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 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Hold on to sanity
Understand the chaos
The core is stable
Ignore the peripheral fracas
Whirlwind of ideas
Guarded by faulty premises
Nurtured for long
(mis)guided travelers
Listen to the intent
Look beyond the edges
Cacophony of hearts
Drowns the sanity
Hold on little longer
Sanity will prevail
Face the chaos
Trespass the faulty boundaries
 May 2015
Smelling on the wind, firewood.
the heat travels a warm bath around me.
when I set out in the morning/
the wind smells/
cool earth warming, slightly dried.
sometimes salt, I love to drink this.
Nothing to be
but observer/
bathing morning light
is playing now
laying low on banana leaves
got not shame
holds no lust
is pure
transitional beauty /
A reading is here
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Wrap yourself in those feelings
Closer to the heart and soul
Listen to the heart’s plea
Waiting for you to listen patiently
Travel with harmonious waves
In sync with the cosmic resonance
Feel the bursts of euphoric feelings
Listen to your muse for inspiration
Eternal words shall write indelible poetry
 May 2015
Chris Weallans
We gather them,

These stolen moments,
These orphaned seconds,
These lost dark minutes.

Stateless, Unattached,
These refugee clicks
With no form or voice
Do not belong here.

We pile them up,

These off cuts of time,
These shards of passing,
This swarf of tempo.

Shreds of interval
And dislocation
With no named event
To give them title.

And with our small words we bind them,
A suture in the wounded day,
To make a tiny poem of the scars.
 May 2015
In a day
in which the hour
has passed noon..
Afternoon constrictions
arise as conflicts
with time
as all conflicts
arise with time..
So the evening
awareness arrives
a graceful coming
which bathes the
constrictions with
growing recognition
of the seeming
power of time
illusion now and
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
An illusionary sleep
Has taken over every soul
Eyes wide open
Yet the vision is blurred
Every step is a stupor
Across broken paths
Not an inch of freedom
Spaces are traps
Detached from the soul
Every waking hour a tribulation
Truth swept under the delusion
Under an unknown spell
Magic wand instructs every move
It’s time to wake up
From an illusionary sleep
 May 2015
Nat Lipstadt
I cannot sleep, thinking:

I cannot give you short, bittersweet, sad, delighting, whimsical love poems.

I can give you short, bittersweet, sad, delighting, whimsical life poems.

In cold, rushing spring and river waters,
ash and water-borne soil mix.

A voyage endless.
We too, our voyage.
Endless. End less.

Examine the crevices and ravines that
are the map of your hands.

Your voyage's log, memory storage.

In the clouds's moisture,
ever recycling, it is all kept, stored.

Your hands well recall
the very first caress,
the softness of the baby skin,
the sweet of the lips,
thirty some long years after.

Dare to dispute?

The original animus,
the anima and the persona combination
the byproduct of blood and tissue,
some call spirit,
some call soul,
is matter that cannot be
nor created.

It only voyages on,
the conservation of mass,
our body, our enlivement,
our spark.

In cold, rushing spring and river waters,
ash and water-borne soil admix.

From this natural brew, renewal.

The voyage is the resurrection
Life ever after.
Life even before.
Life for ever

Our voyage is without destination.

Our voyage is our destination.
Our voyage is our resurrection.

Endless. Perpetual.

5:46 AM
written for the one who will recognize it immediately, as theirs...
Taste the moon, my friend

listen it will sing at night

a generous portion of love

with dark colored  sun filled glass

causes this somber sad expression

fills this anguish of mine

to melt my tears of hate....

Let me feel the moon in my bones

behind my wounded heart of mine

a ballad, oh moon, you do sing

from the deepest part of my mind

harbors past missed opportunities

of events through my lifetime~

The moon is raining my tears at night

feeling the sadness of many a years

bounds to my very soul

to take my pain of the disturbed peace.....

The world has gone mad

my life is your equalizing song

rain moon rain, with all your might

Let me radiate in your light....

Let's taste the moon tonight...

Debbie Brooks
When you are a poet
you don't place yourself on a pedestal
don't spit venomous hate
think fellow writers are dismal.

When you are a poet
you don't feel a superiority
fellow writers you gleefully berate
make yourself perversely witty.

When you are a poet
your heart is a little more wide
you don't fume and fret
readers are not on your side.

If you are a poet
you know better than to be arrogantly vain
don't carry ego's sinful weight
but let your art pour through your pen.
 May 2015
We are not that, they, them, or us
We are I
We are me
We drag others behind us and call them friends
We surround ourselves with people who think we are more than we see
With people who are less than we
For alone, I am...invisible
Unseen, it remains unreal
Masks of faith
Worn out by the faithless masses
There is truth in the worn out, "I am nothing without you"
In We, I matter
In We, I exist
Without an audience it isn't a show
We are I
 May 2015
+One year
+One month
+One day
We share one soul eternally
As one always
 May 2015
Pandering for untruths
Like for like
Follow for follow
A thousand people who don't read
A thousand people who don't care
The occasional polite word
There is no satisfaction in falsehoods
One heart given out in truth
A word to show connection
One real follow over thousand barters
To touch another in honesty
To help another feel
That is the beauty of poetry
It breathes in those who read
A gift from soul to soul
Yes, that is
The beauty of poetry
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