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 Nov 2014 HB
Donna Bella
Moving on
 Nov 2014 HB
Donna Bella
I'm going to miss my pink and blue walls
I'm going to miss the squeaky noise
I'm going to miss the nosey neighbors
I was ready to get rid of the pain of emotions of this house
But tomorrow morning it's happening
I'm moving on to better
I cherished the past
But wow my future is so bright
Moving on to better things....
 Nov 2014 HB
A Love For Hatred
The perfect man does not exist -
No matter what they say.
Because every man
Has the tendency to walk away.
I wrote this to my boyfriend in 2003. He walked away.
 Nov 2014 HB
Our Universe
 Nov 2014 HB
beginning there were
Stars, millions of
Fiery orbs clearly visible in
theVoid of

But do you see stars now?

The world has become our pollution,
Our demise. Making planets our to be stars
But if we want to--and we will, we can
Shine, shine bright, brighter than we've
Ever been before.

*And we will be noticed
This society is created to discourage us, to tell us that we're forever not good enough, and to blind us to the great things that we could have done--and can do, if we choose to. Don't let the negative opinions of others affect you, supernova.
 Nov 2014 HB
 Nov 2014 HB
He told me that I
Was his little secret  
I told him that he
Was worth the pain  

He told me that I
Could hold his hand
I told him that he
Could bring me shame

And I know that it's wrong
And I know I should change  

But the words that he said
They drove me insane  

And I know that it's wrong
And I know I should change  


He told me that I
Was his sweetest pain
I told him that he
Was my best mistake  

He told me that I
Could be his favorite lie
I told him that he
Could make me cry..
 Nov 2014 HB
Grace Jordan
For You
 Nov 2014 HB
Grace Jordan
For you, the one who I never expected.

For you, the one who holds me and makes me laugh and is so very close to my own heart sometimes I think they share beats.

For you, the one who believes in me more than I believe in myself, telling me I'm something even on my darkest days. That I'm special, that I'm worth it, even when I want to believe that I am everything but.

For you, the one who I am so afraid of hurting, but could not stand at this point to abandon out of fear. I find myself standing by your side and wanting to stay there and make you as happy as I can manage, because you deserve it.

For you, the one I fell asleep in front of, a feat not many can claim, for sleep has always terrified me more than it should and the fact I trusted you with unconscious me means the world, when I barely trust myself during slumber.

For you, the one who watched Lilo and Stitch the first night we spent together, and we kissed and laughed and simply were just us and I couldn't ask for anything more wonderful, even though at the time I hardly appreciated it.

For you, the one who was there for me when I thought no one wanted me, and promised you would be there for me even when I couldn't be there for myself.

For you, the one with almost tears in his eyes when you realized the gravity of my pain, of my problems, of my fears. The almost tears that I will never forget, and will make me want to fight for a better me every day.

For you, the one who I never expected, but now would not change for the world.

For you.
 Nov 2014 HB
Fall in love with me.
I can't promise that I'll catch you
But the days we spend together
Will make it worth the fight

Fall in love with me.
Be the first to discover me
Get me to open up
Know all my fears
And the songs stuck in my head

Fall in love with me.
Tell me I look beautiful
Even when I look like a mess
And make me feel
Like no one ever has before

Fall in love with me.
And please
Make me fall in love
With you
Don't let me go
i will always be a cup of coffee
a little strong
a bit too sweet
and I can never change
her love
of a watered down alternative
that she prefers
instead of me
 Nov 2014 HB
Find a Poet Not a poser, not a "it's just a hobby" poet. Find one who mumbles lines as they scramble for a pen at breakfast; who shakes their head randomly when their thoughts aren't rhyming properly;  who has notebooks stashed around the house that you must never touch.
2. Listen Savor the spoken words, for those are harder to express. Keep in mind that they can't be edited and re-written, and be forgiving when a mistake is made.
3. Read The body speaks as loudly as words on a page do. When their eyes are closed or focused on the ceiling and the fingers are tapping out syllables, recognize the unique process. Respect the need for quiet, because if you look closely, you can read the poem on their face before they write it on the page.
4. Write Write your story together. Grab hold of the pen and hang on as you move across the page of life. Sometimes you will dance across, others you will be dragged. You may have to cross out a word, or a line, or a page, but don't give up. Discouragement is a poet's biggest enemy, inarticulateness their biggest fear. So end each day with a semi-colon, because the story will never end the way you think it will, and there must be room for more. There is always room for more, more words, more laughter, more tears, more love,
When you love a poet.
 Nov 2014 HB
Olivia Choi
a star that falls in love is in the most dire situation,

because they must sacrifice their existence to meet with another,

for when two stars come in the closest proximity as possible,

their ultimate fate is to collide and to explode into the darkness of the galaxies.

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