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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
There are waves that                                                                                                Look like mountains and                                                                                         There are mountains that                                                                                       Look like waves ...                                                                                                    There are clouds that                                                                                                Look like winds and                                                                                                Winds that look like clouds ...                                                                                 There are seas that                                                                                                    Like like skies and                                                                                                     There are skies that                                                                                                         look like seas ...                                                                                                     There are many images                                                                                       In life that look like other images                                                                        Here and there ...................... .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I love to add sugar                                                                                                    To my tea , but                                                                                                         If I add honey ,then                                                                                                  It's better ...                                                                                                                I love to add salt                                                                                                        To my food,but                                                                                                         If I add a recommended amount of salt                                                                To my food , then                                                                                                     It's better ...                                                                                                               If I stop adding sugar or salt                                                                                     To my drinks or to my food ,then                                                                       It will the best step                                                                                               I take anytime ...................... .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If you are so-and-so or                                                                                             If you have such-and-such ,                                                                                     I don't care and                                                                                                         It's my business at all ...                                                                                           What I care about                                                                                                     Is to treat me as a human being and                                                                      To respect me well ...                                                                                                I care only about our mutual respect                                                                      In this world .
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Over there I played and                                                                                           Over there I was raised ...                                                                                        That haunted palace was up-stairs and                                                                 My old school was down-stairs ...                                                                           I spent most of my childhood                                                                                  Over there happily and gladly ...                                                                            The green grass , the cactus , the orange trees ,                                                     Those egg-plants , these green and red peppers ,and                                            Those pretty camels were over there ...                                                                   The tin houses were installed for Those poor people who lived over there ...                                                         It was a long , long time ago , but                                                                      That Patos Orchard is no more over there                                                         Simply because they replaced with some                                                          Other buildings ...                                                                                                That Patos Orchard is only stored                                                                      In my mind ...                                                                                                       I am still alive to document it for those who know nothing it                          About it ...                                                                                                             The Patos Orchard is real and I am real ,but                                                     Now it's no more ..................... .                                                                          ___________________­__
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
To be or not to be ,                                                                                                    No one cares ...                                                                                                                Not to be or not to be not ,                                                                                       No one cares ...                                                                                                         It's better to be with your good deeds                                                                    Rather than to side with your bad deeds ...                                                            Be in this world strong and be with people                                                            Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  Always pick the best choices in life                                                                             Simply because you need be the best ....                                                            Look forward for what might benefit from or                                                  For what might people benefit from ...                                                             Don't be angry with anyone                                                                               Simply because it is not worthy anytime ...                                                      Be in the best direction and                                                                                Sleep on that side you feel comfortable anytime ...                                           Be with people and always help people                                                             As much as you can ...                                                                                         Be only like a passer-bye in this world ...                                                          ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Only in my mind                                                                                                     Those pretty flowers never get withered                                                                 Simply because I always their images                                                                    As they are ...                                                                                                            All flowers wither ,but                                                                                              Not in my mind ...                                                                                                   All pretty words are like                                                                                          Those pretty flowers in my mind                                                                            Simply because they never get withered in my mind ....                                      I have all those images of great things                     In my mind ...                                                                                                       My mind stores all pretty memories and all pretty images                              Of lovely things that happened in life ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
كلماتنا الجميلة عبرت الى المجهول                                                                                         و صارت كل حياتنا تحت رحمة ذلك المجهول ...                                                                       نحن في زمن سيء                                                                                                            و اخترنا اسوأ الالعاب ...                                                                                                    نموت كل انواع الاموات                                                                                                     و لانبالي !                                                                                                                      عجبا و الف عجب !                                                                                                           ما ذا نحن ؟                                                                                                                     حروب تلو حروب                                                                                                             و فاتورة باهظة الثمن ندفعها للغير ...                                                                                      نبحث عن نهايتنا و                                                                                                                              اين بدايتنا ؟!                                                                                                               ضياع فيه نحن                                                                                                             و نحن في ضياع                                                                                                          و كل شيء ضاع ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
All things ,                                                                                                                Good or bad , will happen                                                                                      Sooner or later ...                                                                                                      Everyone is going to be or to be not                                                                       Depending on what's going on ...                                                                           No one is exempted from                                                                                         Any headaches anytime ...                                                                                      We all tend to be rather than to be not                                                                   Simply because that's better for us ...                                                                     we Suffer on a daily basis                                                                                          Simply because that's like our bread                                                                 Which we eat everyday ...                                                                                  We are alive ,but                                                                                                   We're in reality semi-dead ...                                                                               We are cruel and                                                                                                  We have hearts made of stain-less steel ...                                                          ___________________­_
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
نظل نأمل ان ينظر الينا                                                                                                       كبشر محترمين كغيرنا ...                                                                                                   نعامل كأقل من البشر                                                                                                         في كثير من الاحيان ...                                                                                                      ماذا نريد ؟                                                                                                                      نريد حياة حرة و                                                                                                              عيش كبقية الناس                                                                                                              على سطح كوكبنا ...                                                                                                         الى هذه اللحظة                                                                                                                  فلا نشعر بأننا سوى                                                                                                           قطع اثاث في بيت ...                                                                                                     عاملونا كبشر فقط ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Those evil-doers sat together                                                                                    To make up their minds                                                                                           About their evil and bad deeds ,                                                                              Those good-doers gathered                                                                                      To make up their minds                                                                                           About their good deeds ,                                                                                         Evil versus goodness                                                                                                 Simply because they are like                                                                                  Two-parallel lines that never meet                                                                           Even if they try ....  Thoughts are the main matter in one's approach in life ...                                It's one's evil mind that picks one's bad thoughts anytime ....                          Good-doers never pick bad thoughts                                                                 Simply because that contradicts their goodness while                                      Evil-doers go all the way until the end                                                               Where their inevitable end will be there ...                                                         _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Life is great and wonderful                                                                                      When we understand everyone and everything                                                    In it anytime,anywhere,and everywhere or                                                           The whole life will in a great mess ...                                                                      Misunderstanding life brings chaos and disorder                                                 To all of us ...                                                                                                            Understanding life versus misunderstanding life                                                  As a whole ....                                                                                                            Life is great around us and it's wonderful                                                              In All that it contains visible or invisible anytime ...                                              Some understand life greatly and wonderfully and                                         Some other people misunderstand it wholly ...                                                  ___________________­__
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
When we pass away anytime ,                                                                               Our thoughts and our ideas                                                                                    Remain like fountains that                                                                                       Help people to sip from them ...                                                                              If our ideas and our thoughts are                                                                            Hallow , so   that                                                                                                             They're our thoughts and our ideas                                                                        That matter anytime whether                                                                                We're alive or we're dead ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
بيئدر كل واحد يطير                                                                                                          بس بأحلامو ...                                                                                                               الوئت بيئدر يطير                                                                                                            امات مابدو ...                                                                                                                  المصاري بتطير                                                                                                              امات ما بدا ...                                                                                                                 الشي الحلو بيطير                                                                                                             وئت مابدا ...                                                                                                                   الامجاد بتطير                                                                                                                    امات مابدا ...                                                                                                             كل شي بيطير                                                                                                            وئت مابدو                                                                                                                  و لا تئولوا                                                                                                                 كاني ماني ...                                                                                                             _____________________
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