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 Jun 2014 Schanzé
i thought i wrote you another poem
but really i just went empty for 3 hours
and dreamed of hammering nails into my forearm
(but now i guess i'm writing you a poem)

i like you
to the sweet side of this:
(240) - Modern Baseball
"'this is about a girl i like' 'you mean love?' 'no i mean like' 'you mean love.' 'well maybe you're...well maybe you're right.'"
 Jun 2014 Schanzé
 Jun 2014 Schanzé
It's amazing how something
So beautiful can be
So painful
How something
That is used to express love
Expresses hate
Maybe we should all be
Mute and Deaf
So we don't ever have to
Experience the pain words can bring
 Jun 2014 Schanzé
Cadence Musick
he was the kind of boy you'd
break all the rules for,
but you didn't know he'd break you.
 Jun 2014 Schanzé
Three can keep a secret
                                                                                         if two of them are dead

I'll bury all the bodies
                                                                                    to keep these words unsaid
 Jun 2014 Schanzé
Martin Illy
you could drown me in
a sea of hungry sharks
or feed me to the menacing
crocs in the parks

you could smoke me like
your last cigarette
or down me like
your last alcohol bet

you could grind my bones
and play with the  shards
then mould them up again,
into clean white cards

with those white cards
you shuffle me away and tell me

but my heart will still,
no  matter what,
run back to you.
wrote this high as hell im sorry
What is poetry? Is it happiness. Or is it insanity, or is it just moments of our lives caught and frozen. Put on display for all to see.I guess poetry is whatever we want it to be.
 May 2014 Schanzé
All I need is pen and paper
To calm  myself,
Let all my emotions out

I let the words flow out freely
As I shut myself from the world,
From the inevitable reality

I never found any means of escape
Nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide

So stuck in paranoia
Until I found poetry
Finally, an escape from reality

Since then, I felt more alive
More free
Happier than I'll ever be

I'm glad to have found this route-
Every poet's sweet escape.
 May 2014 Schanzé
 May 2014 Schanzé
Some say it's love
that when someone cares more
for another than themselves
it must be love.

I told myself I loved you.

I put myself in harms way for you
because your needs mattered most
What you wanted, I must give
What you desired, is my duty to fulfill

It wasn't until you asked me to leave
go away
simply disappear
that I knew it wasn't love.

I was never in love.
Love is a word reserved for the lucky, the few
never in love, but addicted

I craved your attention,
whatever glances you deemed me worthy
I ached for your touch,
your fingers pressed so roughly against my thighs
those lips.
well those lips were my own special line of ecstasy
they never failed to hit me hard and fast

my body went through all the typical signs of withdrawal
I trembled as our memories replayed in my mind
I laid restless because I still smelled you upon my sheets
my heart races, failing to catch up with yours,
failing to see that's its already lost

I know I'm addicted
yet I can't find it in me to care
they say I'm a user
abusing the substance
addicted to the pain
but how can I let it go
when it's the only source of feeling I have left.

I'm pathetically addicted
suffering of
to what could never be.

 May 2014 Schanzé
Petal pie
He made an impression on her
Imprinted like a bed of nails
Every barbed comment made to stir
He made an impression on her
it hurt like a cigarette burn
An initially perfect male
He made an impression on her
Now trapped, he won’t let her exhale.
this is my first  attempt at the triolet form of poetry.not sure whether i should keep this right alignment! Its about someone trapped in emotional abuse x
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