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 Feb 2016
i failed
im sorry
i tried to be a friend
now im an enemy to be dealt with
im sorry
 Nov 2015
Girl On The Wing
I like you a lot
I hope that's okay
 Nov 2015
Kimberly Rose
He could be anything in this ******* world,
But he is never going to be you.
 Oct 2015
Silence Screamz
Seething through the broken night
Shush the moment brought to light

The whispers heard by crying sound
as footprints cross the solemn ground

Gates passed through to Bachelor's Grove
Eyes of cold and constant flows

She haunts your thoughts and every step
Shivering spine with goose bumps left

Ghostly figures at night time stray
Orbs on  film can't look away

Look right through the fields of stone
Aged with time and weathered tone

Shoulders tapped with haunted thought
The air was empty, your mind is caught

Turned around with no one there
Hallow's Eve with more to scare

Visions of past and Chicago's dead
Rise on up through blackened thread

Screams of terror and morbid sins
Stopped in tracks, they're gone again

Reach the gate of rusted steel
Fallen down on deadly keel

Out of the depths of the spirit's trove
Passed through the gates of Bachelor's Grove
a little Halloween themed piece about Bachelor's Grove cemetery in Chicago, a really haunting experience
 Oct 2015
i'm tired of crying
i'm tired of late nights
i'm tired of dying
of sirens and bright lights
Make me shut up.
 Oct 2015
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Hiding from you and from him, at the back of the closet.
She's under a blanket, barricaded in the closet.
Holding a flashlight, off, dark, on the floor of the closet.
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Because everyone is home, which means she's all alone.
- - -
Happy Thursday. I love thursdays. They're my favorite.
Maybe because it's supposed to be the day God created the stars...
 Oct 2015
I can't hear his voice without my forehead burning up in a fiery cold sweat of both lust and fear at the same time.
His existence is something I can never be a part of anymore yet my body is so used to the acquaintance of his being that I can't hold myself back from trying to be in his life.
I shouldn't exist in his existence: it feels like bad religion, a sin I can never forgive myself for, but the euphoria I experience when I commit this sin is a stunning sort of infatuation, I never want to leave his side, though I don't believe I was ever there.
He used to care,
he used to notice,
he used to be able to tell when my feelings were bare.
Now I am here,
two seats away from him.
I try to joke, to communicate, and he smiles lightly, but
the glow from his eyes is not as bright for me, anymore, as it is for everyone else.
I ****** up.
English class is boring, let's write about boys instead
 Oct 2015
Ellie Shelley
I will never let it go
I've been told to dye it a natural colour
So I could get a job
But what is the point of getting a job if you can no longer be who you are
 Oct 2015
There is nothing to do here
But dress in black
Black and leather
And walk around in the dark
Bumming cigarettes and love
Off of people
You pretend not to know
My life is a never ending disappointment sometimes.
 Sep 2015
painting my nails
tastes like kissing you
- george
What the actual ****.
- - -
While I miss you, you couldn't miss me less.
 Sep 2015
Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
Walk out the door
No one to notice anymore
There's no one here anymore

Wake up
It's Tuesday
Makeup your face
Walk straight to work
To get a good tip just flirt
Smile so it doesn't have hurt

Wake up
It's Wednesday
Comb out your hair
Go through the rain
The wet can hide the pain
That's on your face in stains

Wake up
It's Thursday
Look in the mirror
Avoid your eyes
Don't listen to empty lies
To whispers in their eyes

Wake up
It's Friday
Brush your teeth
Swallow all fear
No one left to listen here
None to shout, ****, or jeer

Wake up
It's Saturday
Click out your notes
Play back the laughs
You've recorded in drafts
Not much ever seems to last

Wake up
It's Sunday
Button your dress
Go pray at church
Tell yourself it all has worth
How could it get any worse

Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
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