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 Jun 2014 megan catcher
The thing about writers is that they’ll win you over with words
It’s enthralling when somebody writes about how your lips are the collision of soft pastels coming together
And how your hair is a waterfall cascading down a masterpiece
Or how your freckles are as beautiful as constellations in the sky
Or how your eyes demand truth in the slivers of honey
caught in a whirlwind of the ocean in your eyes
Isn’t it intriguing the way a writer captures you in words?
Everybody wishes to be scribbled into journals and etched into the back of somebodies mind
After all “If a writer falls in love with you, you’ll never die”
But nobody likes being in the forced silence a writer presses upon a room
Nobody likes waking up at 3am wondering why their lover is scribbling into a journal with furrowed brows
Most of all nobody wants to be loved by somebody whose pen can speak more clearly than their own lips
Being loved by a writer is endearing, yes…
But nobody actually wants to live forever in some tattered old notebook that just collects dust as years go by
Everyone wants a lover who shows as much passion through actions
As they show in their words-
Most writers can’t offer that,
and I’m afraid that’s why everyone and no one would like to be loved by a writer
 Jun 2014 megan catcher
it's not like i ask for much,
all i ask for is happiness,
plain and simple.

if i can't have happiness then i'll have distraction,
from all the bad stuff,
a way of coping.

and when i'm as far away from everything as i can possibly be,
distracting myself,
don't bring me back,
don't disturb me,
or i will get angry,
very angry.

and i'm afraid i won't stop smashing things until everything is destroyed,
like me.

I find it very strange
how we are all made
from the same elements
formed out of stardust
shaped bones covered in skin
so how come
some girls are pretty

And I'm not
Jun 23 2014
- ( w.a.j. )
You're like wodka
to me, I'm addicted
I need you more
each and every day
to keep my heart
from ever feeling
hopeless or
Jun 24 2014
 Jun 2014 megan catcher
If no one
Knew what gay was
Who'd be gay?
 Jun 2014 megan catcher
nichole r
but I will miss
in the afterlife.

it was the only way
I could slice open my veins
and bleed out my words
without making a mess.
If I were to be a day,
It would be overcast
And I'm not even sure that light
Would come, or ever last. 

If I were to be a breath,
I would be shallow
Hard to take, hard to keep
From a chest too hollow. 

If I were to be a heart,
I would be almost whole
Except for the time I let it sit out
And you pinpricked a hole. 

If I were to be a house,
I'd have an iron-bound door
Nothing would enter without my say
And I wouldn't go out anymore. 

If I were to be a song,
You'd never hear my words
They'd be in a language you don't know
The language of hurt.
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