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Justyn Huang Jan 2019
Do we write to remember?
Or do we write to forget?

If I ever lost something that
cost an ounce of pain

Whatever had been lost was
worth the life I gained.
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
There was a land, so fair and green
they called upon it "opportunity"
rhyme scheme, metaphor,
**** THAT WALL YOU *******!
one of my more refined poems
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
Even the word "Meaningless"
has its own purpose.
Find your own.
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
When you left
there were no words
or meaning

Just endless piles of dictionaries.
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
ur so ******* hot you'd burn a hole
straight through the ground
and keep going until you reach the
Earth's mantle.

Careful, don't get too close to me--
I'm not ready to feel what it's like
to be next to the Earth's core.

Justyn Huang Jan 2019
If happiness were a simple thing
As they'd say,
"Catch a little birdie before
It flew away"

I'd be living in the trees to catch them

Too long above the world below
The dirt, the mirth and roots that grow

Forgotten then for how we came to
kiss: the sun, the sky, the clouds to know.
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
I was not born into a world of Hate
I was born into a world,
that has taught me such-so.
For the world is naturally cruel
In a way
But on its own - teaches us things
Immeasurably profound that kindness alone
Is unable or unwilling to say.

But neither was I born into a world of Love
but rather the choice of it or lack thereof
for the world could be fought, lost or won
On a page, with a pen;
With our arms or our walls, closed or open:
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