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 Feb 2015
John Ashton Upston
All I ever wanted left me,
So I took it all.
All my lovers betrayed me,
So I ruined thee.
All I've ever known was subjective,
So I really knew nothing.
All my advice was selfish,
So I grinned right throughly.

I'm a wonderful caricature,
of what it means to be human.
Clowned up, and distorted,
that is the vision of me.
But worry not, fair sweet.
I'll be here as you worry and rot.
And I will feed.

I am all six circles of hell,
I am every demon.
I am the lie in the truth,
That glints so eagerly,
In the soft blue eyes of mine,
That can almost... make you feel mine.
Almost, but just out of a trance,
nay nothing ever was, just a circle,
That has never closed, just a cycle that,
has no history, impotent, yet
all consuming, I can't find the truth,
So I'll live in the lies, and they shall be,
The ties that I bind,
myself and others, delicately,
deliciously enjoying the feast,
I provide, alone, in the dark,
talking to those who live,
far far away in here, so that in my hell,
I can reside as king, and feel in control,
or an owner of something.

Yet still I awake,
stilly, I create,
These little poems on my own,
That you'll read on your own.
And you'll think, something but,
It'll be gone abruptly, as if you almost held a star,
but it twinkled unlucky.
 Feb 2015
Vanessa Gatley
You make me feel
  Depressed @ times
  Have me thinking like oh I'll never be good enough
    Not only for you but for any one else I
    Worthless of my existence
    We used to be close for a while
      Even kinda promised me oh
      Make you day
              Now we barely talk...
              Don't wanna tell me what flushed down the drain
     My heart has been cut & can't be fixed wounds
          Wish it was bandaged already  
        How can u be sooo cruel
        Like your pouring salt in them
    I can't stop thinking about what I've done
          This month's supposed to be romantic
         I have a little bit of rage too cause of this
        When your eyes have met mine
         The connection is weird
         I can't take
            When you had called for her name
            My heart had sunken  a few feet to my stomach
            Your voice when you use her name
            Want that sound in tune of MY name
             Asking what's up but not to me...
              I was in the room before her too
                   Maybe her appearance attracted you
              But tell u this
                                 I'm don't got the appearance  
                         Much but I got heart of gold...
About this guy I've been friends for a while and thought he liked me or had some feelings still maybe but now he seemed to have shunned me out for some reason
            WHy .....
 Feb 2015
SG Holter
Sun shining on the white shells
Of pearls cradled in mid-day warm
Sands will not excuse herself

For making them sparkle hot
Under her invisible hands.
Snow landing on the faces of

The battleground fallen
Rests as easily as on the forehead
Of a fever ridden child now soothed.

Tides rise and withdraw, rains
Drench even the drowning.
This is why you must feel the pain

You do. Finish this bad day.
Meet tomorrow
 Feb 2015
Ann M Johnson
If you were a poem
I could write you easily
If you were a poem
I would not have nightmares about you
If you were a poem
I would not be sweating
If you were a poem
I would not be fretting
If you were a poem
I would not have rough draft after rough draft
piling up at my feet
If you were a poem
I could finally get some good sleep
If you were a poem
I could keep my sanity within reach
I could lie lazily at a beach, if only in my imagination
If you were a poem
The problem is that you are not a poem
If only you were a poem instead of  being an
I have had problems with my composition essay assignment for school
The black man stalks my dreams again.
With his oil spill eyes
And venomous smile
He speaks in tounges
And bent up promises.

He jokes, Call me Cain.
Adam Judas Satan Jesus
Gabriel ******* Whale.
I call him the Whale
For he has swallowed me whole.

He is the flood
and I am swept away debris.
He calls me Seven
(That *******)
One for every sin I've mastered.
 Feb 2015
If at first you don't succeed
Spill your tears on paper
Pour your lamenting soul into the universe
Take a deep breath
And try again
 Feb 2015
In the darkness of night, or by the light of day
Waiting for hours with nothing to say
When wonder turns worry and knowledge to doubt
The truth becomes lies and silence to shout
The louder the cry the more muffled the plea
Lost miles away from where we should be
Open and honest and ugly and raw
Without wasting time with the hem and the haw
Memories fight oversights hidden by masks
Begging a thought is a torturous task
Still waiting for a hint or a clue or a sign
That the strength of a heart beats the power of mind
 Feb 2015
jeffrey robin
<><>                              (<^>)                              <><>
////  • ||
                  /\     /\




To see you



To be seen as      BROKEN LOSERS !

( and so you ARE ! )


Why do you WANT TO be seen

As broken losers ?









ugly ugly ugly

Trite ugly

Painless ugly

Stupid ugly


 Feb 2015
It rolls in slow like the fog
Helpless to stop it from stealing
Stealing every emotion you're feeling
'Til you're a bump on a log

Colorful, vivid trails of motion
Consuming visual acuity
Leaching verbal perspucuity
Making reality a useless notion

Wringing  beauty from stagnation
Colorizing gray cement
Brick by brick it paints lament
Into farcical animation

Taking over fantasy
Cartoon smiles and laughing fits
All the fruit without the pits
Beautifying all you see
 Feb 2015
Promises broken
As silence permeates time
Depths of loneliness
 Jan 2015
I miss you baby
I want to be next to you right now
I don't care about all the dumb **** that happened between us, I just want to hold you in my arms.

I hear a song on the radio, and think of you.
I see a great view and feel the empty space where you should be standing next to me.
I think of something funny or **** or weird or dark and I want to call or text but I know you will not answer.

I cry often, lately.

It didn't need to end.
We did some crazy **** but it didn't have to end.

So close...
 Jan 2015
S Smoothie
I have nothing to say
But more than enough
running through my mind.
Vileness and coldness
take over the spaces of warmth
once occupied by love.

Pain left the scar
Love left the pain
You left the love.

Even if it was for only a moment
Too late.

The mark is forever.

And like the scar
our skins won't knit back together
the same again
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