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 Jul 2017
Seize today.

Because yesterday was a chapter
written in words, actions and emotions
that should never define this day.
Take it.
Own it.
For it's what you make of it.

Revel in the present.

Because all that had transpired
only led to this moment.
You can't change yesterday for today.
But you can change now for tomorrow.

Enjoy the now.

Because the second that has just passed
has no anchor on you.
All that is experienced will fall away.
Committed to memory and learning
with the dawning of next morn's sun.

Anticipate the future.

Because it belongs to you.
It will wait and it will come.
And when it does, it will be beautiful.
Simply because you're celebrating today,
embracing the present,
savouring this second
and looking forward to tomorrow.

 Apr 2017
Perhaps the problem is we live as though we have an eternity to fall in love, to have everything we want,
to be able to fix all the problems we ignore and to apologize to those we hurt.  We live as though we are more than stellar fragments afloat in the immensity of space and time.
The problem is that we continue living this way until the last insignificant second when we finally hear the chimes of the cosmic harmonies calling us back home and then, we will be nothing but a wisp of nebulosity from gas and dust from whence we came,
scattered through space unfettered by ordinary human limitations.

How will you spend your brief moments here on earth?
How much will you love?
How much will you give?
How will you be remembered?
These are the thoughts that are haunting me today.
He lies flat on the rooftop
looking at the stars.

Useless worlds birthing and dying
he muses
the colossal magnificence of waste

if atrophy is the verdict
why create a complex web of universe
just because someone from an island
would stare at them
in awe of the beauty
seeking a key to the riddle
himself a grain of dust
lost in reading the firmament
and not grasping
of what significance
he is
within his shrinking space and time
in an expanding universe.
 Mar 2017
The moon and stars
" I am poem"

"I am kind and smart
I wonder about life
I hear the laughter of others
I see the kindness in everyone
I want to be true to myself
I am kind and smart"

"I pretend I'm a bird
I feel sad and destroyed
I touch the things i have broken
I worry about my family
I cry when i think about death
I am kind and smart"

"I say I'm fine but I'm not
I dream that i will be happy one day
I try to believe that I'm worth it
I hope people could see that I'm kind
I hope my friends can forgive me
I am kind and smart"
 Mar 2017
Her life is a constant wonder
with soul incessantly wandering
the blues of the deepest voids,
oblivious of the turquoise-blue
it could've found in the shallow of the sea.

She has a mind that seems recondite,
abysmal and profound
she still searches for the meaning of each word
for, to her, it doesn't seem much wrong
maybe the reason she is not understood by many
is because she is not trying to be.

Life can be hard to decipher sometimes
one won't be certain of living
with the absence of existence
yet the other one is certain of existing
even without living.
 Mar 2017
Dimitrios Sarris
It's hard to remember how everything was,
before people changed, before they turned into
a selfish and distant being.
Even those of us who refuse to turn into that
state of obscurity are considered weird, but the truth
is that we are exhausted and disappointed.
Those people who dare to call themselves humans
drain our positivity like parasites and take
advantage of our honesty.
I was lucky to know a true freedom for a while, a place
of remarkable spirit that was taken from me.
I will not yield.
 Mar 2017
My memories are not special
They are not unique
But they are mine

And though imperfect
They're all that I have
To reference these more confusing times

And after I’ve lived them once or twice
I store them away within my mind

Not just for me
But also for you

So that one day you can look back and see
All that it once meant to be
Alive within the eyes of Me
Generally speaking. Please know that if you're reading this. Liking this. Sharing this. Or just generally following me here on HP. I'm thankful for your kindness. For your input. For your thumbs up and considerate comments. It does mean a lot to me. Even though I don't say it nearly enough.


Thank you!
 Mar 2017
Eric W
It's obvious, isn't it?
When two similar planets pass by
each other
and get caught in
each other's
It's obvious what must happen here.
The words not said
scream loud enough to
bridge the hundreds of miles,
and we still don't
say them.
Not yet.
It's obvious we haven't been here before.
Into uncharted waters,
we move so
careful not to create waves
before we meet in the center,
careful not to misstep,
so that we can
do things right
for once.
It's obvious.
I'm so unbelievably grateful that my words were selected to represent this amazing community for a day. This is the best community I've ever had the honor to be a part of. Seriously, each and every one of you are amazing. Many of you have made a permanent mark on me with your kind words and friendship, and I'm continually amazed at the positivity and encouragement I see on this site. Stay great, friends. And thank you so much for reading! It means the world.
 Mar 2017
upon a ledge i felt this urge
to look beyond
the rock under my feet
is not a goal
a destination maybe
listened to people
some experts on cliff psychiatry
an urge to jump
is an urge to live
so high places
I seek
a bit
of anxiety sensitivity
some said
I look out over
the roofs
after all
down is where
we go
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