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Feb 2020 · 177
Pretty Paper
Jessica Lockhart Feb 2020
The beautiful pictures in my mind
I can't seem to put on paper
It kills me inside that
I can't put you on paper
Feb 2020 · 178
Coat Pocket
Jessica Lockhart Feb 2020
I'm like the crumpled up poem in the deep of your coat pocket,
Until you reach your hand in, snaking around for your chapstick.
You write a few more words and then shove it back in,
waiting for your next stroke of inspiration,
your next breach of intrepidness.
But until then,
I'm just another crumpled receipt in your coat pocket.
Maybe one day I'll be able to tell you I love you.
Maybe one day you'll care.
But until then,
keep writing your mindful thoughts
on the crumpled up paper in your coat pocket.
Feb 2020 · 197
Every time
Jessica Lockhart Feb 2020
Every time I approach you, you glance up.
I pretend not to notice.
When I talk to you your smile gets wider, your eyes brighter.
You try to hold back your grin, but I know better.
And though you try hard not to show it, I see it.
I usually do the talking, but we both do the laughing.
You can't help it.
And when we part ways we both pretend nothing's happened.
But the next day I try again.
I approach you, and you glance up.
Don't worry, I always notice.
Every time.
Jan 2020 · 292
Hey Boy
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
Hey boy,
Do you notice me when I stare
at your ***** brown hair?
Please turn the other way,
so you don't hear me say
"I like the boy with the ***** brown hair."

Hey mom,
Maybe one day he'll see me
With his brilliant brown eyes gleaming
And he'll turn the other way
So I don't hear him say
"I like the girl who is dreamy."

Hey dad,
I think you'd approve
If he'd just make a move
Just please don't turn away
If you ever hear him say
"I want to marry her, I do."

Hey boy,
These are just dreams
They aren't as they seem
But I'll keep on waiting
While you keep on dating
And hope I'll turn away
and hear you quietly say
"Hey girl,
Do you notice when I stare
at your ***** blonde hair? "
Jan 2020 · 248
Buried Treasure
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
I kissed you atop the Grand Canyon
You were better than the view
As the moon rose to greet the night
I kissed you until morning light

Not even maps could lead men to find
Where I buried my heart that day
I wait longingly for your fateful return
How long can this feeling within me burn
Jan 2020 · 318
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
I want the world to admire me from a distance
To say in sub par prose
She did not try to be different
She just loved completely
Jan 2020 · 201
If I Had a Dollar
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
If I had a dollar
For each time you made me laugh
I could bathe in gold and riches
And that's not even half

But if I had a smile
For each time you stole my heart
I could live my life forever
With the feelings that you impart
Jan 2020 · 91
Ode to Mother Nature
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
ruin me to rubble
erode me away graciously
with time
undo my roots
flush me with green
i hear the rivers laughing
the trees knocking
unearth me to no longer be grounded
make me into something
that laughs
that knocks
mold me like clay
hold me like the day
chop my trunk
grow me in the crevices of the cliffs
break me open like a geode
chip away to my core
wonder at my hidden beauty
wish for more
rest in my blanket of grass
sing me like the wind
pick my flowers
craft them into crowns
dance with the bugs
watch me like a sunset
perfect the paradise
be a child
go wild
and if you wish
stay awhile
#green #mother nature # nature #wild #hiking #growth
Jan 2020 · 406
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
Please let me give you the stars
And by the stars, I mean my hand
And by my hand, I mean my love
And by my love, I mean my life

Please let me be your wife
And by wife, I mean your safe place
And by safe place, I mean your yoke
And by yoke I mean your here and now

Please let me be your vow
And by vow, I mean your rock
And by rock, I mean your castle
And by castle, I mean your treasure

Please let me be your forever
Jan 2020 · 158
Once In a Blue Moon
Jessica Lockhart Jan 2020
when the moon is full
i sing

and sometimes
when the moon is full
i dance

i come alive!

But most times,
When the moon isn't full,
I'm proper.
I'm polite.
I'm dead.

— The End —