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 Jun 2015
Ami Shae
music has been my salvation
of late it seems
i go to sleep listening
and the melody
gently wafts through my dreams
and lulls me into
a deep and relaxing sleep
one that I hope and pray
I'll get to keep!
I can't begin to explain my relief
from getting a break
from the constant grief
of waking to screams
(that are my own)
and feeling like
I'm forever alone--
but whenever I drift off to her voice
and the beautiful melodies she sings
it's like nothing can harm me
or interrupt my sleep with those nightmare dreams...
it's been ages since I've been able to sleep through the night without tortured dreams...then I started listening to Joanne Shenandoah cd's at night as I fall asleep and not only do I go to sleep faster than ever before, but I get to stay asleep! Loving it!
Joanne Shenandoah
 Jun 2015
Hannah Bauer
I'm glad you came here.
Thank you for remembering this.
Thank you for remembering to look at this.
I know it hurts.
I know.

You're scared out of your mind that this is going to be your entire life.
Full of pain.
Full of fear.
Full of depression and anxiety.
Full of storms and trials that leave you breathless on the ground, shaking from the panic that courses through your blood.
You think that if you just die now, you'll be in heaven.
Where it is so much better.
Where there is no pain.
No depression.
No anxiety.
No fear.

But, you have your life to live right now.
And it won't be an awful life.
How do I know?

Because beauty is in everything and it is just waiting to fully bloom.

You want to know the beauty that was in today?
Today, I had an amazing, life-giving conversation.
My fears and thoughts were validated.
I was told I wasn't alone.
I geeked out with him over film.
And I was given the biggest compliment.
I was told that my mind intrigued him.
We shared about our own experiences with depression.
We talked about God and how sometimes there just aren't answers.
It was amazing and it was just what I needed.
You won't have that if you make your thoughts a reality.

I want you to remember everything and everyone you love.
On earth.
In this life.
I want you to remember why you need to stay alive.

Remember your family.
Remember your dad who is going through so much pain.
Remember your mom who is fighting to stay with you.
Remember your brother who loves you, even though it does not feel like it.
Remember your cousin who will do anything for you.
Remember that they will do everything in their power to help you.

Remember your friends.
Remember your best friend who won't know what to do without you.
Remember your teachers who pray and talk with you.
Remember how they are fighting with you and for you.

Remember your favorite things.
Remember driving in your car at night with your music blasting.
Remember reading a good book with the warmth of the fireplace.
Remember the rush of taking a risk, whether physical or emotional.

Remember tea and peaches and blankets and books.
Remember conversations and movies and passion and love.
Remember oceans and mountains and flowers and stars.

Remember all the little things.
Remember how life can be so surprising.

So get your headphones,
blast your music,
drown out those voices,
and when you're ready,
go to sleep.
I promise that it won't be so bleak in the morning.
 Jun 2015

As a little girl I saw you
You fell down and scraped your knee
And as the tears flowed
down your face
You thought I didn't see
Your mother came and hugged you
I wonder if you knew
That as she held you close to her
I came and hugged you TOO.

Yes, my child, I hugged you.
How it hurt to see you cry!
You thought that I was far away
But I heard your softest sigh.
You thought that I was far away
But I was always there...

Your every pain a call to Me
And every tear a prayer.

As a growing child I witnessed it
How the girls teased you in school
Well you understood the pain
Of being made a fool.
In the schoolground they all
Taunted you
I don't think that you knew
That when you sat
And hugged yourself
I came and hugged you TOO.

Yes, my child, I hugged you.
How it hurt to see you cry!
You thought that I was far away
But I heard your softest sigh.
You thought that I was far away
But I was always there...

Your every pain a call to Me
And every tear a PRAYER.

You came to be a woman
As precious as a dove
But you never saw it
For you'd always felt unloved
And so the world hurt you
How it tore you apart!
So I called you out and wooed you...


So now you know I love you
Now you see I cried!
Every time you did not trust Me
And believed deception's lie
Now you know LOVE YOU

Your every day a call to me


(C) 2/18/2009
This is a song I wrote a while back.
I will have it produced one day.

 Jun 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
It's like we just push on with it further
And we never even bother
Yet all we do is just hurt each other
We say goodbye like we mean it
But turn back in less than a minute
Bring it up and embrace not the thought
Say we should break up and doing it not
It's a winter whose snow feels hot
I like the way we move on,back to this very spot
Back into each others welcoming arms
Feeling the impact of each others breathing lungs
And our hearts beating neath our chests
It's clear we only break up into love
Maybe hurting some more's what we deserve
To realize that it won't work, it scares me to admit
"It's over" but I cannot tell you when we meet
All I say is let's do it again one more time
And all you say is I should write you one more rhyme
The question is when will it be the "lastest" my friend
When we cannot bear to abide to the end
 Jun 2015
Ami Shae
Trying to envision something wonderful
coming into my life and helping me to see
that somehow, someway I am truly meant to be.
oh - wait.
Someone once told me
I have to believe in me
if I want to find acceptance and love--
but how can I believe
if no one else bothers to look and see
just who it is
I'm hoping to be?
life is such a roller coaster ride
and the sad thing is--I've never liked
rollercoasters... :(
 Jun 2015
Something different
Something full of potential
Something unlike anything other
Something determined
Something strong

Flying through the sky,
Singing a soulless song.

Above the doubt of the world
Above the worries and pain
No more sadness and sorrow
That will wait for another day

Voice ringing,
Painting a tune,
Upon a azure sky.

Considering life
Had I followed the flock
Yet I regret nothing
I stand alone

I shine among the stars
Among the planets
Among the sun, the moon
I shine

Above the others
To a better future
To a better life
Rising above all the stars in the sky
*I rise
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