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Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
I was standing in front of you.
You taller than me.
I was looking down.

"If you're not happy, you can leave."

And on these words, my mind became numb.
And I pictured us:

You and I
Far from each other
In a wide room surrounded by big windows
And I'm walking away from you
And my heart took a sudden leap out of my chest towards you
And it kept pulling to the point where I couldn't walk anymore
And I was yelling my lungs out at it but it wouldn't listen
And I was pulling it back to me but it kept going towards you just like nickels go to magnets
And you stood there watching me fight with myself
Not coming to help
Neither leaving to help also

"Say something."

I look up to see you
My eyes swollen and my heart trying to find its way to you out of my chest.
I clear my throat and sigh.
Only then you hug me.
And I let you, knowing that, one day, I will be strong enough to pull my heart into my chest and leave you looking at a wide empty room while the light leaks through the big windows to cover the red tiles of the floor on which you are standing.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
علّقت الشّرشف على الحيط
و الشّرشف كبير و قَعَدِت نسمة الصّيْفيّة تلعبلو بطرفو
و أنا كنت لابسي فستان عْلي ورود و إنت كنت لابس قميص بيضاء و بنطالون بني
و أنا عم بركض و إنت لاحقني
متل الأولاد الصغار
و شفت الشّرشف عم بيِعْلى طَرَفو عن الحيط
فركضت أسرع و مسِكتو و تخبّيت ورا
و ما بلاقي غير طار و إنت صرت تحتو
إيديك مش مكَفيِينَك لتغمرني
و أنا حالي مش مكفّيني لعَلْقَك بين إيدَيّي و بَوْسَك
و وطي الشّرشف علينا و خبّى أجسامنا اللّي عم بتِلْتَف على بعضها
و ما بقي غير ريحة الشّرشف لتخَبّر عن أفعالنا

You hung the sheet on the wall
And the sheet was big and the summer breeze kept swaying its end off the wall
And I was wearing a floral dress and you were wearing a white shirt and brown pants
I was running and you were following me
Just like kids do
And I saw the end of the sheet rising off the wall
So I ran faster to grab it and hid behind it
And I saw nothing but the sheet flying and you appearing under it
You not having enough hands to embrace me
And I not having enough of myself to get a hold of you and fill you with my kisses
And the sheet fell back on us, and hid our bodies that were wrapping around each other
And only the smell of the sheet was left to tell about our doings

لين اا -
.لإنّو إيّام, بِكْرَهَك هَلْقَد
Because sometimes, I hate you so.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
إجا الربيع
الورود بعدها شي إنها شايفي ضو الشمس
و عم بت واسيلي إجرَيّي
و الفراشات ليك وَينون عم بيلعبو
و عم ب حورو و يدورو حوالي إيدينا ت يفلتُوون
و إنت بتروح بتلحقهم
لأنو بالنهاية ما في غير هل فراشات ت يرَجْعوك عل بيت قبل ما تغيب الشمس ب كعب الوادي

It's spring
The flowers are still young
And they would caress my feet
The butterflies are out there playing
And they would come play around our hands to detach them
And you would follow them
Because eventually the butterflies are the ones that would take you home before the sun sets down over the hill

لين اا -
- LynnAA
بقدم لك وردة, عبارة عن رقت قلب
I offer you a flower, a symbol of softness.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
كاس واحد و ألحان عربية
و خصري عم بميل يمين و شمال
و فستاني عم بيِعْلى عن فخذي
و شعري القصير عم بجرّب يطال كتافي
و إيدايي متل الموج بالصيف، بياخدوك و بجيبوك ع رواق
و ما شفتك غير واقف قدّامي
عيونك ضايعين ب خَصري
و بَسمتَك ضايعة بين فخاذي
و ما قدرت ما قرّب رَقْصك
و التَفِّت إيدي حول رَقبتَك
و تْمَلَّك جسمي جسمك
و الموسيقى الشرقية بلَّشِت تختفي
بس أنا خصري بقي يهزّ على خصرك
و فستاني بقي يِعْلَى عن فخاذي و عَلَّق بين فخاذنا
و شعري القصير خبّى وجوهنا
و إيدايي صارو متل العِرْبَيْشِة, لافّين حوالي عكّاز و ما ب فَلْتو

One drink, and oriental beats
And my hips are swaying to the right then to the left
And my dress is uncovering my thighs
And my short hair is trying to touch my shoulders
And my arms are like summer waves - they sway you softly
And all of a sudden I see you standing there
Your eyes lost in my hips
And your smile lost in between my thighs
And I couldn't not take your hand and dance with you
And my arms got locked around your neck
And my body owned your body
And the oriental beat started to degenerate
But my hips kept swaying on your hips
And my dress kept uncovering my thighs, getting stuck in between our thighs
And my short hair hid our faces
And my arms became like an espalier tree - wrapped around a pole and wouldn't let it go

لين اا -
- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
و ركض لتحت الشجرة و قميصه مجعلك, صبّاطو موَحّل و بنطالونه واسع
بس ريحتو مثل الياسمين
عيناه بيِعْكسو نجوم درب التبانة كلها
و صوته موجة عالية بتوصل على الشّط و بتسَرْحِب رغوتها على الرملات ل توصل على إجريك

He ran towards the tree, his shirt rippled, his shoes muddy and his pants too big for him
But he smelled of Jasmine
His eyes were the home of the Milky Way
And his voice was like a high wave that hits the shore as its foam would run up the silky sand to softly touch your feet.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
بنصف البحر، أنا و إنت فلتو إيدينا
و عِلي الموج و قرّب صوبنا
طلعت رغوة بيضاء خبِّت لون جلدتك
و أوّل موجة وصلت علينا، عِلْيِت لفوق راسنا و وقفت
و ظلها خبّى ملامح وجهك
و بقيو إجرينا فلتانين ب مَيّ حامْيِتنا من حالها

In the middle of the sea, my hands and yours got detached
The tide grew high and came closer to us
The white foam covered the color of your skin
And the first wave that came towards us stopped right above our heads
Its shadow covered the traits of your face
And our feet were left free in a water that saved us from itself

لين ا ا -
- LynnAA
بين الموجات (٢) - عم ببتسملك عطول
Folded Waves (2) - I am always smiling at you

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
يا زهرة واقفة على سطح من سطوح بيروت، ريحتك متل الأفيون

You little flower planted on a rooftop in Beirut, you smell like *****

لين اا -
- LynnAA
You are cancer and delirium.

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