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You’d think that after so many years
upon this utterly lonely planet,
we’d have learned what our purpose was

But each and every one of us,
each soul and heart,
are as confused as ever

The shimmering stars in the sky
reflecting themselves selfishly upon the lake
screaming at us to look at them;
to pay attention

But we’re too busy debating,
debating whether we have a purpose
or if we were simply made to die

The stars lose a bit of their shine,
creeping silently back to their room,
but yet they were not deterred

Night after night,
the stars gained glow after glow,
until we all finally looked up
and all of our angry faces turned soft

The stars glimmered and glinted,
being reflected in the eyes of each of us
entrancing us;
hypnotizing us

And then the stars snapped their fingers,
but we all continued to stare at the beauty
that we had forgotten existed in this cruel questionable world
We shouldn't spend all of our life wondering if we have a purpose. We should just live and appreciate the beautiful things in life. <3
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
it's an invisible weight
pressing down on all of us
we pretend not to notice
and continue our daily routines
but inside
none of us are really ok
the only difference between the sane and insane
is that one is better at hiding it
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
i'm beyond stressed.
i can't help but wonder when the good lord will let me rest.
the pressure is building upon my shoulders.
like the ocean swells that crash upon the cliffside boulders.
all of these tiresome, daily meddles.
i'm waiting for the moment it all comes crashing down and the dust finally settles.
my midterms are this week and i'm currently dying. (love being a disorganized AP kid! haha) and obviously i'm extremely stressed because my final yearbook deadline is also this week and wow just wish me luck you guys :'(
why does the
fat on
my body keep
me warm,
but my heart cold?

-self conscious
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
I'm fine.
So don't question why
tears are filling my eyes.
I'm stressed
to do my best.
I must confess,
I'm a mess.
All this work in front of me,
the work,
it hurts my mind.
So don't wonder why
I will sit here and lie.
If you ask if I'm okay
just know I'll say
the same thing every time.

I'm fine......
It's one of those nights,
When your mind can't stop its chatter
And even the whiskey tastes like water.
I'm in dire need of a whiskey lullaby to put these voices in my head to sleep.
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
As the blanket of stars
Light up the sky
Here I drown
In ocean of works

Mountain of papers
Piled in my table
Waves of emails
Left me miserable
9:16pm Still at the office :/
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
broken toys
 May 2021 Gracie Anne
it's the broken toys
who were played
to the
the broken toys
were overworked
but the toys
did not
that they were overused
because they
were loved.

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