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Candy Noire Oct 2014
My body aches
I've climbed a mountain
I got to the top
And called to the world below me
"Notice me"
But no one looked up -
So I got to my knees and begged
To the Rain God's
"Make me a storm
So they will look up to the sky
And they will see"
The Rain God's laughed
And roared with glee
"You are a storm, are mighty thee
Have you not heard the story of Goliath?
He was defeated by someone so small
They all are in your hands so throw
Your pebbles to the world my dear"
I crumbled
I looked out at the crowd approaching
My tears slid down the mountain-range
To fall below and tumble
Like I obliterated my false destiny
To be seen, I must see me.
Candy Noire Sep 2014
On a pathway to self-destruction
I taught myself to live
To indulge in every moment
To laugh, to love, to give
And when the roads are weary
And death, he calls my name
I beg you for forgiveness
I beg you to forgive my sins
And all that glitters is not gold
I know this to be true
I though I was in love
But I was only fooled by you
But still I enter every moment
With ignorance and an open heart
I no longer wait for your call
Carpe momento
Carpe diem
Carpe noctem
Seize it all.
  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
Jane Doe
Once tall, he now sits stooped over a stool.
drool, dropping from his lips.
pen in hand and hardly a smirk to share
where he once mocked.
the clock now ticks
He’s still regarded as a ****.
by everyone but her.
and it sticks like gum under
table tops, and flips
and flops, because he once had a confident air.
Now there is a blatant obnoxious stare.
A history of charm does less good
and more harm than it should.
Candy Noire Sep 2014
I write you poems all the time
Every time you cross my mind
My mouth never utters a word of you
But my mind it never shuts up, its true.

I write you poems all the time
And tear them up and say I'm fine
That I don't need you in my life
But my mind says otherwise.

I wrote you poems when we met
They were so different back then
I spoke of love and innocence
My mind was stuck on you, my friend.

I wrote you poems in Autumn
When the leaves died I thought of them
I thought of what we were back then
But we know things have to change again.
  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
André Morrison
Birth is the initiation
Life Is the test
Death is an Evaluation
What Was your score?
Were there some things you wish you studied more?
Candy Noire Sep 2014
My voice is loud
To make an echo in my soul
I came in eyes wide
Like a whirlwind
And shook up a storm of a man.

Decay and rust what once was gold
Now common copper
Broken homes
You promised the world
And left empty handed.

The thunderclaps of your touch
How do you leave what eats you up?
Addicted to your darkness
Cause when I see sun
It rips apart my sadness.

I'm delirious with delusions
I envisioned more than this
But your touch is hot like fire
And I still long for your kiss
When I'm alone at night, do you remember this?

Bound men frown quietly
Bound by pressures of society
To be a man but you're a boy
And boys just have to play with toys
Not girls, not women you see
But I hope you remember me.
  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
André Morrison
Don't leave precious things in the past
You'll never see them

Don't set things too far in the future
Because you'll never reach it

Leave bad memories in the past
Not in the future
They will eventually reach you again
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