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 Feb 27 little
 Feb 27 little
do what makes you happy
and the rest be ******

forget the critics
the naysayers
the reviews

forget those who pounce
at first glance with
unsolicited feedback

forget those who wait
with serrated edges
for the unveiling
of your back

forget those who lambaste
and castrate your creativity

or worse, those who
try to help you
improve it

and then there are those who
uplift and support your work

say thank you
forget them

forget about polishing the knobs
off the editors of poesy or
the literary brotherhood
and sisterhood

forget about your friends,
your enemies and
your audience
all together

they are a cough drop
trying to cure an illness

do it
the way it was meant to be done:
without obtrusion
without approval
without asking

don’t allow them
to cloud your mind
with judgment
of any kind

do what makes you happy
and the rest be ******.
Happy New Years Everyone!
 Apr 2024 little
I didn’t know
That when you left
I wouldn’t see you
Ever again.

I waved goodbye
I smiled bright
Until they called me
Late at night.

Sometimes I think
When light has gone
You were a lost cause
All along.

But then when rays
Of light arrive
Tears of betrayal
Leave my eyes.
 Apr 2024 little
Jack Torrance
 Apr 2024 little
Jack Torrance
Today I’ll ponder,
on these scars.
Tonight I’ll wish,
upon a star.

Tomorrow may bring,
another wound,
but wounds can heal,
if treated soon.

I thought of death,
and felt the wind,
sigh with his breath.

Not today,
he whispered clear,
perhaps tomorrow,
but do not fear.

In the end,
he comes to all.
The weak, the strong,
the big and small.

He’s timeless and constant,
Death’s always “been”,
and he has no pity,
foe or friend.

He’ll lead me on,
to the unknown,
giving me the thing,
he can never own.

So I will not fear him,
and I shall not fret.
For tomorrow,
has not happened yet.
Death comes to us all.
 Apr 2024 little
 Apr 2024 little
while we continued to suffer
we still loved each other
 Apr 2024 little
 Apr 2024 little
i never used to smoke
but since you left,
it’s the only time i can seem to breathe
 Apr 2024 little
 Apr 2024 little
I think you told a lie today
about the shadow on your mind.
I think you plan to die today,
and leave these follies far behind.

I wish you would write me a song,
and ink the truth within its verse.
Happy or sad, it's fine, so long
as this does not end in a hearse.
 Apr 2024 little
Crystal clear
 Apr 2024 little
No more lies
or games
no shame taken

I am
what I am
and will
with no fibre of me
just to make you feel
 Sep 2020 little
Ashley Rowan
I tried to be cold hearted
but I still laugh at your jokes

I tried not to wake the fire
but I keep bursting out in laughter
 Sep 2020 little
Ashley Rowan
This is to the woman
Who keeps reminiscing
About remnants of nostalgia
A woman who is all but a shadow
Whose leaves turned brown
A dim light that waits by the gate
A ghost that yields to me
The woman who’s trying
To find Eden
Longing for autumn
Falling asleep in her grief

This is to the woman I became
 Dec 2019 little
 Dec 2019 little
We were magical;
Like shooting stars
Caught between clouds.
XPY 12-7-19
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