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Mar 2023 · 1.8k
a tainted memory
Nathalie Hill Mar 2023
i never thought remembering
would burn this much, nor that it would consume my sleep at night.
I remember how happy and sentimental
cute clingy songs made me feel, because my pathetic heart felt every lyric.
I now find myself skipping those songs because they remind me the pain of you. That last taste of your lips that used to give me comfort, but none of it was real. How could you sit there, look me in my teared up eyes and lie to my face? I wonder how many times you touched me, kissed me knowing **** well you did not love me anymore, these questions torment me on my daily basis. Therefore I keep myself busy to distract my thoughts from you,
I can heal all i want, but how do i get this feeling of betrayal off my skin? I find it very ironic how you used to blame me for the sins you were comitting. Broken promises and blood spilling, but you're perfectly fine.
That's such a *******.
These memories became a wound on my soul and you my stabber but i gave you the dagger, i regret you all the time. We became a tainted memory id like to fully erase from my being.
Jan 2023 · 1.1k
wounds of the unloved
Nathalie Hill Jan 2023
I find myself hiding
under my bed sheets,
every corner of my room haunts me.
The alcohol on my breath worries my mother.
The aroma of your cologne
remains impregnated on the sweater
I wore the last time I saw you .
I hate you even though I miss you through my teeth
and even though this feeling consumes me,
I regret you all the time.
Leaving tore me apart, but realizing you’d already abandoned us stinged even more. No matter how tiring my days were, I would always seek out that street corner, where your words first wrapped me with love. But now, the sight of it from across the street is a wound that refuses to heal.
I expressed out the fear that loving you caused me, due the damage I had already lived through and even so you continued to do me the same damage
I drown seeking answers for the endless doubts that you left me.
I lose myself in a glass of wine, chasing the ghost of our first kiss.
Did you ever thought of me? Or did your narcissism get the better of you once again?
probably my most personal poem yet.
Jan 2023 · 174
im tired
Nathalie Hill Jan 2023
its a never ending cycle,
loss after loss. Im tired of my friends
telling me that time heals, i know it does
but for a moment i just want to stop healing, breaking.
i keep breaking myself over and over, im tired.
Tired of healing, tired of breaking,
tired of giving my all and  receive nothing but sorrow.
When will I get off this labyrinth of suffering im trapped in?
Jan 2023 · 1.3k
pathological lies
Nathalie Hill Jan 2023
you used to tell me how much you
liked my eyes and sight, just to end
up making them sore and lose their brightness.

you said you had no intentions of hurting me
but here am i, crying till im out of breath.

you said you loved me and that i made you
happy, but you still left me for her.
So tell me, how am i suppose to trust
and love another human being when none of
it was real...
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
words from a rotten soul...
Nathalie Hill Apr 2022
she is lost but she does not crave to be found.
her world went quiet but she accepted it cause in some sick and destructive way it brought her peace and she felt safe in her own madness.
And although her days are full of tears and anguish... she cant picture herself ever getting out of this labyrinth of suffering she trapped herself in.
this is her silent punishment.
Jun 2021 · 684
Pathetic little me.
Nathalie Hill Jun 2021
Somehow hope still lingers through my soul.
Time has broken me in ways that i sometimes wonder how I'm still standing?
But that little hope that keeps me sane ironically has a first and last name.
Aint it pathetic how my sanity depends on the person who unintentionally keeps breaking me? Aint it pathetic how he is having the happiest days while im here patiently waiting for his comeback although i deep down know that day is not anywhere near this present. Pathetic little me right?
May 2021 · 346
Nathalie Hill May 2021
i hate how often my brain and heart are in a constant battle over that old love i deep down know i would never be capable of forgetting .
my heart keeps telling me i have to try again when in the other side my brain knows its a catastrophic idea and it would hurt more than not trying.
But my heart only tells me what my consieuse wants and my brain tells me whats best for my mental stability.
i really have no idea who am i suppose to listen
Apr 2021 · 357
Smoking your memory.
Nathalie Hill Apr 2021
I will light up a cigarette and smoke your memory.
As I inhale I will savor your minty flavor for the very last time then,
i'll exhale all the love I feel towards you.
I will throw you out like you did with me in that April night.
smoking memories goodbyes april nights love separation nostalgia past
Apr 2021 · 375
Nathalie Hill Apr 2021
two words,
less than 30 seconds
and a gloomy evening
is all it took
to corrupt my soul.
lost lament nostalgia grief sadness
Mar 2021 · 425
the fakeness in her smile
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
i am both beauty and destruction,
I know how to love but not how to be loved.
i've felt pain in all its forms and yet
i still try my best to put on
a fake smile.
Mar 2021 · 897
desiring your love...
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
loneliness, anguish and fear,
is all you made her feel.
all she wanted was to feel loved,
to feel loved by you....
Mar 2021 · 370
Lost Souls.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
We are lost souls
tired of trying
tired of being alone.

We are lost souls
who want someone to save us
and looking something ; someone
to hold onto.
Mar 2021 · 506
Small steps to my happiness
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
i want to pretend i dont care,
that watching you be happy with someone else doesnt makes my heart shatter.
Call me selfish but i wish you were not
because maybe in that way you would come back to me, to us.
But then reality hits me
and its that you are there with her
and im here trying to find you in another person.

Overcoming the pain your absence left
has been a challenge but eventually i started doing it.
My days have become bright, i can see far away a tiny light at the end of my tunnel. Its gonna take me time to get there but at least
now the impossible seems more possible.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
i lay on my bed
writting poems, writting our lasts moments of love,
our memories.
Remembering myself why i fell in love with you
and why you're so worthy of every tear that has come through
my eyes.

I hope someday far away from this present your soul and mine
could connect the same way it once did.
In the meantime, may our souls be apart from each other.
For your good and for my bad.
This is a poem i wrote about my bestfriend who turns out to be the boy i fell in love with but we didnt work out because of a bad timing and a lack of comittment from his part.
Mar 2021 · 5.6k
Dear Chaser,
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
dear chaser,
you had only one goal and yet you failed,
after all the chasing, how could you
leave so easily?
Mar 2021 · 494
Lost but never found.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
I no longer recognize my own reflection in the mirror,
the me from before is gradually fading.
I am afraid of disappearing,
that my memory will be forgotten and buried in the past.
I'm lost but never found,
I lost myself crying over the past.
This is my silent punishment...
Mar 2021 · 884
She's trying...
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
in the bottom of her heart
She knew she would always be in love with him.
their memories will always haunt her
despite how much she tries to erase his memory.
He was her one true love.
Mar 2021 · 271
Our Last Winter.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
i remember our last winter,
where flowers bloomed instead of dying,
as our love

You holded my trembling hands
while they were freezing and kissed them with your soft pink lips.

You warmed my body with just one look
and  made my heart beat too fast.
I miss the feeling of our las winter,
i miss your warmth and our little flower.

— The End —