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ARI Oct 2014
You had it
The job you wanted
Swore it'd change your life

And the house
You had truly believed
Was what your family needed

But your heart
Still felt too heavy
To give to your wife

Unable to understand
Why happiness never came
It wasn't something easily explained

So you searched
The moon and stars
And all the stories written

Hoping to find
Your peace and all
The hidden glories of heaven

Searching so long
You never saw, you
Already had what you needed

And you didn't
Even know the sound
Of your child's heart beating

Many years later
As your body began
To slowly tear itself apart

That is when
You stopped to listen
For that voice calling "daddy"

But by then
That child has gone
Your wife's light has died

That is when
You finally will realize
All that you really had
ARI Oct 2014
Small innocent child
so sweet and beautiful
with a heart so wild
and smile so brilliant

With soft blonde waves
caressing rosy cheeks
and enchanting blue eyes
filled with vibrant wonder

Everything about you
is everything I love
Forever and always
ARI Oct 2014
Shes the girl
Sitting in the back of the book store
reading old stories
everybody else ignores

If you take
the time to ask her name
She wont answer you right away
for she trades with the characters on every page
and cant always remember which she claims

On the outside
Shes looks shy and recluse
and you notice she never notices you
Thinking something must be wrong with her
But my dear, if only you knew

In her mind
Shes dreaming, dancing, and laughing
So lost in all her sweet adventures
In her own little world
where everything is beautiful
ARI Oct 2014
You held my hand
Close to your heart
You kissed my lips
And swore you'd never leave

You held my gaze
Spoke the sweetest words
You smiled brightly
While you danced with me
ARI Sep 2014
There was a time
I sat alone

empty heart
broken soul

I spoke not
for words escaped me

my fingers trembled
bones all aching

I thought it better
for no one to know

I wanted to leave
but had no where to go

ARI Sep 2014
She is the writer of words
that will make your heart sing

Sometimes in sadness
sometimes in peace

Her words will wrap around your soul
and carry you high on wilted wings

She'll take you far to worlds unknown
and show you life in ways you've never seen

ARI Sep 2014

a momma dreamt
of rocking her little girl
while she read sweet stories
of a fairy tale world

a father dreamt of smiling
while he shook his sons hand
the day that little boy
became an honorable man

a big brother dreamt
of the day that his mother
would finally bring home
his new baby brother

a momma's rocking
her precious little girl
afraid come tomorrow
she'll no longer be in this world

a father is crying
while he holds his own hand
for his perfect little boy
will never grow into a man.

our children are dying,
at least seven a day
their siblings are lying
saying they'll be okay.

tubes like little serpents
cover their beds
they’ve little to no hair
on their sweet little heads

September is here
now our voices will be heard
our words will reach
every inch of this earth.

September is Childhood Cancer awareness month. Go gold!
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