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 Sep 2015
Vibrations in lilac
across a silver face.
That's the image of you
that I conjure and brew
in my cauldron. I waste
no imagination; It's Lilac.
Silver and vibration. Back
to the time when we were new
and untouched by the black brew
that I stir in my mind when I think of you.
But now, when I think of it...
The world's boiling over.
and I don't know what to do.
 Aug 2015
I want love-
Not the little love
That makes the
heart skip, and
The face blush.
I want to indulge in the Love
That ignites the Spirit

The love that fills all voids,
Heals all grievances,
has no boundaries,
No limits,
no preconceived notions.

I want the love
That is contagious by presence.
The love that
eradicates insecurities
And replaces them with ecstasy,
I want the kind of love
That sets people free.

I don't want the love
That beats around the bush.
I want the love that
down my door,
Sets my heart
a blaze,
And keeps
the fire.
The original works and writings of Jason Deegan.
All Rights Reserved. ©2015
 Aug 2015
I just want my words to matter to you
I've tried being silent but it hurts too much

Aim high and land low
Can't you tell I'm more than just show
I painted you murals that glow in the dark
Before you go to sleep just open your eyes
Look at me for once and tell me what you want

I'm too afraid of everything
And I'm still so stupid
Try as I might
I make new versions
Of old mistakes

Just crash with me once
You're not him*      
Make a bet*      
**I'm not her                  
We're supposed to make sense

Tell me something real.
I'm supposed to be the one too terrified to speak,
but I can't tell if I am anymore.
 Aug 2015
When september comes
I'll remember when you were here,
Before all the bouquets and tombstones,
The house on the hill,
Asleep in the backseat,
Watching street lamps on quiet corners,
Waiting to knock on your door,
when september comes,
I'll visit your earthly bed,
Remember all the different reasons,
Why we wished you stayed
I love you so much,
I miss you
  It is so hard for them without you here.
Patrick is doing great, Caroline is beautiful.
We all miss you.
 Aug 2015
We were walking through the field,
staring out at Boston.
I was choking on the whisper
of a memory of another here.

I gathered two wild flowers
and I showed them to you:
the familar
          Queen Anne's Lace has always been my favorite,
and the new
          I don't know what this one's called,
          but it's purple and pretty.
          They're both so lovely together.

I don't think you understood that
I was talking about us.
 Aug 2015
Kimberly Rose
I swear to God, I could be the best **** thing you have ever had.
I want nothing more than to drink coffee with you while tangled in sheets and to grab your hand while it is still warm from the cup, and feel it wrap around my small and dainty fingers. I want your bare skin against mine in the most innocent way. I want to stain your cheeks, hands, and lips with the prints of my favorite shade of lipstick. I want to dance around the living room and laugh as we trip over our own shoes because God knows we were both cursed with two left feet. I want you to be the one that fills the empty void that has been created by all of those that have run away in the past, taking with which they have touched. I want to listen to your heartbeat until it becomes my favorite lullaby. I want to find adventure with you in something as simple as going to the grocery store. I want to fall in love with you the same way I fell in love with the moon when I was only ten years old. I want to hear I love you’s in the tune of your voice so many times that I begin to believe it. I want to make your hair a mess while doing the opposite with your life. I want to be the lucky one that gets to kiss your neck and hold you close when you’re silently falling apart. I want to show you that the sparkle in your eyes shines brighter in my world than any star in the sky hanging above our love-drunk heads.
Just kiss my cheek and twirl my hair while I write poems and novels and love songs about the ******* beauty of your existence.
 Jul 2015
I just want the kind of peace
you get when
you hum to sad song

                 I just want the kind of smile
                 that slips onto your lips when
                 you hear little kids laughing

                                  I just want the kind of love
                                  you feel when
                                  someone wants you to know they care

                              I just want the kind of complete
                                       you make me, dear
Listening to something you'd probably laugh at. Laugh and do that adorable swint thing you do.
 Jul 2015
the bends and curves were my favorite
you let me cover you
smother you
my favorite form
this expression
black bleeding over you
on top of you
into you
kiss me one more time
with the petals on your tattoo
I just found the picture.
More to come about this.
 Jul 2015
What day is today?
I haven't done much sleeping.
          I can't guess that look on your face...
     I pass right through you --
       Or you through me.
                                      ...The feeling is the same,
                                No matter the details.

          "The invisible hand,"
                                They say it guides us all.
            That, in combination
                                                  With your well measured affection,
                                           Is perhaps why I feel
                                                    so small.
I promise, I'm trying to stop, I swear, really, believe me, or is this another game
 Jul 2015
Bleed in to me
If I cut myself open and peal back the layers
Will you come inside
Can I fold you into me
Not ******, contrary to the apparent popular opinion.
(will be making this longer later)
 Jun 2015
Ami Shae
I tapped into a magic realm
I didn't even know was there--
found a phantom ghost
with firelight and embers
glowing in its hair--

                                was this a spirit
                                coming for me
                                                              ­someone who might
                                                           ­   somehow set me free
and bring me along
to another life
away from this hell I'm in?

                                                            ­ OR what if this is a monster
                                                              (n­ow that I see its evil grin)
                                                   and it wants to torture me even more?

What if I can't escape this spirit
through an open door...
and I become trapped for all of time?
oh dear, dreams are haunting me again
in this crazy realm of mine!
This was inspired by a bad dream...believe me, it is rather mild compared to the nightmares I used to have...
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