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You've done something to me.
Life wasn't like this before.
I write poems about love now,
And convince myself that they aren't for you.
I don't know how you feel,
Does it really matter?
You've taken over my mind,
And the butterflies in my stomach...
Wont sleep.
Lets just go our separate ways,
Before its too late.
Its inevitable.
Please stop...
Please stop.
Before i fall in love.....
I have stopped wishing for snow,
And settled for rain....
Did you know,
Cigarettes taste like instant coffee,
The kind I drink at night,
When the dark keeps me awake.

And poetry feels like salvation,
Specially when it doesn't rhyme.

That headaches are the best thing that can happen to you,
When you're awake.

And sleep is a just a lie life tells you.
But you believe it,

Because it's the best ******* lie you'll ever hear.
I used to believe in only the things which made sense,
but beauty doesn't lie in the eyes of the beholder,
It lies in it's extraction from the *******.
 May 2014 Julie Butler
Don't ask me what it is like to love someone
I have thrown the word love away
Like they do colorful beads at Mardi Gras
Abundant and beautiful
Yet no one throws them back
Don't ask me what it is like to love someone
I have waited by too many telephones
I have kissed too many of the wrong people
Hoping to find one who's lips might taste like his
Like craving something you're allergic to
Yet still giving into the temptation of eating it an suffering anyways
Do not ask me what it is like to love someone
Because I have not experienced real love
Real love is when it is returned
Having the one who's eyes look like the sunrise
The one who's walk makes you want to follow behind them
The one who had a smile that can reignite a fireplace
Having the one who makes your heart melt like ice cream on a summer day love you as much as you love them or even more
That is real love
And I am not familiar with something so precious
Because the one who stimulates my well-being is too busy
Following someone else, someone who is nothing like me
And yet still I wonder if he is taste testing too
oh, i don't want to be everything
i just want to be (your) something
 May 2014 Julie Butler
bludgeon me with reckless words
i will stand
threaten me with silence
and solitude
i will stand
berate me with vicious abandon
i will stand

in your actions you prove yourself to be a small man

i will stand
till my dying day
against this type of
pompous academic bullying
i will stand
tall against the mean minded mentality of it all

and you....

it does not matter...
to give you more space
is not worth my time
nor will i stoop
to look you in the eyes
**i will stand
a run in with an acedemic
unhappy with the outcome of the grant process, has a habit of demeaning bullying rants... mostly against younger women... but he has
bitten off a way big mouthful of assertive female this time.
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