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 Feb 2015
In the silence of a day like today
In the wake of yesterday's dreams
Forgetfulness feels like noncompliance
In a world where defiance still seems
Like a benign inaction of innocence
Though it feels like a stabbing of spite
Willing to kneel to your Goddess
Yet unable to yeild to Her might
There is no weakness to worship at Her altar
It takes strength to relinquish control
Relax and trust in the knowledge
Acquiesce and watch it unfold
There is freedom in the smile of an angel
There is love to be had all around
There is power in making Her smile
Don't be the sadness beind every frown
Inaction, as innocent as it seems
Breeds disappointment that infects every smile
And all those little requests
Will stop being wanted after awhile
See, for all the deeds left unfinished
And all those tiny tasks left undone
Will chisel away Her hearts desire
Leaving Her another invisible no one
An empty shell of a Goddess
Whose glory, in your heart will remain
While She curses her very existence
Languishing in true-love's refrain
 Feb 2015
Little Azaleah
You know that feeling where you thought that you really love that someone so much, you thought you couldn't really live without him/her?
Then suddenly, as time goes by,
you stop feeling that way without realizing it.
And you don't feel jealous when they were with someone else,
and yet you still seem to care?
That's how I feel about him.

{ E.I }
 Feb 2015
chrissy c a
One day, you will meet a guy who will see the sunsets in your eyes.
Who will make you cry, but with joy,
Instead of misery, late at night.
Who will fight for you,
Instead of letting you guys fall apart.
Who will assure you that this isn't a repeat,
of your first broken heart.

You don't have to settle for anyone else,
Just to feel loved,
You are showered with it,
Even from above.

There is a whole world out there waiting for you.
A world that awaits for what your talent can do.
Don't let him hold you back.
No guy who is ever worth it will do that.

A guy who can walk away from you,
After letting you believe that they do love you,
Is never worth it.
Let him go, hunny.
Love will come looking for you.
Don't look for it.

*The wait will be worth it.
To my 18 year old self
 Feb 2015
Forgotten Heart
when I saw you
I just closed my eyes
but there I saw you
just like the way
I saw you for
the first time
 Feb 2015
Matthew M Lydon
she stood outside the apartment
finger halfway up her nose
scratching with her free hand
a **** loosely encased
in patchy, ***** blue jeans
ratty sneakers with holes where
her toes and dignity poked through

usually a whiner, a brayer
a donkey among gently purring cats
calling down thunder and racket
like a motorcycle tearing circles through a lamp shop

today, of all days, she swayed

in loose waltz time
to soft piano of a long-dead Frenchman
curling down from speakers
mounted in windows
across the street

her misshapen hips and flexing calf muscles
lifting her up in a rude en pointe
somehow made elegant
by a quiet ballad, a soothing moment
on a hot August morning
in Main Street
of the hinterlands.

the marriage of people I know, and music I only think I know.
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If something is sold out for good ,then                                                                   It's absolutely good ,but                                                                                           If a nation is sold out for any reason,then                                                              It's completely going to be a hostage                                                                     For ever and ever ...                                                                                                  ___________________­
 Feb 2015
Josh Allen
When we're together we can:

- hold hands
- kiss
- listen to our favorite tunes
- be super weird
- take rlly dumb selfies
- eat at subway
- sing dumb lovey dovey songs together
- cuddle
- hug
 Feb 2015
The human mind is running
the latest software upload
of this paradigm shifting program~
that calculates genetic algorithms
into vast patterns of random regularity
birthing the seeds of intelligent transformation
by out-solving itself
upon a flowering field~
of continuously evolving functions
displaying fractal solutions of subtle nuance~
braced in between a boundary of infinitely opposed edges.

...the Universal Mind does this in every dimension for an eternity.

I simply cannot complain about the aches in my brain
out of a shear respect for the absolute profundity of the situation.
I've started reading quite a stimulating book called, "The Singularity is Near", by Ray Kurzweil.  
I haven't made it to pg. 100 yet but was inspired to attempt to summarize the main idea in the verses above...Enjoy:-)
 Feb 2015
Forgotten Heart
is that
we search
for true love
in others
without knowing
true love exist
within ourselves
 Feb 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
We know the truth of this history
If the time is upon us to sin
We can refuse to
But the charges do not

Men move toward the classic way
To love
To Light
To Dream
To Release

One thing I want to say
to Claudius:

Not a War
Not a ******
Take away any child smile
Anyone can't be happy

Who Murdered Love
Anyone can't bring peace
Who does not love the flowers
He may even ****

My dear Valentine:

On that day you captured
Thought so
Is not something else,
Love is the only way of Salvation

Human life like a hill track
Somewhere in ups and downs,
This prompts the love constantly Friend
And So "Hate is the only word for Claudius"

Though You put to Death,
Hundreds of thousands of years later
Yet Love glistens in the hearts of millions,
Everybody a Valentine One

And Today I say,
Say with my thousand friends

"Long Live the Love
  Long Live Valentine"

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
//In Memory of St.Valentine//

Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome.
Claudius, The Emperor of Rome who ordered that Valentine be put to death.
if like please share, comment and repost the poem/

 Feb 2015
jeffrey robin
poetry is to go beyond

( • )  ( • )

and to enter the sublimity
Of fanciful creation

•         •

Thru poetry

We can plumb the depths of superficiality
And enter the world of the truly mundane

Where self created artificial emotions flourish
In the sanctity of ego and it's  brother -- pride


Poetry is like  a perpetual Facebook selfie
An intimate look at virtual nothingness

Uninhibited by any sense of responsibility
Or the foolish societal claims upon us
To // get real //

I came to understand this today when I
Witnessed a bus crash into some child on the street
And **** it

All the phones came out and the pictures were taken
Posted and going viral

The excitement was so real

Everyone trying to get their picture taken with the grieving mother
Who was Center Stage for the first time in her life!

People were lying down in the street with the corpse and taking selfies

It was a true celebration of what is real

People were ******* and cheering and loving
And having such a good time


It reminded me of you !!

Love without the limitations imposed
By vain morality and modesty

Life without some pompous *** telling us
What is fit or not fit to explore

We are just bodies !
We are pure art !

Thru poetry we can delve into the complete emptiness
Of meaningless experience

And raise it to the heights of enlightened vulgarity
We can raise simple uncomplicated exploitation
Of others
Into the grandest expression of total eternal love

We can talk majestically of touching someone's hair
Or  neck or genitalia

And show it's superiority to that of knowing someone's soul

We are gods and goddesses of the sublime manifestations
Of dying in pain

Numb to the oblivion of the gathering
Of the holy tribes

We have entered the mystic realm of sheer
And perfect triviality
Where life is hardly noticed within the noise



 Feb 2015
John Ashton Upston
All I ever wanted left me,
So I took it all.
All my lovers betrayed me,
So I ruined thee.
All I've ever known was subjective,
So I really knew nothing.
All my advice was selfish,
So I grinned right throughly.

I'm a wonderful caricature,
of what it means to be human.
Clowned up, and distorted,
that is the vision of me.
But worry not, fair sweet.
I'll be here as you worry and rot.
And I will feed.

I am all six circles of hell,
I am every demon.
I am the lie in the truth,
That glints so eagerly,
In the soft blue eyes of mine,
That can almost... make you feel mine.
Almost, but just out of a trance,
nay nothing ever was, just a circle,
That has never closed, just a cycle that,
has no history, impotent, yet
all consuming, I can't find the truth,
So I'll live in the lies, and they shall be,
The ties that I bind,
myself and others, delicately,
deliciously enjoying the feast,
I provide, alone, in the dark,
talking to those who live,
far far away in here, so that in my hell,
I can reside as king, and feel in control,
or an owner of something.

Yet still I awake,
stilly, I create,
These little poems on my own,
That you'll read on your own.
And you'll think, something but,
It'll be gone abruptly, as if you almost held a star,
but it twinkled unlucky.
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