Oh my poor whole world Is crashing down In stinging purple spark explosions And salty little girl tears And I can hear The echos of Every time I ever wished on pastel birthday candles Distorted, flooding, Rushing like ice white water Wish Wish Wish
This is not Something more Not sadness No tears that could Fill up or flood This is just Empty Lacking Where nothing is Colour Just numb And Existence.
Blank ceiling Disillusion Like Empty dreams Hanging in the place of clouds Each wish That has ever been begged for In a hot sleepy mist Against the cool navy panes Nose pressed firm Chin and eyes Pointed up Asking the Stars Like splinters of Broken silver glass With No desire to reply
From a window up high I can hear the rain Drumming down Grey Sloshing through streets and Ruining leather shoes
Children scream in delight And scatter Running with their school bags or jackets Up over their heads Some not even bothering No umbrellas Revelling in their drenched clothes Water dripping down their noses
And I think about how It happens one day - You start to step over puddles Instead of jumping in them
The sky spilled sadness Into paper cups And lilac clouds Soaked up the dreams Of a thousand grey print press people With their coffee stained sleeves keyboard- click steps And lack of imaginations
Are your words Floating Up through your skin Silky charcoal Ink tattoos Essays written across your palms Are sentences snaked Between Your fingers Each soft hot whisper Wrapped Round your neck