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 Sep 2018 Oliver
how to have a good
haiku: make sure you do not
run out of sylla-

 Sep 2018 Oliver
Friendship is like
A diapole diapole interaction
Two different
Positive and negative
Attracted to each other

Best friendship
Is like a hydrogen bond
Still a diapole diapole
but stronger
Only possible in the presence of
A hydrogen
Someone in the relationship
Able to keep it afloat

A London dispersion
Is like a pleasant acquaintance
Someone you get along with
But no strong emotional ties
To hold you there
Small talk

An ion diapole bond
Is like
A difficult relationship
Opposites attract
But you’re bonded
So strongly
That eventually one
Of you just starts
To tear the other apart

Like salt in water
If you find quirky science analogies like this one interesting check out my collection "science poems".
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
The world around me, so lost in chaos
I wonder what this day shall bring
Perhaps tragedy or heart throbbing sorrow
Perhaps plan old-fashioned suffering

I wonder where you’ll be tomorrow
For today I’m forced to let you go
The center of my world's gone missing
Deeper than my Poet soul

I send these messages via telepathy
And hope someway that you might hear
I send my love via angels
Who touch my pain and disappear

Vanished now our unresolved love
Broken now my forgotten soul
All my knowledge and all my wisdom
All adds up to letting go...
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2018 Oliver
She came that day
On the verge of tears
Something tragic had occurred
I inquired as to the cause
Of her distress

“I told him...and he...”
I didn’t have to hear any more.
I responded with sympathy
And let her rant out her emotions
As I considered what angle would be best
To complete my drawing
Considering this project could very well dictate our trimester grade...

Another girl came in the room
And was subject to the same story
She, unlike me, gave her a hug

You may be wondering
Or shocked
By my callous behavior
But see,
This was nothing new

From two years prior
Since the time we’d known each other
It was like this
Colorful, cheerful, charismatic yet melancholic
Smart as well
Attracting friends to her
Like bees to honey

She also had crushes
Loads of them
At least three to five a year

She cried in eighth grade
In ninth grade she actually went one with one
They broke up
After a week of neglect

Another guy liked her
But she didn’t like him
Despit confiding in him
His emotional tendencies
Grew too much for her

Then she liked another,
But he was gay
So they stayed friends
But apparently she likes him again

No offense,
But I’m currently at the end of my tether
I have things to worry about
And it really makes me wonder,
How can someone feel so deeply each time?
It seems painful

She’s a wonderful person
But, very ephemeral
Her attention flits like a bird
And her attraction is deep
But short

As a friend though she’s great
And I have nothing against her
I think with a sigh as I look out the window
And she heaves a breath
On the verge of tears
Just another day of the symphony between a helpless romantic
If you’re a helpless romantic out there, I’m really sorry if this hurts your feelings. Feel free to message me and I can make this private. This poem is just meant to be about two friends who, due to their opposing natures, have trouble understanding each other.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
She says that people don’t listen to her
I hold back my retort that
“She doesn’t listen to others”

She mentions how everyone keeps leaving her
I hold back my retort that
“Maybe if you were more aware of others it’d be easier to stay with you”

It’s more complex than that

To an extent,
I admire
Her ignorance of her surroundings
Those around her

I’m hyper aware
Too self conscious
Too worried about how others think of me

She’s the opposite
So wrapped up in a cacoon
Of her own problems
She doesn’t notice those around her

But this can also pose problems
Of problems
We were best friends in eighth grade
But we grew
And I couldn’t handle
Such a close relationship
With her

I tried to expressly wait for her
Remember her birdthday
She didn’t notice
Or even if she did,
It was never reciprocated

I was talking
She’d respond
Immediately switching
The conversation
To herself

It’s not maliciousness
It’s just plain ignorance

But what can I do?
I’m still friends with her
She’s just not-nowhere near
The top of my list

I can’t go up to her
And tell her this
She’d take it the wrong way

But even then,
Who am I to tell her how to live her life?
I have enough social issues of my own
And she’s fine just the way it is

It’s extremely frustrating
Seeing a problem
But being unable
To do anything
About it

She wants more friends
She has to put in that effort
And I can’t
To advise her how
 Sep 2018 Oliver

For more appreciation
From society

Till society forgets you
And you just

Love yourself for who you are,
Not what others think of you
 Sep 2018 Oliver
What a beautiful world
But only if we know how to live
How to relish the breath that passes through our lips
How to smile at the sun
How to trace along the waters of the earth

How to make the best of what we have
How to let out relief of satisfaction

We only live once, yes, on this earth
But that doesn't mean we speed on
Left to regurgitate guilt at the end
Breathing heavily

We follow the wisdom He's provided
Learn from what our ancestors realized
At the end of their lives
A little late
But better than never

We go through the highs and lows
And live with unconditional bonds between ourselves
Spinning happiness out of what we have

What a beautiful world
If only we knew how to live

Started out as a song, so doesn't sound that good as a poem.


Relish the air.
Stop thinking about what we don't have. Appreciate what you have and you'd realize you have more than you'd ever need.
Thank Allah.
Life is too short to waste the opportunities for succeeding, in this test of this life.

Life is full of sacrifices.
But they are few compared to what we've got.
And worthwhile.

Live for Allah (God) and yourself then you'd always have something to fall back on.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
I thought the solution was talking,
But when I talktoomuch it hurts
Because I feel like I’m hurting you

As if taking up your time
With my conversation
Is selfish

I just delusional
Or broken?

Now I have a dilemma
Should I talktoomuch or just never

I’m going to try shutting up tomorrow. I feel like I ****** up too much air, so I’ll just be quiet.

Let’s see how long it will last...
I might delete this later. I think I’m crazy, but I have an actual dilemma where I feel guilty about talking to much or feeling like I said something wrong ALL THE TIME, so I’m just going to shut my stupid mouth tomorrow.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
Just another word
For people
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