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 Feb 2017 C F Tinney
No matter what
You have been led to believe
There is no happy ending
To this story.

There is only
The crushing, suffocating reality
That you are not
Were never
Will never
Be even close to good enough.

The. End.
 Feb 2017 C F Tinney
Fish The Pig
my eyes are raw
and sting
from the constant blotting
of deep
and soulful
resurrections of emotions,

perhaps I would feel better
If I stopped trying to hide them.
I think a lot of thoughts,
At 4am.
And I only ever think of you.
In the early dawn
A shout is seen
As the moon is falling,
Tawny birds blithely dart
In the scarlet tangles
Of your heart, always escape
Yet never so parading past
The topped prime colours
Of bleeding eyes uncovered,
All the fields and clearing
Woods have cordoned
Themselves, beyond
Your glorious boundaries,
In the knotted, noble trials
Of briar and serrated leaf,
Green trails ply angled thorns
Leading to one ****** crown.
And you and I are still
Young enough to really live.
We are simply melding
Into another season of emotion.
?The years are just beginning
?To gray what they have claimed
?And have been allowed to claim.
The wind blows away what it can--
What cannot be tied down.

??Keep whispering
Your soul into my soul.?
Keep primal scream tears          
?Falling into my primal soul.

??Keep filling up the empty spaces.?
Keep creating empty spaces.?

Tearing down the vacant walls.?
Building up new walls.?

Opening locked doors.?
Locking others in turn
As we forever transform together
?Under the aegis of the Immortal

??As I grow like the roots
Of the banyan tree?

Hanging down with the branches
Helping to provide shelter
?As I slowly grow closer
To the sweet earth?
In silent anticipation.
Finally touching her.?
Slowly penetrating her.
?Gently pushing deeper
?Until we are of one purpose
Deeply rooted by the banks
Of the Eternal Zoe River
That descended from heaven
And flows through
Human spirit transformed.?

Life-giving water running slow
And deep the source of your whisper--
True essence in deepest longings

??Flowing into my source
Pockets of holy energy overflowing
?Slowed down to a trickle at times ?
Going full circle and
                                     Back and forth
?From out of reach channels.

??That something deep beyond the
                                 Starry masses.?

That something some call love.
That something some call God.?

That something flowing & living
                                  In you and me.

                --Daniel Irwin Tucker
I sat by his bedside the day my father died.
The cancer that had riddled his body and soul
Now had complete control.

He fought kicking and screaming
The night the men in white came to take him
On his final journey
Like a great wildebeest
Struggling to get up on its front legs after being taken
Down by young lions. The way so many had said he
Probably would since he fought his way tooth & nail
Throughout his life from the very beginning.

That night I sat on a chair at the foot of his bed
Staring out the huge ceiling to floor window
Of the medical centre
At the many worlds hidden beneath thousands of straight
Stationary lights in-between fluid winding rows of
Transient lights and thought how the light of This window
Is just one of many thousands. At that moment it seemed
More like just one tiny speck in the vast star fields
Worlds above this city of light.

My father had spent most of his life just a short
Six-mile drive from here, under the scattered lights of His

He turned to me and asked,
“That’s a big city. Where are we?"

Dementia had claimed his mind ten or more years earlier. It
Slowly wound its way around his brain like a cocky Snake
?Handler being choked by a boa constrictor unawares.
It seemed like it all caught up to his body.
But it was good to see much of the bitterness
And bad blood between us dissipated over the past decade.
On that night compassion ruled the day.

I could not say it then
But it has been many years
Where it seems compassion has forged with objectivity.

In a lucid moment he looked around the hospital room
Bewildered as if he were a little boy who just woke up
From a bad dream and asked,
“How did this ever happen?"

If only I could have told him.
Sometimes the truth cannot be spoken or heard.
All I could do then was sit by his bed
Lean in close to his ear
And sing softly his favourite hymns. 

By morning his lifeless
Dilapidated body lay in the fetal position.
His once ravenous mouth now forever frozen
Looked like a knothole in a twisted cedar tree.
All I can do now is hang my head and think
Of how weak and frail we humans truly are.

Like compassion forged with objectivity,
Weakness and frailty forges with fleeting moments of Strength.
We forge heroes out of these moments to tower above
The pedestals the former is made of
To somehow minimize the pain of this often denied truth.

               --Daniel Irwin Tucker
My wife & I put our life on hold & travelled to the U.S. to help my mother take care of my dying father. She wanted to keep him in the comfort of his own home. We were there for five months.
and the wind will blow
and you will drift
guided by chance
and an unseen Navigator  
like a ship on a raging sea
or a butterfly caught in the wind

just don't close your eyes

the light may be
too bright or too dim
the crumbling ruins
may fall hard
beside and inside you

but don't be found
holding tightly to the cocoon
when the metamorphosis
has long been completed.

          --Daniel Irwin Tucker
I cried out to God for answers
While waiting for his reply
I forgot to do some living
'Ere I fell down to die.

Beheld I no great majesty
In wonders he had wrought
But pitied self for circumstance
That time and life had brought

Forbid that I would ever look
Beyond my meager station
And witness those at deeper lows
and show appreciation.

Hence, the twilight of my life
Has come, and shadow's fallen.
At last, across the great divide
I hear His voice is callin'.

Our answers come in all due time
And so little time is given,
So while you wait you might as well
Go do a little living.
 Jan 2017 C F Tinney
Ami Shae
If wishes could come true
I'd wish complete healing
to come to you.

If wishes could come true
I'd wish eternal joy
to find and comfort you.

If wishes could come true
I'd wish all love you feel
to multiply tenfold back to you.

Someday all these wishes
I wish for you
truly WILL
all come true...
just wishes for one and all here and beyond...
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