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Dec 2015 · 727
positrxnicbrain Dec 2015
Like a parasite, you've entered my blood
Stream and spread through my body.
Like cancer, you've grown and multiplied
Faster than I could **** you.
Like weeds you've taken over everything
I had and grown over it.
Like alcohol I'm dependant on you and
The feeling of you and the touch  of you.

You may be bad for me,
But I can't give you up.
Sep 2015 · 5.1k
positrxnicbrain Sep 2015
Watching from beyond, writing their little notes.
Look behind the brainstem and see the past perfect present tense.
You thought about it and I heard it. We grabbed the thoughts.
New bones and muscle.
All the different ones, all the same thoughts pulsing, like brain radar bounding back.
They're of me. they're in me.
But he is not.
The serpent retains it's form but it stays inside. It blinds my dreams.
No escape, let craving; an eternal void.
As it all becomes one form and function. We join. We are the new being, hideous and beautiful.
I think he has taken my soul. I probably wasn't using it anyway.
I am his disguise.
Sep 2015 · 966
Ted Bundy
positrxnicbrain Sep 2015
He looks like a trapped caged animal,
So evil and transparent
Almost naked among the cloud;
Laid bare,
For all to see.
He knows the end is here!
He hates the feeling of not being in 'control'
Fear consumes his mind.
He is no longer.
i was just writing down stuff & came up with this & couldn't think of a title for it so i thought it tied well with ted bundy. if u know who he is or research him you'll understand it more :)
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Thoughts & Kaleidoscopes
positrxnicbrain Aug 2015
Life can be hard when your thoughts are messier than your bed could ever be.
Sentences, phrases, words, anything just racing around my mind.
Sometime I can sort them, catagorise them in a way that makes them easier to perceive.
But sometimes, that's not the case.
They twist and manipulate as if my mind is a kaleidoscope and every new thought just adds another fragment to the broken picture inside my head.
Maybe it would help to understand, or maybe it would just add to the confusion.
I wish I understood why my mind works like this, in these confusing an mysterious ways.
Perhaps one day I'll understand why they behave this way, but for now I'll continue trying to organise my racing thoughts.
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
positrxnicbrain Jun 2015
Mel mí hendi dagniruva
Nai npér ve nu mel
Ar pér lok tenn’ i orë

Love within the eyes is not the bane of
That which we desire
And bends unto the heart
Not the eye
this was wrote in elvish and translated into english, if you were wondering what language it was
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
positrxnicbrain Jun 2015
With every bite with bone and skin,
The temple groaned and shook again.
His dwelling place did I neglect
To the end with bad effect.
Your soul wanders an endless maze.
Jun 2015 · 401
positrxnicbrain Jun 2015
The stains trickling down the edges of his lips,
A straight face remaining.
A dreaded corpse,
Begging to see
Blood evident everywhere.

Hair creeping out in places,
Ears tucked back neatly,
Expressionless still
Lacking movement.
Fear seeping into the environment...

Death and life remains unknown,
Symmetrical in every sense.
Cloth removing simple vision
Steady and calm,
Quiet elegancy

Graceful in thought,
Until death once more.
need i say more?
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
Prodigia comploratus,
Silence, oro,
Regnet exitium

{Wonders mourning,
Silent, I pray,
Reign destruction}
Dec 2014 · 688
I'm Still Here
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way you always used
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort
Without the ghost of a shadow in it
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again.
Dec 2014 · 643
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
He held the sword ready, standing very still,
The seconds ticked by.
He charged towards me,
I was taken by surprise,
His sword casually slicing my forearm.
Covered in dirt, I howled in pain
As my weapon fell fo the ground.
I danced back, trying to stem the flow of blood.
He brought his clenched fist down on my shoulder blade,
As I tried to move in for a throw, he shifted his weight slightly, sticking out his foot
As I went tumbling, the smell of venom entered my nostrils.
I coughed and fell back again, struggling to breathe,
Franticly searching for my gas mask, I grab my weapon.
Just as my enemy goes to pick up his cutlass,
Another shoots my right shoulder
Gasping for clean air, I watch
All my comrades explode before my eyes
As I lay slowly, silently, slipped out of consciousness,
I could taste the invisible death upon me,
Choking, panting, wheezing, blind, fear, trembling, cold,
Absolute horror, as death slouches upon me....
i wrote this in school for an assessment yaaaaas
the theme was WWI and, since i really like necromance and stuff, i came up with this and thought it fitted with the WWI theme so yh c:
Dec 2014 · 599
Necromance Romance
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
We were bound together
By a power
Of crushed sea shells
And pressed tiger flowers
By burnt sugar, rice wine
And sweet incubated language.
You wrapped my toes
With your cotton words
And I should have known
You were an illusion
By the rabbit
I found
In your hat.
Dec 2014 · 341
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
Sitting all alone
With a broken heart,
Broken hopes,
Broken spirit,
Everything is broken.
Why did you ruin everything?
What did I do wrong?
I wanted to gain your love
But all I did was lose my best friend,
And everything I love...
Dec 2014 · 5.2k
positrxnicbrain Dec 2014
Death by ******, death by chance,
Death by secret night romance,
Death by number, paint the liner,
Death in colour or black and white,
Accidental, planned prolonged,
Death by always doing wrong,
Death by self, a timeless art,
Death by one last broken heart.
Nov 2014 · 482
positrxnicbrain Nov 2014
I dreamt a dream! What can it mean?
And that I was a maiden Queen
Guarded by an Angel mild:
Witless woe was ne'er beguiled!

I wept both night and day,
And he wiped my tears away;
I wept both day and night,
And hid from him my heart's delight.

So he took his wings, and fled;
Then the morn blushed rosy red.
I dried my tears, and armed my fears
With ten-thousand shields and spears.

Soon my Angel came again;
I was armed, he came in vain;
For the time of youth was fled,
And grey hairs were on my head.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Necromance Theatre
positrxnicbrain Nov 2014
Every time I look into the mirror,
I see it in my face
I'm possessed by the goblin child
Who'll destroy the human race, though,
I haven't forgotten hope
I know the ancient lore,
God will strike me down
To Hell, forevermore

— The End —