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  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
So today you'll be in love this girl from the internet and tomorrow you be in love with that girl from the internet and today your mother will ask you to look up from your phone for two seconds and tomorrow you will be ******* over a girl that you can't that you can't look in the eye because her eyes are miles and away and they're always watching you with disinterest, until you lose interest; some Catholic girl told me that long distance relationships make it easy to fall I to son and I got to understanding why God stays so far away. I know how to ruin myself with one hand, I know how to tear you apart with two. I know how stop taking care of myself until I'm overgrown with weeds just to watch you grow; some idiot said you don't forget how to ride a bike so I got lazy and stopped using one and some idiot said you don't forget your first love and I did the same thing. I saw the train coming and I laid you down on the tracks like I cared, and I did but I just don't know how and that's how the deal, no one knows how to do anything, hardly anyone knows how to derail trains.
And today I'll fail my test becase I didn't study, tomorrow I'll remember that a year ago you said my name for the first time; today I'll sit on my hands until they tingle just to make sure that I'm alive; we'll delve into the meanings of 'love' and 'lust', but in the end they'll both still feel the same, I'll wonder if you track dirt into your house with your boots or if you just track hurt, you'll always keep me right where you can see you but never where I can hold you. We'll speak well about each other and keep our dark secrets tucked into the waistbands of our skirts like crisp white shirts. I can't understand why anyone would want to live in the first world, where all we do is keep things we love in dusty boxes and sit in traffic and hurt the people we love and write about it.
And then we'll leave the internet and grow up and be gray and our tweets will die out like people do and then we won't think about it much. We won't think about it much.
Candy Noire Sep 2014
What wonders await me?
The void of the unknown beckons me
Down, down, to where my feet have never reached
Through soil and stone
Lies mystery.
Do I dare tempt fate?
And flirt with death
As I lean across the bar
Ask for ***** and regrets
If I reach the other side
What do I have left?
Candy Noire Sep 2014
It's worse when you trust them
They know just what to say
To make your ears bleed
"You owe me bae"
I laugh at your ignorance
You heartless pig
I don't owe you ****
I never did.

But this Stockholm syndrome
It always drags me back
I'm a ghost to your words
You're my present and past
"***** - say you're my *****"
Do you love me baby?
Cause it just doesn't mean ****.

I laid in the bed
And I know where he sleeps
I know all your obsessions
All your filthy dreams
But you're just a boy
You'll never be my man
Oh B. You never learn
I have the upper hand.
For B
Candy Noire Sep 2014
I crave to be near
But you burn me at the touch
You leave your mark on me
And I use you like a crutch
When you smile I feel our spark
And when you frown I just smell smoke
Stuck in a cycle I'm left in the dark
But without you I would choke.
  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
Dorothy Parker
By the time you swear you're his,
  Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is
  Infinite, undying -
Lady, make a note of this:
  One of you is lying.
  Sep 2014 Candy Noire
Sophie Herzing
Sometimes it was as if she sipped chlorine
from little bottle caps with yellow nails,
tilting her skeletal neck back,
balancing it on a vertebrae that popped
through the top of her pastel blouse.
Really though, she ate media on sandwich bread;
believed anything in bold with twin quotations.
She was a hint of a woman, blue eyes. Translucent,
fair, a suggestion haunted by her own demons
that she dreampt about after I stayed up, waiting
for the sleeping pills to kick
in. After the baby came she obsessed
over her thickness, was confused and destroyed
as she called it by the miracle I laid in the crib
every night. Old photographs weren’t memories,
just reminders of how she used to look.
She would scream, explode with frustration,
when the baby wouldn’t stop crying, begged
Why doesn’t she like me? But it’s hard to hold
onto a ghost, sweetie. So she swore,
and she swore that tomorrow would be better,
she would get better. But I know
that once again I’ll make her a breakfast she’ll never eat,
rock the baby back to sleep,
and loop myself around another sunrise
just to feel warm again.
Candy Noire Sep 2014
I tell the world I'm invincible
That the words they say don't lacerate my skin
That every time I look in the mirror
I am happy with who I am
What I am, who I've been.

I tell the world I'm invincible.
That I go to bed each night with happy dreams.
That every time I fall in love
I am content with loving them
Wanting them, them having me.

I tell the world I'm invincible.
That nothing in the world can hold me down
That every time you crush my walls
I'll build myself up
Never cry, never frown.

I know inside I'm not invincible.
But I tell myself to make it all okay
So every time I crumble at 3am
I'll move on from it
I'll make something from it, I'll grow, I'll change.
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