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Monique Pereda Dec 2014
To be able to breathe
After a long time of holding it


To fill your lungs with air
Letting it reach the farthest parts of your body

To laugh
And not suppress it even a bit

To desire
As a child does

To be in awe of nature
Like a blind who sees

To write a poem
Allowing words to drown your heart

To be given a lasting joy
By a crippled man with a big smile

To long for an adventure
Letting youthful vigor take over

To not be afraid of change
Knowing it is natural

To enjoy things
As simple as the cold wind that touches your face

To appreciate
Even the most common things

To share
And share..and share...and share

To love with all your heart
Without asking anything in return
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
Memories and thoughts
That bring about pain
About someone you cherished
And cherished you the same

A friend to talk to
Is much needed
But you know that
It would be but a momentary relief

It continues...
And makes the time go slow
The air goes colder
And all sounds go louder
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
I want to write
My own love story
But I know
That I will never be
A good writer
For I always fail
So, please, do the writing
And let me be the reader
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
I long to see You
Yes, I've been waiting for so long
To spend eternity with You
My Lover

Everyday my heart aches
For the thought of finally
Spending each second
Uttering words of Love

I desire a time
When I can only hear Your voice
Of great comfort
Of authentic wholeness

All the noise that this world has
Will fade
And Your serenade of Love
Will forever resound

On that day
Nothing will ever be more pleasurable
Than singing songs
For my Lover

And You will
Wipe the tears from my eyes
No more pain
No more heartaches

Or maybe I would cry a lot first
I'll cry for days
Because of total happiness
Caused by Your mere presence

You would tell me
That I am forever beautiful
And You would be forever
In deep Love for me

I will sing my heart out
Caring for nothing
Eyes only on You
My Lover

On that day
I will experience Your passion for me
And we will be united
I will be perfected by Your unending Love

You would ask me to dance
And I will be forever swept away off my feet
Your eyes only on me
Captivated by my beauty
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
To face life's challenges
With no one beside you

To struggle to maturity
With no one to give a pat on the back

To let go of people you loved
With no one to give you a hug

To feel so all alone
With no one who'll take time to listen

To shed tears by yourself
With no one to shed it with

To tell yourself "I'm fine"
With no one to say "are you sure?"

To try forgetting your sorrows
With a pain that lingers

To run from your fears
With no one to show care

To keep silent...
When all you wanted is to scream your heart out!
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
You are words
Waiting to be read
You don't know
What mysteries you posses

You are a sound
Waiting to be heard
You have your own share
Of music to the world

You can put up a smile
And make an illusion that you are fine
You can show so much
And regret what you offered

You can give
And leave nothing left
You can keep
And let silence define you

You must breathe
Fill your lungs with beauty
You can cry
Till someone hears you

You can be you
Or can be she or him
You must fight
What this world dictates
Monique Pereda Dec 2014
Learning to let go
Of someone you long for
Is like an amputation
Of a part of your body
Or choosing little deaths
Every day

Learning to let go
Of someone you desire
Is as the loss of capability
Of your tastebuds
To taste food
Every day

Learning to let go
Of someone you want
Is the same as taking away
The Sun and Rain
To a growing flower
Every day

Learning to let go
Of someone you love
Is like the sight
Of a Rainbow after a storm
Bringing hope
Every day
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