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 Jun 2018 cleann98
Blade Maiden
Make sense of me
Unwind me

       Define me
       Don't decline me

                         See through
                         Make due

          Find me
          Don't bind me

                               Shake me
                               Don't fake for me

               Feel me
               Don't kneel for me

                                   Make sure
                                   Take me pure

         Don't hesitate
         I won't separate


         I've come to evolve

                                                                             Don't let me dissolve
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Kayla Flanders
that i no longer know how to
                                              -hold your hand
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Anne Scintilla
A master baker
Beget laughter from velvet,
The sweet surrender.

To walk still, with pride
From a knife stuck from behind
Caked in bitter lies.
here's another twin haiku for those who take trust for granted, and those trust were taken for granted.

i wonder, shall i continue writing twin haikus? thank you for reading!
 Jun 2018 cleann98
 Jun 2018 cleann98
I then realize
In the middle of the night;
I'm really hungry
i just want to sleep
 Jun 2018 cleann98
The story of my life
filled with multiple
trying not
**** everything up

It's hard trying
try so hard

You want
for some reason
you just can't let go

You want
you keep hoping







no one
is there
see you


in the end

let go


you just







why can't you just let go?
 Jun 2018 cleann98
دema flutter
Remember when we first met?
                  I wish we could meet again for the first time.
Within every heart, there is a chain hooked up to a wall of flesh, blood and stone.

Scars open and cut too deeply, we rather thirst and drink our own blood then eat the molded food that the guards of fire and destruction serve us.

We try so hard to escape this hell inside our minds. But it almost seems impossible and mindless.

Every day, we live in a living nightmare. We would rather die than live another second in this kingdom of depression and wrath.

There is only one law, and the law is the image of death is nothing but a dream.  

We can try our hardest to desire the blood spill and the gushing out of beaten bones and origins to spill out of our weak and limp bodies, but all we'll do is spawn back into this waste land

Tears stream down the faces of many innocent broken people; they feast on each other like beast of a large skeleton bump sight,

We're tortured until our back bone is visible, and our voices are empty and numb.

Our fingers lay in pieces of flesh on the cold mossy stone floor from making meals for these zombies like monsters.

The meals are the hearts and frightened minds of our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters; we weep for them and wish for no comfort.

**I am the only prisoner in this Endless Fire Hell that has a window in their dang room. I can see a brighter, safer, more loving place just millions of miles away.

I often reach my hand out the window, to at least feel tiny drops of refreshing rain on my black burning skin.

I cry aloud, calling for some kind of help, but I know that calling and crying won't get me anywhere.

The rain drops are the only loving thing I have, for they heal my scar and fix my wounds, the only hopeful thing that my blurry eyes and beaten hands have ever seen and felt.

Under neither this dungeon in the sky, is a vast and cool ocean that I long to swim in the feeling of freedom and satisfaction.

Within every moment as I swim in the burning and melting lava pool, oh how the lava is stained by the blood and eyes of prisoners that have slowly melted away.

Their skin slowly ripping off their skull as they scream in a high and painful voice… Oh how I long to feel the rain. Oh how I long for it.

On one faithful day, there was a great down pour, and the rain drops starts to sing in harmony with serenity and joy, which caused the stones of bitterness that surround my window to give way and crumble and fall into the sea.

I smiled bright for the first time in 16 years. I took the chance and jumped, but then quickly grabbed hold of a left over stone, my arm stretched in pain.

How silly of me to just jump and not knowing if I’ll die and spawn back here or if the guards will see me in the ocean and band the rain from this Nether.

My Arm soon gave up its last strength as my ****** hand finally let the stone go. I could feel the rain, filling and soaking my entire body,

I crashed into the ocean, my eyes closed, and my mouth allowing the water of purity to drown me, my arms and leg motionless as I began to sink.

I would rather die in something I love, than live in something I hate...
Written on February 11, 2016, 10:37 am
**During the time I wrote this, I used the "d*mn" word... instead of dang"

Alright, this is not a poem, but more of a story... so apologies if I disappointed any of you guys with that.

I wrote this poem after an accident with my family, where I fell into deep anger and rebellion. I wrote this poem to let out the hopelessness I felt, to let out the madness I felt locked up in.  I was very distant from God, from my family, from my church. Rereading this revealed to me how much HATRED I had...  I am blessed and surprised how God or even the people I know could ever forgive me...

Another way to look at this poem is without Him, We do live in a mind state of Hell. We will go to Hell, unless we escape that Hell, which s through Jesus Christ, which I would think represents the Down Pour. And when she Died in something she Loved, there are so many people who Died PROUDLY for their faith... and I know they would die for something they love, then live in a world of Hate... and I know in a heart beat I would do it... the Prison of Hell would Represent us being trapped in this world of Sin or being trapped in sin in general and how monstrous it is.... So I guess that's another way to look at it
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Blood Water
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Floating aimlessly in the water
Hair branching off from my head
Eyes clouded by my tears
Cheeks puffed out to breath
Blouse flowing around me

Clenched eyes are forced open
All around me, goldfish swim
Scales reflect refracted light
Moving around my hair
Using it as if it were seaweed

Colors flow into existence
Oranges and yellow open into view
No longer just black or blue
But warm colors that suffocate
With the blood flowing from me

She tries to drag me to the bottom
Smother and hide me against rocks
but I struggle against her confines
And as the fish scatter to take refuge
I open my mouth for a gasp of freedom.

© Sofia Villagrana 2018
Poem for Labyrinth of Dreams
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