someone else
but someone else wants to be free
 Feb 2018 courtney
 Feb 2018 courtney
I am yours,
Solely completely utterly yours.
Master you truly control me.
My pleasure is yours.
I do as you say,
Your wish my command.
My master.
 Feb 2018 courtney
 Feb 2018 courtney
Missing your lips
Below my hips
Little licks
Making my feelings mix
Biting my thighs
Trying hard not to let out a sigh
Of pleasure
You'll go to any measure
To make me moan
I wanna groan
You dive in deep
I wonder how long I can keep
From screaming
Your eyes are beaming
Our skin is glowing
Our bodies are flowing
Together in beat
I want you to beat
Inside of me faster
You know you're my master.
 Feb 2018 courtney
Hold me,
Love me,
Let me be your little girl.
Kiss me,
Touch me,
Let me show you my world.
A world of glitter,
And pink.
Of stuffies,
And cuddles,
And juice to drink.
Come be my daddy,
And feel a love,
So strong and pure.
It all sounds strange,
Believe me I know.
But its worth it..
Come hold me,
And you'll know.
 Feb 2018 courtney
Kayla Flanders
she was not fragile like a snowflake.
she was fragile like a bomb.
and i didn't know which was scarier-
                                                        ­  her explosion or her calm.
part 2
 Feb 2018 courtney
Only Human
 Feb 2018 courtney
With yesterday
slung over one shoulder

And tomorrow
slung over the other

Today saw
the comfort of emotion

Today showed me
that I am only human

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