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Mar 9 · 49
Standing at the footbridge I kept watch each night,
My lantern raised high, casting its brilliant light;
I helped him pass safely, one side to the other,
Then watched as he ran to the arms of another

Now my lantern is cold, no flames burning bright,
No more do I search for those lost in the night;
Next to the hearth, on pillows strewn o'er the floor,
I sip wine with wanderers who knock at my door
Feb 24 · 64
Be The Answer
Many were the hours my head was bowed,
Supplicating mindless deities;
(With what foolish thoughts man is endowed!
But  . . . we pick and choose our liberties)

Then I had a most disturbing dream . . .
I saw mountains of unanswered prayer,
Mankind's tears formed an eternal stream,
While the dust of dead gods filled the air

And amidst this turmoil and malaise
Stood the ruins of an empty throne
Where the ghosts of Folly sang their praise,
Paying homage to the Great Unknown

In a state of panic I awoke --
Was this vision my epiphany?
Perhaps Truth dons a deceitful cloak
To disguise the barbs of Reality?

Countless times these hands have clasped in prayer,
And to each prayer futile hope was pinned . . .
An imagined throne with no one there . . .
Endless litanies  . . . lost to the wind!

Yet, Hope's chrism courses through our veins
Every time we utter useless prayers;
If only all those passionate refrains
Were acknowledged by someone who cares!

Will you dare to heed this clarion call?
Ease the heart of someone in despair!
Kindly acts - although they may be small,
Just might be the answer to a prayer
Feb 14 · 60
The Pain Is There
A seed of love that never found
The hallowed path to fertile ground;
The fruitless tree, the orchard bare . . .
Although unseen, the pain is there

How sad the heart that stokes the bed
Of ashes from a love long dead;
Futile hope that a spark might flare . . .
How great the pain that's dwelling there

An outstretched hand that no one holds
As night's obsidian cloak unfolds;
Whispered low, a desperate prayer,
But no response . . . the pain's still there

As the tide leaves, you'll hear the shore
Cry out "O, please, come back once more!'
Desolation's so hard to bear . . .
Barren and bleak, yet pain thrives there

The widowed sparrow mourns her mate --
Brief happiness, betrayed by Fate;
A nest designed with tender care,
But not abandoned -- pain lives there

The loneliness of passing years
No longer prompts my wasted tears;
Too late we learn life is unfair,
Yet all the while, the pain is there
Feb 5 · 99
The Dreamer's Hour
When the sun waves farewell I'll keep my rendezvous
With Love, in a sanctum well-hidden from view;
To the Tower of Happiness together we'll climb,
It won't be long now . . . just a matter of time

After turning and tossing in anxious despair,
Sleep overtakes, and untamed joy fills the air;
For Love is the key that unlocks Heaven's door,
And O, what marvels will be ours to explore!

These breathtaking thoughts stir the depths of my soul,
And so to Love's edicts I relinquish control;
The real world dissolves when Love's born of a dream --
Lovers dictate the rules and fashion the scheme

While Love owns the night, not a word need be spoken.
But with dawn's first light the enchantment is broken;
As I watch the darkness quickly slipping away,
I implore the moon to persuade Night to stay

But their task has ended . . . there are rules to obey,
And I tremble to witness the first light of day;
Alone once again, roused from my fantasy
I pray: Take the night then, but let the dream be!

But I know that tonight when the stars fill the sky,
We'll meet in that Make-Believe land, Love and I,
For dreamers know the hour when to secretly stray
To their own magic realm, and love the night away!
Jan 22 · 97
As I gaze into Life's sea of tears
Mine is not the only reflection;
Many hearts loiter in darkened spheres,
Wandering with no sense of direction

So when heartache starts to overwhelm
(Consequence of Love's sly trickery)
I find respite in a phantom realm
Of ploys mimicking Love's ecstasy

Night may find me trekking paths unknown
With only the moon's glow to guide me;
Pity me not, thinking I walk alone . . .
My shadow's always close beside me

In a bottle I place love letters,
Then I cast them to the restless sea;
Wretchedness frees me of its fetters
When the tide brings those words back to me

I shout "I love you" to the distant hills,
Then listen for my echo's return;
I stand in awe as Hope's chalice spills
Forth that vow for which lonely hearts yearn

I'll admit, these are weird strategies,
So why do I use them? you may ask;
Desperate hearts seek desperate remedies . . .
Love's indifference groomed me for this task!
Jan 7 · 76
I Am Life
With the first breath that you draw
I'm there to take control;
Servant to a higher law
I'm dealt a daunting role

I am Life! My cosmic dust
Now courses through your veins;
**** and curse me,  if you must . . .
You're now bound by Earth's chains

I know of your strengths and flaws,
Your notions, good and vile;
For each tear I know the cause,
And all that makes you smile

I'm the one who tolls the bell,
Inviting you to prayer
When the pain you bravely quell
Is more than you can bear

When I give you cause to grieve,
What scorn you bring to me;
Yet, when I threaten to leave,
O, how you cling to me!

When love's absence dims your eyes
And causes tears to pour,
Please know that I empathize,
But I can do no more

I'm  bound to a charted course -
Not of my own design;
Someday you'll join that same Force,
But right now, you're all mine

Though my methods may be spurned
And known to trigger strife,
This is how lessons are learned
In classrooms taught by Life

I'll be told when to collect
The total debt you owe;
(There's a harvest to expect
From every seed you sow)

And when your account comes due
I'll siphon your last breath,
Then safely deliver you . . .
Into the arms of Death
Dec 2024 · 127
Welcome To My World
Lorraine Colon Dec 2024
How nice of you to come visit me,
I wondered who was at the door.
Rarely does anyone come to call,
So please, pardon the dreary decor

Of course, there are cherished memories
That answer to my beck and call;
Some make me smile, while others bring tears --
You may wonder why I keep them all

Well, memories reflect reality --
Long ago, Hope's idle dreams fled;
I haven't seen or heard from them since
(I'm beginning to think they're all dead)

But I'll not go searching for lost dreams,
Nor on their return will I dwell,
For dreams are precarious footpaths
That can lead us to heaven . . . or hell

Fate writes the script for Life's theater,
And assigns our last curtain call;
Foolishly, I thought I was in charge . . .
Now I laugh as I roam Memory's Hall

There are times I draw back the curtains
Just to see what goes on out there;
But your world is no better than mine,
With its endless turmoil and despair

I like to think I've found asylum
In a world so devious and cruel,
Then Fate laughs and scornfully taunts me . . .
It's true, there's no fool like an old fool

But solitude offers safe harbor--
Yes, my flag of surrender's unfurled!
Please, leave if I cause you discomfort ---
But if you stay . . . . .  welcome to my world
Dec 2024 · 99
At End of Day
Lorraine Colon Dec 2024
Each night while awaiting sleep's ******,
Thoughts emerge from their darkened lair
To walk the shores of eternal hope,
Only to sink in seas of despair

How often I've searched for Love's footprints --
An effort my heart must find droll;
Have winds of Time carelessly plundered
All memories of Love from Life's scroll?

To recall just one brief encounter
That somehow escaped memory
Would bring such joy to my dismal world --
To know someone once cared for me

A faint voice echoing  "I love you"
Would more than suffice to repair
These tattered wings that once ferried hope . . .
But alas! the heart's chamber is bare

And so I appeal to sleep's mercy
As I lie upon this lonely bed:
Carry me swiftly beneath thy wing
To a realm where heartaches dare not tread

Then all of my senses surrender
As I welcome night's peaceful repose,
And tear-moistened lips softly murmur:
Please, let this day come to a close!
Dec 2024 · 161
The One
Lorraine Colon Dec 2024
Tonight I'll pour my favorite wine,  
Then set the hearth's kindling ablaze;
Countless hours will be spent pondering
The past's carefree and  blissful days

There I am!  a girl of just twenty,
With nimble step and flying hair;
Searching for love, I was confident --
As for suitors, I had my fair share

Flowers and flattery and romance
Would frequently call at my door;
Youthful days filled with Love's promise . . .
Even Heaven could offer no more!

The men were handsome, witty and fun,
Showing utmost propriety;
Strangely, I turned my back to them all --
Not one stirred Love's passion in me

But Time paid no heed to my folly,
And one by one my dreams went astray;
The shining rays of hope had grown dim --
Too often I'd turned Love away

Now each night my heart reprimands me,
Repeating "O, what have you done?"
Mistrust and indecision be ******!
I curse, and then cry for The One  

Now I watch the sun slowly descending
Deep into the Sea of Remorse;
Have I been condemned to this anguish,
Or might Fate kindly alter its course?

But the flames of hope turn to embers
As I sit alone sipping my wine,
I know somewhere there's a lonely man . . .
The One who should have been mine!
Nov 2024 · 115
Lorraine Colon Nov 2024
I provide calm after you rile the storm,
You stir the hornets, while I fight the swarm

You curse the darkness - I kindle the flame,
And should you stumble,  you say I'm to blame

A song sung by two must have harmony,                                                  
But you think my songs are always off-key;

Try as I may to meet your every need,
No feast I prepare can appease your greed

How can we survive rough seas and fierce gales
In a boat with split masts and tattered sails?

Well, change is coming, and I'll not pretend
That I'm sad to see this fiasco end

And I see glory in the coming days --
A new horizon is flaunting  its rays;

This game is over,  I'll not be the pawn.
You are insufferable  . . .  and I am gone!
Nov 2024 · 117
If Love Should Beckon To Me
Lorraine Colon Nov 2024
Too long I've implored Love's ministry,
Too long grim silence has reigned;
If Love would only beckon to me
No bonds could keep me constrained

What foolishness might I contemplate,
Deeming it necessity?
Through weeds and thorns, barefoot I would run,
If Love should beckon to me

Ignoring the rules of Good Judgment,
And placing my trust in Chance,
I'd fly to Love, bounding all hurdles,
With nary a backward glance

So weary am I of solitude,
So bereft of joy and hope;
Time has carried all my dreams of Love
To realms far beyond my heart's scope

But I've heard that Love can resurrect
A dream lying cold in its grave;
And so I cling to that beacon of hope,
Despite all the tears that I gave

I want to feel the euphoria
Of falling under Love's spell;
(Pay no heed to the years that I wear --
Youth had its own tales to tell)

Yes, at times Love can seem indifferent --
Cruel and willfully cunning;
But I'll be neither judge nor jury . . .
Should Love beckon, I'll come running!
Nov 2024 · 174
The Lady In The Portrait
Lorraine Colon Nov 2024
A sweet  smile greets all who meet her,
With no hint of the pain concealed;
But her poems paint a self-portrait,
Where the truth is boldly revealed

Each word that her pen releases
Is a fateful stroke of the brush:
Sunlit paths that led to dark places,
The brief joys that Fate chose to crush

Sad tales are etched with precision
Upon this warped canvas of Time,
Describing the heartaches that linger,
Urging her to cloak them in rhyme

Are lonely days not distressing
Enough  for this painter of verse?
And yet night deprives her of slumber,
As memories refuse to disperse

But pity offers no solace --  
Fate's cruelty has taken its toll,
Leaving her to walk this Earth alone
With weary heart and blighted soul

Playing Life's dubious Game of Love
She was nothing more than a pawn;
Well does she know her fate has been sealed . . .
Long ago her portrait was drawn
Oct 2024 · 70
No Self-Control
Lorraine Colon Oct 2024
I'm staring at a blank sheet of paper
     on the desk in front of me,  
It's just begging to embrace a new poem,
     but I have this theory:
I'll prove I'm stronger than this silly urge
     to be seduced by a rhyme;
I'll not surrender to such balderdash,
     my self-control is sublime;
A smug little smile creeps over my face --
     but O, how the urge beckons . . .
O, Lord, I must write!  Self-control be ******!
Well, that took all of ten seconds
Just a bit of humor - although writing can be compelling
Oct 2024 · 267
Lorraine Colon Oct 2024
They say 'tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have known love at all;
They have no clue what this sampling may cost . . .
Love can cause empires to rise and fall!
A heart, once content, becomes tempest-tossed,
Each little cloudburst feels like a squall;
I'd rather my lonely sea not be crossed ---
My heart won't be a fickle love's port of call!
Oct 2024 · 117
I Find No Joy
Lorraine Colon Oct 2024
The sun arose, its duties to uphold  
In its usual, resplendent style.
While flaunting its rays of orange and gold,  
Proudly it rose, with an unsettling guile.  
But I wasn't moved by this garish display,  
For I find no joy since love went away  

And why does the moon glimmer so brightly?
The sun and moon --- a heartless duet!
I find their demonstrations unsightly,
A disgraceful breach of etiquette;
Such indifference causes me agony,
For I find no joy since Love turned from me

Just listen to those warblers in that tree--
Their once-welcomed songs lack appeal;
How dare they sing amidst my misery . . .
How can my broken heart hope to heal?
O, forgive my tone so doleful and wry,
But I find no joy since Love said good-bye

Come, Love, fly homeward to my heart once more --
Heal the dying dreams of yesterday;
Don't leave me standing alone on Life's shore --
(I'd rather the tide swept me away!)
Even Angels in their heavenly lair
If bereft of Love would flee in  despair!
But life marches on the same as before --
And the Earth still orbits the sun,
And each day my heart breaks a little more
Facing solitude when day is done;
Though fearing derision, I'll not be coy . . .
To live without Love is to live without joy!
Sep 2024 · 125
The Love Thief
Lorraine Colon Sep 2024
I finally have to admit it,
Though it brings a mountain of grief,
Despite his look of innocence,
The man that I love is a thief!

It all began when first we met ---
To my surprise he stole my heart;
But the man cannot help himself . . .
He's cunningly skilled in this art

In daylight hours or dark of night
His boldness astonishes me!
He'll steal a kiss, then take my love . . .
(I'm in awe of his strategy)

While whispering sweet things in my ear
He then steals my will to resist;
And when he leaves I'm robbed of peace ---
(In his absence, threats still exist)

My dearest thief, please be assured,
There is no need to steal from me;
Simply ask me for what you want . . .
I'll give it to you willingly!
Sep 2024 · 430
So Close
Lorraine Colon Sep 2024
My heart throbbed with Love's expectations
As he pressed his lips to my ear;
Passion's voice eagerly whispered
Forbidden words I longed to hear

Each kiss evoked thrills beyond measure ---
How they left me gasping for air;
But, O, when his face rested on mine
And his fingers tangled my hair!

So warm was his breath and his sighing,
Like the embers of passion's fire;
Then a gentle stroke of his hand
Ignited the flames of desire

I smiled as he struggled to tell me
What his eyes so clearly revealed;
But no words had to be spoken --
The fate of our love had been sealed

So close was the blissful surrender,
I could feel the beats of his heart;
So close to ecstasy  . . .  and then,
Suddenly, it all fell apart!

The warbling of a bird awoke me,
Then my eyes caught the sun's first beam;
So close had I come to Heaven . . .
But it was no more than a  dream
Sep 2024 · 195
A Common Link
Lorraine Colon Sep 2024
I heard the cries of his broken heart --
How it begged for the pain to cease!
So compelling was its lament,
I tenderly gathered each piece

The moon glowed with a pale radiance
As he revealed his doleful plight:
The scornful deceit of a woman
Caused hope and trust to take flight

Each word he spoke flew like a dagger,
Piercing my heart mercilessly;
My own despair, caused by cruel deceit,
Was a blight on Love's memory

In our pain we found a common link --
Hearts doomed to deceit's damnation;
But Fate's course was soon to be altered . . .
O, sweet joy of liberation!

Unhappy memories flew from our hearts
As if on the wings of a dove;
And deceitful lies melted like snow
Upon the sacred fires of our love

Now a joyous dawn greets us each day,
Pain and woe are in full retreat;
On this twisted, rocky path called Life
True Love's radiance now guides our feet
Aug 2024 · 241
Lorraine Colon Aug 2024
Don't idly sing love songs to the wind ---
A troubled heart might be lurking near;
What a loathsome task to have to rescind
Loving words it was not meant to hear

Tread with caution, lest you wake the beast
That's held captive in some desperate heart;
When from its ******* Hope has been released,
It becomes fair game for Cupid's dart

Crumbs of Love that are carelessly tossed
Might be hungrily devoured in haste;
Once that bridge to Paradise has been crossed,
O, what pain when steps must be retraced!

Use due caution before you declare
Unwavering love to a distraught heart;
Deceitful words, though delivered with flair,
Carry the sting of a poisoned dart

Words of love are messengers of Hope
That allow earthbound hearts to take flight;
But lies and deceit weave the fatal rope
That binds lonely hearts to their sad plight
Aug 2024 · 217
Lorraine Colon Aug 2024
Our winter sun has set ---
The days grow shorter now;
The love that we share brings not one regret,
And so I make this vow:

I shall remember you
When through that dark abyss
I journey alone, as we all must do,
When doomed by Death's vile kiss

And when you've reached Death's shore,
Marooned by Life's fierce tide,
I'll search for you, and mournfully implore
Quick passage to your side

My cries will resonate
Throughout Eternity,
And if there be a Divine Magistrate,
I'll beg on bended knee

And as I seek your hand
In realms extraordinaire,
What joy will be mine in that foreign land
To find you waiting there

Death's mandates may be stern
But Love need not obey,
For Love defies Death, showing no concern
For Life's sad yesterday

And we'll not flinch at chance,
Nor will despair dictate;
In this realm of eternal circumstance
Love has no fear of Fate

And how we shall rejoice
When our souls reunite
To bear witness to and vow with one voice
The Love that Death could not smite!
Jul 2024 · 207
Lorraine Colon Jul 2024
Somehow you wandered into my world ---
I don't know how you found your way!
The path was unmarked and overgrown,
No welcome signs were on display

I kept my door locked, and curtains drawn,
No light streamed from the window pane;
And yet, you dared to knock at my door
And enter my dreary domain

But now that you're here I realize
How wretched loneliness can be;
And I give thanks to the Star of Love
That guided your footsteps to me

Ponderous stones of distrust and fear
Weighed on my heart many a day;
Somehow you trampled those stones to dust,
And Love gently blew them away

Winds of despair extinguished Love's fire,
But somehow you relit the flame;
Now I find myself reaching for dreams
I never thought I could reclaim

Yes, dark clouds still gather overhead ---
Life must pander to misery;
But since you wandered into my world . . .
Somehow, it doesn't matter to me
Jun 2024 · 528
My Shelter From The Storm
Lorraine Colon Jun 2024
When Life's darkest clouds gather over me,
I seek shelter from impending storms;
Curtains are drawn closed, all the doors secured ---
And soon Life's grotesque profile transforms

Darkness spreads its arms like a faithful friend,
Offering comfort and asylum here;
(I'd rather not see what lurks in the light --
What we can't see we tend not to fear)

In my solitude, peace and harmony
Join to banish thoughts of bitterness;
Soon yesterday's pains fade and slip away ---
Precious gift of sweet Forgetfulness!

And should the anguish prove unbearable
My beleaguered soul succumbs to prayer;
Please, don't pity me . . . I've been here before . . .
Misery always seeks its darkest lair

But I find that Time, with its healing hands
Soothes and calms the tempests of the mind,
And from my shelter I emerge, renewed,
Leaving Life's most loathsome hours behind
Jun 2024 · 282
Lorraine Colon Jun 2024
Soon I'll set sail for an unknown shore,
So I've rigged the mast as best I could,
My destination's a mystery . . .
And I fear -- maybe more than I should

If turbulent waves capsize my boat
That would be the least of my fears,
For I've survived the vagaries of Love --
More than once I've drowned in my own tears

At times I've tripped on Love's tangled vines,  
So I'm not concerned I might fall;
Life's storms battered me relentlessly,
But I stood fast and weathered them all

Death may inflict nights as black as coal,
Freezing winds that could turn flames to ice;
But Life's fickle ways have tempered me
For just such reckless rolls of the dice

But who's to say what perils may lurk
In the darkness of Death's corridor;
Will peace prevail, or some unknown dread
When my eyes close and I breathe no more?

Knowing I must break my bond with Earth,
Just the notion shakes me to the core . . .
Taken from this world against my will,
Exiled from my home  . . . forevermore!
May 2024 · 316
Night Thoughts
Lorraine Colon May 2024
Nighttime grants imagination its wings
To soar far above the day's common things,
And as my lids gently veil weary eyes,
A voice in my head whispers lovely lies:

"Come, dear, make haste! This day's in retreat,
The hour of enchantment now lies at your feet;
Let your dreams run wild -- command what you will,
Sing passion's song!  .  .  .  though Love's own voice be still"

Whispered desires summon gentle hands
To caress and embrace, as love demands;
A warm breath turns into a searing kiss --
A seductive touch,  a moment of bliss

Each fantasy I conceive becomes real,
(These are the moments that Fate cannot steal;
Though flaunting its might, it has not the power
To slay these thoughts or vandalize this hour)

And so with golden threads of make-believe,
Romantic overtures are mine to weave;
Such love is mine till night opens the door
To the sun's first rays . . . . .  then love is no more
May 2024 · 226
The Birth Of A Poem
Lorraine Colon May 2024
Few are the times Love knocked at my door,
     but they've all escaped my memory;
No enchanting poems stirred in my core --
No grand tributes to Love's mystery

But when despair extinguishes hope's flame,
     what salient words drip from my pen;
It's then that my heart, wounded and lame,
     unveils its poetic acumen

Is this why misery commands free rein ---
     just to appease Fate's poetic lust?
The tyranny of anguish and pain
     gives hesitant verse that final ******

Try to visualize agony pent
     in the depths of a desolate heart;
Now sketch the face of that vile torment . . .
Soon the pain becomes a work of art

Too often deceitful hearts will lure
     trusting hearts, blinding them with false love;
Great is the anguish they must endure . . .
     but it's the poems that I'm thinking of!

Passion-filled verses mix and combine
     like the paints in a grand masterpiece
     when the shattered heart tries to confine
     rage and bitterness seeking release
And yet, Love that survives Fate's brutal shove ---
The fortress that refuses to fall ---
Those words that proclaim undying love
     become the grandest poems of all!
Apr 2024 · 314
The Value of Love
Lorraine Colon Apr 2024
As twilight's deep shadows were falling,
A spirit voice whispered in my ear
A message that I found most enthralling,
Which I'll now repeat for all to hear:

"Love is a treasure we must cherish
Above all else, lest it soon be lost
Among baubles and gemstones most garish,
And fool's gold that was not worth the cost

Unlike diamonds, Love does not glisten,
Yet what radiance beams from tear-filled eyes
As desolate hearts eagerly listen
To Love's gentle whisperings and sighs

Love is a divine commodity ---
Inexplicable is its power,
As baffling as an ancient mystery,
Bringing joy to each waking hour

Cling tightly to this treasure called Love ---
Unequaled is the bliss that it brings,
For its value is rated well above
All the gaudy wealth of queens and kings

If bejeweled fingers fill your glove,
Cast aside these trifling, worthless themes;
Set your sights on the riches forged from Love . . .
You'll know wealth beyond your wildest dreams"
Apr 2024 · 239
Lorraine Colon Apr 2024
Knowing that Life rides a stormy sea
And cloudbursts oftentimes overwhelm,
I'll rig the sails and face what may be . . .
If Love is standing guard at the helm

Fearlessly I'll walk Life's thorny path
In the dark of night or sunless day;
I'll grapple with Fate's relentless wrath . . .
If Love 's blessed radiance guides my way

And when despair grabs hold of my hand,
Gallantly I'll cry my share of tears
While waiting for storm clouds to disband . . .
If Love's at my side to calm my fears

When all seems lost and hope goes astray,
And my dreams lie withering on the vine,
I'll endure and rise above the fray . . .
If Love's hand is clinging fast to mine

When my spirit flees this mortal frame
And is summoned toward the dark unknown,
I'll fare well enough with memory's flame    . . .
If Love lingers when all else has flown
Mar 2024 · 316
Lorraine Colon Mar 2024
A seed of Love that never found
The hallowed path to fertile ground,
The fruitless trees, the orchard bare ---
Bitter pain of unanswered prayer

A tired heart, trampled by Love's feet
Dolefully yields in utter defeat;
No eyes gaze upon its despair.
Although unseen, the pain is there

An outstretched hand that no one holds
As night's obsidian cloak unfolds;
Mournful sobs permeate the air---
O, what pain! And no one to share

Hours of blissful happiness
Followed by guile's fatal caress;
Wretched pain of Love's sad farewell . . .
O, what stories the past could tell!

Though such reminiscing brings regret,
Still, the heart whispers "Never forget,"
And so to Love's treachery we're resigned,
And journey on  . . .  with pain close behind
Mar 2024 · 555
When My Garden Calls
Lorraine Colon Mar 2024
When a tree waves its green leafy hand,
Most don't notice, but I understand;
The swaying of a flower, the buzz of a bee . . .
That's how my garden beckons to me

The little blades of grass gently nod
As a worm pokes his head through the sod;
Cast blame if you will on my vanity,
But I'm certain he's looking for me

Now the wind wants to join in the game --
Spying a windchime, it takes careful aim;
Soon the air fills with a soft melody,
And I smile, knowing it's playing for me

I watch as the sun sweeps clouds away,
Showing off with such gaudy display;
But I must admit, the sun's victory
Causes the flowers to dance with glee

And I stand in awe amidst this scene
Of peace and beauty.  If I were a Queen
What nobler entitlement could there be
Than these treasures unfurled before me?

A warble suddenly hushes life's din,
And soon more feathered minstrels join in;
But such incidents are no mystery . . .
That's just my garden calling to me
Feb 2024 · 103
Red Ink
Lorraine Colon Feb 2024
My pen hovers over a blank page
As red ink drips from my wounded heart;
When bitter thoughts flow like Spring's melting snow,
A dark narrative soon fills the chart

O, please forgive the gray clouds that ensue,
But in my world sunny skies are rare;
And many a night I ponder my plight --
But no comforting words stir the air

When love's anguish cannot be constrained,
Then the heart must transcribe its lament;
Sad thoughts find release, bringing a strange peace
That's absent when heartache is pent

A bit of salt may blanket my words ---
Not of the sea and its restless tide
That comes and goes, free of all cares and woes --
But from tears these weary eyes have cried

How much must a heart invest in love
Before it receives a dividend?
Though it pays the toll, it can't reach its goal . . .
Too often, the signpost reads "Dead End"

I pray the Court of Love intervenes,
And this cruel decree be overturned!
Might there be one flower in this sunset hour
Yet to blossom  . . .  or has court adjourned?
Feb 2024 · 196
Nature Is My God
Lorraine Colon Feb 2024
I've no need to seek divine deity.
Seeing a glorious sunrise spread its light,
I bow in awe at this amazing feat -----
A solitary star vanquished the night.
O, the majesty of Nature's might!

And as the moon dims his silvery torch,
Feathered minstrels open sleepy eyes;
What choristers could sing a sweeter song?
(To mention angel choirs would be unwise ---
Never have their voices filled the skies)

Rainbow-hued flowers, their heads bending low
To the gentle stroking of a breeze,
Fill the air with a hypnotic scent
And the humming of delighted bees . . .
It is to such things I bend my knees

Then upward my eyes are suddenly drawn
To vaporous clouds drifting lazily,
And I ponder that enigmatic realm,
Hesitant to unfold its mystery.
(Could this be God's true identity?)

Crickets chirping, wolves baying at the moon,
From the pond, a frog croaks his opinion;
The ocean's roar, the Autumn woods ablaze ---
And over it all we have dominion.
And yet . . . I feel I'm Nature's minion

But if an elusive God is your choice,
I look upon you with  pitying eyes;
Marvels surround you, and yet you still seek
That obscure and silent, unresponsive prize . . .
An unseen God that common sense denies!
Feb 2024 · 177
When Love Calls
Lorraine Colon Feb 2024
I dared not hope to glimpse Heaven
Nor sit on Contentment's throne;
A darkened abyss was my domain
And Love's radiance unknown

There was no cause for dreams to stir
Or my senses to run wild;
The indifferent ebb and flow of Life
Left my weary heart beguiled

I preferred the grave to this fate,
But you rolled away the stone
And drew forth my cold exhausted breath,
Replacing it with your own

Quietly you opened the door
To my heart and entered in;
Your loving words, spoken faint and low
Spread joy where sorrow had been

Like the muted flutter of wings
That guide a bird to its mate
Came the gentle whisperings of Love,
Silencing the voice of Fate

And so this heart, dying in degrees
(Lifeless though it seemed to be)
Bounded with glee when it heard your voice . . .
At last!  Love had called to me!
Jan 2024 · 532
Lorraine Colon Jan 2024
Everchanging winds of discontent
Paint temptation an alluring hue;
Gilded words softly caress my ear --
O, what anxious impulses ensue!
But then something draws me back to you

Sweetest intimations tease my heart,
Drenching my thoughts like the morning's dew;
Invitations to romance entice . . .
Dare I venture down this avenue?
Certainly not!  let this thought pass through!

The flames of temptation stoke desires
That only fealty's promise can subdue;
But the embers must not be ignored --
If unguarded,  they'll blaze up anew
And soon unfaithfulness makes its debut

Lips that have been parched by burning sighs
Quiver when a fount comes into view;
How ardently I could quench my thirst,
How inviting this seductive brew . . .
But then something draws me back  to you

Temptation exudes such sweet perfume ---
How easily a vow can go askew;
But the door to my heart is secure,
And my conscience remains free of rue . . .
Your love's tender power binds me to you
Jan 2024 · 247
Speak To Me Of Love
Lorraine Colon Jan 2024
Just as the bee hums his serenade
To the rose blushing with wild delight,
Let soft murmurings flow from your lips --
Speak to me of Love . . . come thrill my night

Every spoken word becomes a flower
(Even Angels smile when you speak low;
Though divine, they cannot comprehend
How my garden blooms in winter's snow)

Love can transform time and circumstance,
Foster hope when mercy's spring runs dry;
Midst torrential rains the sun still shines,
Rainbows stretch across the midnight sky

Yet, when anguish takes aim at my heart,
Piercing it with grim accuracy,
How your words bestow Love's healing balm
Still remains a mystery to me!

How can words of Love possess such power?
When true love resides in the heart's core,
Then the words that flow are absolute,
And this pain-filled world exists no more

Carry me to that enchanted realm
Where we'll join the blessed throngs above;
I have no doubt that Heaven exists
When you whisper your sweet words of Love
Jan 2024 · 517
Made For Each Other
Lorraine Colon Jan 2024
Somewhere there's a man who walks alone,
Finding mercy in the  pounding rain;
What a clever way to hide his tears,
With devious deceit he masks his pain!
But the lonely do what they must do,
Casting aside Reason's guiding rein

So a woman walks down moonlit streets,
Her echoing steps amidst the crowd;
Tired eyes scan each face, seeking the man
That would  wrap her in Love's envied shroud;
I know, for her shadow is my own,
Weary in my search, but head unbowed

Onward we press in pursuit of Love,
Walking in a melancholy trance;
When a tender smile is cast our way,
Or perhaps a warm inviting glance,
Love's untrodden shore comes within view,
Bringing glorious visions of romance

Time will not tame passion such as ours,
We have dreams defeat cannot smother;
We'll lay claim to Love the years denied
As a child claims Love from its mother;
For when such hearts join, bliss is assured ---
Lord knows we were made for each other!
Dec 2023 · 392
Old Love
Lorraine Colon Dec 2023
Pondering the gnarled vineyards at twilight,
   it is for their rare fruit that I long.
The vines have survived many a drought and blight,
   rendering them sensitive but strong

The fruits of old love are tender and sweet,
   having  learned to endure sun and shade;
Gleaning fortitude from gales, snow and sleet,
   their true value's been measured and weighed

Old love seeks the beauty that veils the heart --
The wrinkled face and the graying hair
  matter not;  Yet, what a sting they impart
  to the lonely caught in Time's cruel snare

Observe the pearl fishers -- they're not concerned
   with the oyster's shell, but with the prize
   that's dwelling deep inside, for they have learned
   precious gems lurk in cunning disguise

Satisfying are the fruits of old love ---
   so patiently they wait to be claimed
   by soft, wizened hands, gentle as a dove,
   yet revealing passion, unashamed

Because of all the sorrows and the tears
   and the many heartaches left untold,
   love that has withstood the test of the years
   is a love that's worth its weight in gold

How blessed are we who can see love's sweet truth
   unfolding before our very eyes;
We don't need the exuberance of youth
   to yield to love's call 'neath star-filled skies

Old love has had its feet held to the fire,
   and it emerged, still able to stand;
It survived the bogs of life's muck and mire . . .
What more can be said?  Old love is grand!
Oct 2023 · 112
Lorraine Colon Oct 2023
Someone knows when your day has been filled
with memories too painful to keep;
Someone wanders through your dreams at night
  sweeping away sad thoughts while you sleep

Someone knows when you have awakened
  to find dark clouds hanging above you;
Someone knows of your deep loneliness,
  and waits in the shadows to love you

Someone knows of the crosses you bear,
  and the hills that you climb are so steep;
Someone's arms are outstretched lest you fall
  as through each trial and error you leap

Someone knows there are quiet meadows
  where peace and tranquility abound,
Someone will hold your hand while you search,
  and walk with you till that path is found

Someone knows an ember faintly glows
  in your heart where love used to abide;
Someone wants to fan that sleeping flame
  and awaken love too long denied

Someone knows Heaven exists on Earth --
  a place free of loneliness and woes;
Someone wants to take you to that realm,
  loving you till your heart overflows

Someone knows that these dreams are in vain,
   for sadly you're unable to see
That the flame of love burns bright for you
In someone's heart . . . and that someone is me!
Oct 2023 · 181
The Lonely Visitor
Lorraine Colon Oct 2023
I was awakened from a restless sleep
By a spectre at the foot of my bed;
The curtains were parted, the moon shone bright
Forming a halo around his head

There was a strange familiarity,
And boldly I bid him come nearer,
That look of anguish, those desolate eyes --
Things I've often seen in my mirror

What pity I felt for this transient guest
With the moonlight on him overspread,
He said not a word, but I seemed to know
Why he stood at the foot of my bed

I extended my arms and drew him close
And held him while he cried through the night;
Obeying the sun, the moon summoned the stars,
And with dawn's first rays they all took flight

Once again a new day found me alone,
But what strange thoughts circled 'round my head:
Had I been dreaming, or had there indeed
Appeared this phantom beside my bed?

There was a presence in my room that night ---
The Spirit of Love's longed-for caress;
And the pillow under my head was moist
With tears of defeat and hopelessness.
So throbs the deep wound of Reality . . .
I'd been embracing my own loneliness!
Oct 2023 · 340
Wishful Thinking
Lorraine Colon Oct 2023
As night spreads its ribbons of darkness
Loneliness taps at my window pane,
But too lost in reverie am I
To pay heed to its doleful refrain

Wishful thinking helps me to escape
From the madness of Life's fickle ways;
Though make-believe is a tangled web,
I thrive in its ethereal haze

How sweet the proverbial nectar
That flows from his lips onto mine;
What bliss I derive from a romance
Only my wild impulse could design

I swoon at his expressions of love
Sung and spoken in poetic verse;
(Though at times my heart scoffs at pretense,
Seeing not a  blessing, but a curse)

Yet, when I gaze deep into his eyes
I thrill to see love's reflection there;
He need only take hold of my hand
And together we climb Heaven's stair

O, how painful  are the loveless hours
Of reality I must endure;
In my dreary solitude I find
Wishful thinking holds a strange allure

Ah! but then reality holds sway ---
Once again the snake devours the dove;
But wishful thinking soon restores my peace
With its exquisite mimicry of love!
Sep 2023 · 361
Needing You
Lorraine Colon Sep 2023
I'm needing you like a rose needs the rain  ---
Her relief from the sun's burning shawl;
In mute despair she implores the sky,
Begging mercy with her silent call;
And O, what joy when that errant cloud
Hovers o'er,  and the rain starts to fall!

I'm needing you like a bird needs its wings
To ascend to a loftier perch
To scan the skies for its missing mate
In its frantic and desperate search;
(When the object of worship is absent,
How meaningless the choir and the church)

I'm needing you like the tide needs the shore
To find respite from the raging sea;
O, I need you in so many ways --
This rant could go on endlessly;
But should these words fail in their intent . . .
How incompetent my poetry!
Aug 2023 · 432
Trusting in Fate
Lorraine Colon Aug 2023
As clouds disperse along the eastern sky,
A reluctant sun slants its first ray;
No dew-kissed rose summons the thirsting bee,
Cheerless birdsong heralds the new day

How feeble and deficient this sunrise!
Once-resplendent beams now dimly glow,
And the bee, unable to sate his thirst,
To the wind murmurs his tale of woe

Nature's attuned to my pitiful plight --
(Love's absence disrupts life's harmony)
Though prayers prove fruitless, might Fate intercede . . .
Or is solitude my destiny?

What anxiety throbs within this breast!
(Once love and joy were the sole tenants)
Now, as I strain to hear love's distant voice,
Fear and doubt impose their harsh penance

Tendrils of gloom and desolation twist
'Round me tightly like a clinging vine,
Delivering a sense of foreboding --
Fear that love will never more be mine  

True, the future cannot be prophesied,
And so I keep vigil at Hope's gate;
Though doubt and despair mock my foolishness,
I've placed my trust in the hands of Fate
Aug 2023 · 171
A Roll Of The Dice
Lorraine Colon Aug 2023
I scoffed at lovers playing their foolish games,
Driven to a frenzied state of mind,
"Come join us" they cried, "come fan passion's flames!"
But I declined

How I envied the hearts that love had healed
While my own heartaches I bravely masked;
If only my sad plight could be revealed . . .
But no one asked

Like tender warblings of amorous birds
Hope whispers sweet lies into my ear.
Still, Fate stubbornly withholds those three words
I long to hear

While tears may come easily, I refrain ---
How effective is this strategy?
Except for my heart, no one knows of my pain . . .
What irony!

Will Fate honor its debts long overdue?
Or are faith and hope but mockery
Of the worn-out promise that dreams do come true?
Then woe is me!

But too well I know I've myself to blame,
I scoffed at Love, now I'm paying the price;
Yet, it's hard to say who'll win at Love's game --
Fate rolls the dice!
Aug 2023 · 192
Then and Now
Lorraine Colon Aug 2023
The uncaring winds blow harshly now,
But there was a time they caressed me
As gently as love's kiss on my brow,
And O, how the  God of Love blessed me

Love's sweet offerings were mine to take,
Though at times deceit came in disguise;
But I endured it all for love's sake,
(Lover's choices are not always wise)

But those days have long since departed,
Love is but a transient memory;
By sorrow my course is now charted,
And my love-ship sails a lonely sea

Birdsong no longer delights my heart,
Children's laughter now fills me with rue;
But loneliness, being a newly-learned art,
Foretold the anguish that would ensue

Where are the dreams that once stirred in me?
Why do love poems now seem absurd?
I pray this not be my destiny . . .
Yet . . . the voice of Hope speaks not a word!
Jul 2023 · 178
On That Day
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
On that day he came to me
To sorrow I was bound,
Sailing without love's guiding star ---
What little joy I found

Cold and dismal was Hope's  lamp
Until he lit the flame,
What warmth and light surrounded me . . .
Then Heaven spoke my name!

Heaven heard my whispered pleas,
It saw the tears I cried,
It knew my heart's deepest desire . . .
My prayer was not denied

All my doubts  began to fade
Like dew upon the sea;
The latch was raised, the door swung wide . . .
The captive dove was free!

Free was I from doubt and gloom --
Free of fear's tyranny,
As angels strummed their golden lyres
In Divine harmony

Strange, indeed, the power of love ---
A glorious mystery!
My thankful heart will always bless
That day he came to me
Jul 2023 · 252
A Tale of Two Shadows
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
A woman's forgiveness, desperately sought
By a man whose rash decision proved unwise;
But mercy's denied - there'll be no second chance.
What a sad account of love's demise!

So goes the tale of two shadows on the wall
That come to life as day draws to a close:
A remorseful man offers a woman
His atonement with a tear-stained rose

She extends her hand, but then withdraws . . .
What he reveals breaks her heart in two;
The man she loves has betrayed her trust,
He's confessed to having been untrue

Uncontrolled tears cascade down her face,
Her hands helplessly fall to her side;
His outstretched arms beg her forgiveness,
But she recoils . . . O, **** her foolish pride!

Discourse ensues amidst sobbing and tears,
Raising her arm, she gestures toward the door;
With lowered  head he reluctantly leaves,
And the tainted rose falls to the floor

There's a lesson to be learned from this tale:
At some point we're all brought to our knees,
Seeking pardon for senseless things we've done
Because of our innate frailties

So offer forgiveness when loved ones repent,
Forgive friends their insensitive rants;
And don't hesitate to forgive yourself . . .
Everyone deserves a second chance!
Jul 2023 · 444
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
O, grieving heart, cheer up and sing
Though love only stayed but a short while;
Soon you'll be drinking again from love's spring,
Forgotten will be love's cunning guile

O,  abandoned heart, dry your tears,
Crying will not bring back a lost love;
But reflect on the bliss of bygone years --
Memories are gifts from Heav'n above

O, broken heart, it's time to mend,
In due time you'll come to realize
New love may be waiting around the bend --
Be alert for blessings in disguise!

O, wounded heart, don't try to fly,
Dare not venture forth on broken wings;
Though love's warm glow fails to illume your sky,
Somewhere in the dark a bird still sings

O, mortal heart, your pain will end,
And from Life's shackles you'll be set free;
So let dead love to Heaven's throne ascend . . .
For love has its own eternity
Jun 2023 · 956
This Path
Lorraine Colon Jun 2023
This path, overgrown with briar and brambles,
Thorns and nettles strewn in disarray;
A loathsome path of broken dreams, and yet,
Willingly I walk it each day

This path that hurts not the feet, but the heart,
Where roiling streams overflow their banks,
And burning cinders comingle with ice --
An affirmation of Life's cruel pranks!

What is it that prompts my unwavering steps?
The love that greets me at journey's end!
The ghost of a love lost so long ago
Leaps boundaries only love can transcend

What pain I endure to savor love's bliss!
On this path, blazed by temerity,
I fly past the graveyard of ill-fated  dreams
To a love that defies mortality

How weary I've grown trying to understand
Why such perfect love incurred God's wrath;
And now all that's left are the memories
That await me at the end of this path
Jun 2023 · 413
Lorraine Colon Jun 2023
I think I could have loved you,
O, how you stoked passion's fire!
Or was it just the madness of Spring
That kindled such wild desire?

Was my lantern's glow too faint
As our ships passed in the night?
Or perhaps Fate extinguished the flame
Before you could see its light

We may well have been lovers
If given the proper chance;
But why did the music stop playing
Before we finished our dance?
Jun 2023 · 509
The Lady and Her Love
Lorraine Colon Jun 2023
The sun has deserted my sky,
Alas! not one beam will descend
To comfort me when chilling gales
Cause the fragile grasses to bend

And the wind seems preoccupied --
But what could it be thinking of?
I swear I heard it whispering:
"Tell me, Lady, where is your love?"

Please don't ask, but help dry my tears
Before night unfurls its cover,
Lest some rude star dares to inquire:
"O Lady, where is your lover?"

The restless moon's searching in vain
For two lovers veiled from his view;
He seeks the Lady and her love,
But tonight I walk without you

Was ours a love too beautiful,
Perhaps taunting the ire of Fate?
O, why did God exile our hearts
From Paradise and lock the gate?

Crashing thunder peals through the clouds,
The wind's moving with dauntless might;
No rainbow will follow this storm . . .
The Lady lost her love tonight
Jun 2023 · 142
Too Busy Loving You
Lorraine Colon Jun 2023
I was too busy loving you
To ever notice the signs . . .
The frost forming in the vineyard,
The snow gathering in the pines

So busy was I loving you,
I didn't notice the smoke;
The fire had burned out long ago,
Leaving only embers to stoke

And then there was that lovely rose
You and I planted in the Spring;
While I was busy loving you,
I failed to see it withering

To our garden, without warning
There came clouds obstructing my sight;
Too busy was I loving you
To foresee the approaching blight

There's nothing left to salvage now,
Just withered vines  where love once grew;
Why did I not see this coming?
I was too busy loving you!
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