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You do not strive for greatness
You strive for perfection

But perfect
Isn’t perfect enough

You don’t need a break and are not allowed mistakes
For you are strong enough

Say goodmorning
No matter the lie

Don’t cry
Sit straight
Don’t yell
No rough music
Be a good girl

For we only want the best for you


I mustn’t settle for greatness
I must strive for perfection

But don’t stop there
No matter how delusional it sounds

Breaks and mistakes are not tolerated
They think I’m strong enough

Say goodmorning
No matter the lie

Don’t cry
Sit straight
Don’t yell
No rough music
Be a good girl

Put yourself in the mold your parents made for you
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
Oh beautiful flower

Your petals are falling

Your stem is bending

Your scent is fading.

What kind of flower are you?

Not bright or tall

Nor colored or warm

You stand out amongst them all.

A flower so keen on the heat of the sun

And the chill of the night

With the wind you will run.

For the pretty and the perfect flowers

Are a comforting sight

But the flower thats different

Makes a difference in life.
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
yellow soul
They water me
I get lots of water
Lots of love
But I’m placed in the shadow
The window is so far away
And I’m drained from energy
But they placed me in the dark
And so the dark is where I will stay

The dirt is so dry
So they keep watering me

I’m drowning
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
Jay M
I am not coal to be pressured
And form into a diamond
I am human,
Under enough crushing pressure
For ever so long
Never to let up
I will break
For I am flesh and bone
Not of rot and stone

If I am to break
My dear little bones
The pieces must be put back together
Held in tender care behind walls
Before they can heal again
To become stronger than before

So, mind the walls
For I am healing
They will come down when I am ready
When my bones have mended
Strengthened anew.

- Jay M
April 20th, 2021
Please don't break my walls yet- I'll take them down when I'm ready.
And so, she chose to reveal her heart.
Tore her ribcage door open,
and flinched as she waited for
the rays to spill and burn her up.

Instead, she was stunned to find
that the sun warmed even the darkest corners.
That the dappled glow kissed every sinew,
and she was filled instead with the light.
she forgot about herself
the things she needed
barely even occurred to her
Instead of herself
she remembered
for other people
and there needs
it's as if
she didn't matter to herself
at all
yesterday I had a talk with my heart
the last few days have been hard
I tried to explain what was going on
what we will work upon
couldn’t put it into words
there are plenty of concerns
but it’s going to be okay
and the worries will go away
and if I choose to be my own lover
my heart and I, we will recover.

- gio
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