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Silver Lining Jan 2015
I throw up until my head feels like it's not there but I can still taste your **** mouth.
Silver Lining Dec 2013
Curled up in a ball

You try to be so small

Trying to hide so the voices can't find you

But they start up, right on que

Lay your head down, and go to sleep

But tonight you won't be counting sheep

Count your flaws, stay up until your done

Mark them all down, one by one

Such a beautiful child you were suppose to be

But then came the pressures of society
Silver Lining Nov 2013
A poem a day
Keeps myself away.
Silver Lining Apr 2014
And that night
The forbidden line was crossed
Silver Lining Apr 2014
That forbidden line
Had become a devilish

It's so hard to come back across
It's pathetic
Devilish line
Lies foretold
No- not lies
Truths with a twist of what they
Want to hear
Give it to them
With a twist
Rotten. Rotten
Once- I was small and I didn't care
But that time has long since past
Now I'm grown- but I'm smaller
Than ever.
Silver Lining Jun 2014
Sometimes I just feel really sad.
               And I don't know why.
Silver Lining Dec 2015
I'm down here drowning and you're throwing water at me because you think I'm partched.

Listen to me, please.
Silver Lining Aug 2015
I get so confused when I think
because I'm so hungry but I
about recovery. Sometimes I want
don't want to eat, or because
it so badly, and other times
I ate and I wasn't suppose to an once
I do not fight the urges at
I get inside I know I have to
all. I use to limit myself to
get rid of it all. Have to. Some
certain times and specific places.
nights it's me kneeling on the
Obviously we went past that line
bathroom floor, rocking back and forth
ages ago. Sorry. I want to be
holding my head in my hands
normal so badly. I don't like
because I'm trying to silence the
having anxiety that makes me
voice screaming insults and telling
Shake after I eat. I don't like
me to do what I hate doing.
not feeling safe in my house
Maybe I don't hate it as much
to the point that I just sit
as I'd like to say. I've lost weight
in my car for hours before
and I love that more than I hate
finally entering. It's always
the burn of acid and empty ache.
different too. Sometimes it's
Silver Lining Apr 2014
It's odd, isn't it? How much you miss the feeling. You miss the rumble and the noises. The applause of your insides. Such a pain others avoid- yet here you am craving it once more.
Don't worry- It'll come.
Today was your last.
Tomorrow you're done.
A personal.
Silver Lining Mar 2013
I remember jumping into my bed at night
In fear of the monsters beneath
I never knew what they looked like
But they had a voice
There were two of them
They would bully eachother
And blame eachother for not catching me that night

Every child had a monster under their bed
But where did they come from?
We never knew
We  only knew that they were there.

Have you ever thought that maybe we put the monsters there ourselves?
That they were left over guilt and lies
Maybe we took the monster from inside us and placed it there to hide from the world
But in doing so we only taunted ourselves more.
If we can get ride of those monsters can we finally sleep?
Silver Lining Sep 2014
willow tree standing proud and strong  branches flowing in the wind as if dancing to nature's song.

it's serene to watch, listen and truly see. we are but a small part, you and me.

oceans formed over days, weeks, years. their deepest points holding your darkest fears.

willow cracks and salty water lulling me to sleep. hush hush little baby, not even a peep.
Silver Lining Mar 2013
It was springtime, I remember this now.
We sat singing under the orange tree.
Some of the blossoms softly falling down.
We let them rest on our arms and faces.
The smell in the air as sweet as sugar.

Our reality frays at the seams.
Blending it with our perfect dreams.
Stars fall as we lie beneath our big sky,
from the big world. Time set in stone.
You can not erase time, so why wonder?

We sing of possibilities wasted.
Of times that we wish we could change.
Why should we wish on things that have been?
As we dream and wish, time pasts, flying by.
Our laughs run together with our tears.

Our voices grow tired. We sing softly.
The sweet citrus fills the air once more
we come and go to the smell this sweet scent.
Slowly we fall into a deep slumber.
The time comes when we can walk away.
Silver Lining Aug 2014
Bruises left on my body
A footprint of your words.
Silver Lining May 2014
You can tell
When something comes
From the heart
And when it comes
From the *soul
Silver Lining Dec 2015
You are powerful.

You are created by the same matter that makes up the stars that shine so bright, you can see them from billions of miles away.

Your breath is carried away by the same wind that took a seed and blew it somewhere new, for it to grow into a strong oak tree.

You are powerful.

You are created by the same matter that makes up the great redwoods who have stood for hundreds of years, through storm after storm.

Your breath is carried away by the same winds that push windmills to supply cities with electricity.

You are powerful.

You are created to radiate what you're made of, not reflect your surroundings.

Your worth is endless, and your power vast.
Do not let the world drain that out of you.
Everyone is powerful, don't be afraid to show your strength.
Silver Lining Nov 2013
This little razor
Is like an eraser

It wipes my mind clean.

A new pallet.
Room for a new dream
Silver Lining Feb 2014
This was the one thing
One thing you forbade yourself from
Promises wasted
Look at you now-
Blotchy faced
Red knuckled
Stained cheeks
Are you happy now?
Because I sure as hell am not.

— The End —