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 May 2015
Eckhart Tolle found
while sitting, homeless
on a park bench
watching the world go round.

You think you
have it wired,
just before it all
falls apart.

A bagpipe empty of air,
An accordion on its side,
Gasping for air.

Shaking rockin and rollin,
Nepal ground,
It all unfolds
after a while
dusty and dying
under the rubble.

**** with nature,
It'll **** with you.

Beginning as a solid silent
predictable mix
until it isn't
what it isn't.

It'll take a while
until it all settles down -
streaks and slumps
we've been over this ground.

Structures erected
nature's forces take over,
Life changes,
You hold on tight
searching for solid ground
when the waters come around.

Self inflicted,
Victims of circumstances,
Bad timing,
"Structures are known to become unstable,"
Eckhart Tolle
just before he became
rich and famous.
Eckhart Tolle, modern philosopher,
The Power of Now.
 May 2015
CA Guilfoyle
It must be a tricky business
it lingers, hovers stealthily
an invisible silence
a swift inhabitation
the soul awaits
to startle the body

In a wordless voice
it moves from room to room
turning lights on
spends a lifetime
ever longing
to be known
and heard.
It's a small bed we share
barely enough for the two
but big enough for the pair
to see the years sail through.

The wood now creaks with age
shrunk thin the old mattress
weighed down with passing days
buoyed up with embrace.

The pillows are thick with stains
of tears that flowed all the while
from rivers of joys shared pains
upon travel of the long trying miles.

Loyally it carries us along
our bed of priceless worth
could mere wood be that strong
if not bonded with warmth!
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Take off the night’s cover
Welcome the first rays
Feel the harmonious waves
Soft melody of the Earth
Pleasant notes hits the ears
Wait for the drapes to go up
View the world in new light
It’s time for dreams to take off
Meditate on the possibilities
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
When night descends
Darkened corners hearken
The soft pleas of soul
Waiting for some light
And explore every line
Sometimes crossing over
To forbidden territory
Opening the gates
To the earnest traveler
So many surprises wait
It’s a dream destination
When souls awaken
To the euphoric celebration
When night descends
 May 2015
Poetic T
I once had a dream where the darkness
Taunted me, where it encircled me,
Like a prisoner. I was in a cage never
To be released kept as darkness's prey.

Its power over me saturated my Immaterial
Soul, cracked wept with it putrid stench,
Enclosing me in this place of ill fate. it knew
Of the fears of what delved in this place.

I was the meat it was the vulture picking at
A carcass still living, Peeling the light and
Digesting my terror feeding its obscurity,
It hunger in this darkened nest.

It had an instinct to hold me, to keep eyes
Unseen, to grasp the darkness to keep all
Black,I was entombed in this chaos.
Was I lost never to find the path back.

My mind was lucid, falling beneath its
Crushing embrace, but when the moment
Lost, I woke up sweating cold terror, I
Was in darkness still till eyes focused light.

All but a dream, all but a moment of twisted
Moments of things not consciously seen, I was
Fine, back in the living, till my next sleep, what
Waited in the slumber darkness or light.
I have had a repeating dream of darkness surrounding me and suffocating me each time I wake I1m shaking and sweating like I`m in an oven. freaks me out every time...
 May 2015
I have completely slipped the grip
Where there was once creation and imagination
There is dull grays and heavy blues
An atmosphere who's lullaby is silence
I get angry
I thrash at blank pages
Shatter unresponsive ink onto white walls that have no recourse
Then cry
Then rage
Then cry some more
These days are wearing thin
Underneath it all I am vulnerable and raw
I need you to see that, to hear this, to know me
I want you to stop treating me like I am dry clean only
 May 2015
AK Bright
Consuming devastation
as if it's life-giving bread
Flesh, a merciless master
Ineffectual thoughts sway my head

With each indulgence
the captor becomes more emboldened
Betraying the true master
to whom I'm beholden

Surrender comes easier
with each new concession
Just one more link
in the chain of spiritual recession

Slaking every desire
as the senses grow cold
While the battle rages
between body and soul

One will be nurtured
the other put under thumb
Sin is spiritual Novocain
just making me numb
 May 2015
Nicole Dawn
Isn't odd how,
Someone can break your heart,
But only lose your trust?
As if,
If you search long and hard enough,
You might find your trust,
Which a careless person misplaced,
But never fix your heart,
Which a careless person dropped.
like a stone you fell, stars on your lips,
out of the dark, like a bird carrying the sky.

i stretched towards you my soul singing
of meadow grasses and old ruins.

everything you touched became a flame,
joy burnt like a fever beneath your wings.

i ran to you, shadows drawing back
the night like a curtain.

oh, the echoes of a pounding heart, across hills,
across continents, you strided on the wind

until the sea shook out its sheets
and the leaf shivered on the branch.

the night settled its layers of black
into dark forests, rested against the glassy tide

and you were gone, you were gone,
lost to hair more fragrant than mine.

from my book
 May 2015

the roots of
the deciduous tree
the wind barren
the veins of the
which fall
into the streams
which become
which become
which feed the
which create
which feeds

the roots
of the
once more

(c) 5/17/2015
Have you ever seen the
delta of a river
(from an aerial view)
going into the ocean?
It looks just like
a tree upside down!

 May 2015
Nat Lipstadt
a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities...

that's all any man wants,
a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
who knows the when and why of differing
cuddling styles...

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
who knows when to leave a man alone
alone in his man-mourning time,
distance needed,
letting his ex-rage dissipate or
watching his red and blue football
redefine ignominy...

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
that when the man low whistles, eyes adrift,
she heartily agrees and is
reciprocity rewarded regularly
with hunk alerts of

that's all any man wants,
a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
a tigress in the bedroom
she asking, try this, I'll love it,
served with a desert demo of awkward afterward,
his less-than-perfect cuddling abilities

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
who doesn't abhor partner silences,
comforting they are, in their own ways,
lying side by side, interrupted only by peccadillo body noises unexpected and
sheepish apologies and loving arm stroking

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
who lets the man roar, top of voice,
when imprisoned in car,  
his voice, un enfant terrible,
performs with Creedence Clearwater
a sing-a-long in traffic, asking
"Have you ever seen the rain"
while amidst Israel-leaving-Egypt
Sunday beach traffic on the L.I.E.

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
when it's pheromones  alternative mode day,
he celebrates Carole King day,
she demonstrates her cuddling abilities,
par excellence, with kisses and tissues

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities...

a woman, plain confident in her abilities
no matter the situational status,
when confronted by
she smiling says "why not,"
when he proposes,
a movie and dinner in a fav haunt?
"plenty excellent enough" her answer,
spoke in a rising voice
full of unfeigned delight

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
accepting the unexpected airport embrace
on a moving sidewalk, unexpected delays
with the aplomb of a well lived life's
long term sustainability perspective

when he kisses her hand for no reason,
while driving 75 miles per hour,
she only winces internally,
the other hand vise-grasping
the other door's handle,
who brushes hair wisps in a dark movie,
celebrating her Bathsheba Everdeen's
duality of strength and tenderness

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
that when on second date he proposes
a non-exclusive relationship,
confident enough to high-five respond,
and laugh about it,
seven years on

a woman, confident in her cuddling abilities,
that when she reads it,
analyzing the oeuvre as
"too **** personal and
as usual
too **** long"

that's all any man wants,
a woman, confident in her
cuddling abilities
in everything...
even a little occasional criticism
Entirely fictional, of course.

L.I.E. is the Lomg Island Expressway, a/k/a, the longest parking lot in the world.
Red and blue football team, the NY Giants.
Bathsheba Everdeen from Hardy's "Far From the Madding Crowd."
Alternate song choice, the Eagkes "Take It Easy."

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