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 Sep 2020 Jessica Lofts
 Sep 2020 Jessica Lofts
I attend college in an apocalypse
I'm planning for a future that doesn't exist
Paying these grandiose establishments
So they can give me a piece of paper
A modern day participation award
this was in my drafts and I don't love it but I'm posting it anyways
 Apr 2020 Jessica Lofts
 Apr 2020 Jessica Lofts
facilitated intimacy using
words as fingers and tongues,
fading bruises from sunday as
anger watches in the mirror.

my window covered with
droplets, green earth and
pink bodies devour alone these
stale replacements of life.

my bedroom begs for absence;
wine drowns doubts but
overflows to stain my fingertips
like a lover, like a curse.
walking through the quarantine with my woes
 Apr 2020 Jessica Lofts
I dreamed I was painting with a dancers feet again.
I woke and there was hurt, which is love, which means life and God and good... So, hurt can't be all too bad I guess.
 Apr 2020 Jessica Lofts
was hurting me —
leaving me for good,
enough for you?

did the skin of my former past self
that you demanded me to remove too early
enough to use as a bandage
for that someone who hurt you before me?

were my tears enough
to wash away your so called “sins”
and redeem yourself
from your self inflicted misery?

i know i was never enough for you.

that was the first thing i realized
when i saw the change of color in your eyes:
from dilated pupils to stares that were dry.
how could you say so much when all i heard was your sigh.

was hurting myself —
when i know you’re existence was no good,
enough for me?
please subscribe to my tinyletter if you haven’t!

it’s basically free form essays and dear you’s.
 Apr 2020 Jessica Lofts
I have read many books about military veterans
How they get war flashbacks
Stuck in a loop of PTSD
Consuming them

I too have PTSD
Flashbacks, but not of war
Of things You did to me, over and over again
And its consuming me... and I will fight it no more

April 8, 2020
 Mar 2020 Jessica Lofts
 Mar 2020 Jessica Lofts
red wine
stained our lips,
with clumsy hands
tracing moonlight
on your skin.
our love got sweeter
with each stolen kiss
and in those moments
i knew,
i would follow you
to any ruin.
- all i could breathe was you.
just because the star-
fish can grow its arms back does
not mean it didn't hurt.

even though scars heal
and wounds fade it doesn't mean I
will forget the pain.
 Dec 2019 Jessica Lofts
I whispered to my heart
filled with yearning,
“Be still”

Even if the curly ropes
of his hair
leaves you trembling
with an unsatisfiable hunger

“Be very still
dear anguished heart of mine”,
but as a leaf
I quiver
clinging desperately
by a bleak bough

For soon I’ll flutter
with the wind,
and fall down
along with my sorrows

As the fallen leaves
withered and loveless,
I shall crumble and disappear
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