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There are demons in your closet
It is obvious to me
You left the door wide open
Setting those ******* free

Anger lashed out first
With razor sharp claws
Shredding the unsuspecting
Without hesitation or pause

Beneath him is resentment
Forever locked up tight
Hidden within for years
Now more than ever, ready to fight

Betrayal weighs heavy
Taking up the most room
Can’t sweep it under the rug
There isn’t a big enough broom

Don’t disregard the guilt
Or forget about shame
These two big players
Are leaders of the game

Amidst the whirl wind of chaos
And the fury of rage
A broken heart exposed through fear
Makes its way to center stage

Vulnerability is waiting
She can keep your closet clean
Nourish you with love
Making those demons less mean

As the spotlight shifts its focus
There seems nowhere to hide
Will you crawl back into darkness?
Or simply swallow your pride?
I am not supposed to be here
I don't like it here
It isn't fun here
I am sad and scared
I want to leave now please
It's bad here
I’m cold
Go away
I can't do it
I can't get out
I am Trapped
It's empty here
And sad
I'm sad
And it hurts
I'm scared
I don't like it
I shouldn't be here
But she left me here
I try to tell them sometimes
But nobody listens
Nobody hears
When I try to say it
They all leave
And they don't come back
So I am alone
I am here
And no one will let me out
I try sometimes
But it's hard
And I don't work
And they leave
Why do they always leave?
They don't even know what it's like here
But they stay away
Because if they come with me
They get hurt
And I'm not worth it
Worth saving
Worth listening for
They say I'm fake
But they haven't been here
I have been here
And it's bad
I wish I could leave
I wish someone would come
I'm so alone
I don't like it here
I need to get out
I have to
I can't
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
storm siren
Dad, you always told me
"Don't open that door."
You would say the same words to my brother,
But they didn't mean the same thing.
When you said them to him,
They were a warning.
When you said them to me,
They were a threat.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I was the problem.
Like I am the reason things got bad.
That I asked for this,
All of this.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I was the reason mom got sick,
Like I was the reason you couldn't keep a job,
Like I was the reason we lost every house, every apartment, and every picture that reminded us that there was a time when things were good.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I was the poison,
Not the ***** in your coffee mug,
Not the bugs crawling out of the floorboards,
Not the choices you made.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I was the reason big brother won't come home.
Like I was the reason your family got torn apart.
But we were never a family, dad. Not really.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like if it wasn't for me
Mom would be so much more alive
Than she is right now.
Like if it wasn't for me,
Your youngest son, my youngest brother,
Wouldn't have spent that Christmas in the hospital,
And we'd still have that apartment.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I carried everything bad about you
On my shoulders, and that was my own fault.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I could have closed the door at anytime.
Like I purposely wandered into that room.
Like I meant to be this way.
Like I wanted this.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like it was my own fault
That I was born with the door ripped off its hinges
And that I entered the room of my own volition,
When we both know that was where I was born.

Dad, you always looked at me
Like I was a waste of potential.
Like me being alive
Was your punishment
For all the bad things you've done.

Dad, mom always tells me
How much I look like you.
How I have all your good traits.

Dad, mom always looks at me
Like I could save us.
Like I could bring back the light.
Like I just only need a chance.

Dad, you always told me
That the only person you'd listen to
About your drinking and cruelty
Was me.

Dad, you never listened.

Dad, every time I told you
That I didn't feel safe,
That I was scared,
That I didn't want to be alive,
You always looked at me
Like you didn't understand why I thought you would care.

Dad, when I was little,
You looked at me like
I held stars in my palms.
Like I could do anything.
Like I was worth everything.

Dad, I didn't mean it.
Dad, I really tried to make it go away.

Dad, I'm sorry.
**** yeah, daddy-issues.
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
I hurt you,
because I want you
to love me.
I desert you,
because I want to
be chased.
I know I cause you pain,
I want to be your love's teary stain.
And when your fever keeps you up at night,
let my skin be your strap to bite.
All these things I do,
I want to hurt
for you.
Wish I could talk about love
Falling in love, becoming love, someone falling in love w me
how it feels to have someone touch me and it not induce panic or shock or fear, just love, comfort, gushy mushy, how-do-you-like-your-eggs kinda love
Wish I could talk about how much I love them
How it felt meeting them for the first time, getting to know them, touching them for the first time
Know they were mine and that I was theirs for the first time
All of the possible first times
All of mine theirs and all of theirs mine
How hard it would be to say good bye and how amazing it would feel to say hello
I wish I could say that i'll never love another
Pure, unadulterated, Feelings that are felt back
But I can only promise empty touches, false hopes and a kiss once in awhile
Feelings are infinite and fleeting,
Sometimes they are good things
They are bad things
But most times, in my case, they are nothings
Nothings crumpled up on paper and whispered on pillows
Maybe a one time kiss and some heavy petting
Maybe a hand to hold and someone to warm you when you are cold
But nothing more than skin, lips, and hands
Unfinished, but so am i
i am
who i am
and i want to stop trying to be
the am that i am not
because the am who i am
is unique from every other am
and there is beauty in
my am just because my am is
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
The Vault
The sickness
I purged you out
Like a demon
Finger down my throat
Feeling like a sinner
The toilet my only friend
In my moment of darkness
The demons inside
Screaming as I purged them out
The pain
But feeling great
The secrets hid of what I did
Feeling thinner but like a sinner
But a sinner I am
With a head full of demons
Telling me to purge again
Because I will never be thin enough
Ribs sticking out
I will never be thin enough
Until I am dead
And in the end
My demons will win
I already know this
But still I sin
Because I am a sinner
So here I will purge
Away the sin
Down the drain
Into pipes who hide my secrets
That no one knows
Just my secrets screaming out.
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
Imran Islam
It's been a long day for me
I need to get sleep now, it's very late
I'm tired, I stayed up long enough
to put my clothes out to dry.

My health isn't good
It’s going down day by day
from doing everything .

I try to take care of myself
I can't promise that, it's just hard
It's just hard when I run a house alone
I have no choice nobody else will do it
I don't get a day off, I just get more stuff to do.

That's all about myself I have right now to say
Sure, I’ll tell about my hurt next time
that is if I'm not busy.
Story of someone
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
I knew a man once,
One filled with life.

He spent every day passing flowers to strangers,
Spreading joy through soft spoken words.

All who met him left with a smile,
And all who knew him found fondness in living.

But as the days moved on,
People began to change.

He was told he had to be emotionless to be strong,
and fearless to be flawless.

He was pushed around by the wicked,
Banished into the darkness.

Everything he worked for wasn't worth it anymore,
And he felt his heart hurting every second he lived.

So now he's no where.

And I don't know how to get him back.
i would miss him if I remembered what it was like to have him.
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
Elrow Swift
You who goes by "Lonely"
Yes you, who reads these rhymes
Please pause here for a moment
I won't take much of your time

You see my friend, I'm lonely too
In the dark with paper and pen
So I'm writing you this poem
and signing it "Your Friend"

Though I'll prob'ly never see you
nor ever know your name
I do not need to see your face
nor know your cash and fame

I do not care what color you are
how short or tall or fat
I'm weary of all these parties and creeds
So, for a moment, forget all of that

Yes you, dear friend, forget with me
Inhale this moment serene
where we are not opinions or castes
Just two humans with two glowing screens

Be human with me, simple and pure
For a moment breathe deep and feel free
then should you have the time, and a halfway good rhyme
Perhaps write a poem for me.

Your Friend
This one isn't great, but I don't really care. I would normally throw something like this away, but the afterimage of hope made me wonder if maybe it would strike a chord with someone somewhere.  I promise to post more polished verse in the future, but all the same, thank you for reading. -ES
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