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B M Clark May 2014
Drops* on Copper  Leaves
                                          Wor­thless but for Luck we Need
Pennies in the *Rain
B M Clark May 2014
When we were first married
I used to count.
The lovely things you did
Just because you loved me.

A cup of my favourite tea when I wake up
Kiss on my nose
Morning laughter
You make me breakfast
I Love You

And then life knocks all that out of our routine.
You go to the bathroom
Cereal for you
Leave for work
I Still Love You

I miss the beginning.
I miss Tea in the morning
B M Clark May 2014
I see them in my mind
Count them as they fall
Glittering red jewels
Do not loose them all

Parents split
Mom doesn't understand
No one loves me
I hurt him
He devoured my innocence, I thought I loved him
It wasn't love, it was ****
I can't tell my friends
Judgement, if anyone knows
They all hate me
No one understands
Oh God
My mom finds me
She sees my rubies
Psych Ward
They ask questions at school
Twenty One
I need to see my rubies again
Twenty Two
They make beautiful pictures
Twenty Three
I told you, and him
Twenty Four
Your sad faces hurt me
Twenty Five
You make me throw my pretty friends in the river
Twenty Six
I stop
For Daija,
You are beautiful.
I miss you.
I hope you really did stop.
I tried to help.
B M Clark May 2014
Not knowing, ignorance, is a funny thing.
I use to see my past as either a treasure chest or a time bomb, I was never entirely sure which.
I use to see my past as a catalyst to some grand adventure, but I could only guess at how long it would last.
That's how it goes, everyone only guessing when their adventure ends. Some people know how, but no one knows exactly when.
For me though, there was more, A larger question mark, more X's in my equation. I knew less, and it always had me imagining.
You see I was adopted at birth, I never knew my life givers, my body makers, my me creators. I only knew they existed. That and the scraps of information gathered throughout years of questions like needles picked slowly and painfully while searching through the hay.
She played the flute, just like you.
He looked (to her at least) like Wayne Gretzky.
They were never married.
This was the story but it wasn't my treasure, it wasn't wasn't my bomb.
You see I have no idea what to expect at the end of the story, the place where I would meet them, my DNA combiners.
At the X on this treasure map would there be gold? Would I find a count-down on a bomb amidst my riches? Would there be, among the glittering joy, a hint at when this grand adventure would end?
Most importantly,
Did I want to know?
Curiosity has always burned in me like a forest fire raging far beyond my self control.
I wanted to know.
Would I find in the story of my life's creation more family to love, more people who matter?
Or not?
And if there was a bomb what would it be?

Do I want to know?
Do I want to see an expiry date on my young life?

This knowing is a gamble,
These dice cannot be loaded,
These cards cannot be cheated.

That is my choice, to live out an adventure short or long, and discover their story.

Discover my story.

Ignorance is a funny thing.
B M Clark May 2014
You say "I miss you, I want just one more day"

I want everyday,

I want laughing and talking.

I want being held, and being told I'm pretty,

Even when it isn't true.

I want happy and in love,

Holding hands, and hugging.

I want blue eyes locked on green.

Just Eskimo kisses and soft touches

I want you and me.
20 years old
B M Clark May 2014
Let the haunted emptiness
Let it take me away
Carry me into deep darkness
Lift me out of this day

Close my eyes with nights caress
And sleep enclose and unwind
For the relief of my stress
And I float in a dreaming mind

The morphing shadows of black
Swirl in terrifying scenes
In fear I try escape back
To such a place without dreams

Now listlessly awake I lay
Tired, but unable to rest
Sleeplessly caught in the sway
To far gone, drifting in grey
11th Grade
17 years old
B M Clark May 2014
Paint a picture for me
Paint me the night
Paint the world as you see it
Paint it with love

Paint for me your hopes
Paint your dreams intertwined
Paint the thing you want most
Paint the best you can

You've painted all you want
And all you see
Paint now what you have
And what you love

Now you've done that
Step back, take a look
What have you created?
A master piece of you.

But do not gaze long
Do not gaze often and dream
Instead put it away
Go pursue the dreams you've created.

Nothing is worse,
No nothing hurts
More than a dream
You do not pursue
10th Grade
16 years old
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