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Alexis karpouzos Jun 2020
To dream with the black man in one eye
and the white in the other,
a blame for all, we are human beings
and ought to be here  for each other, as revercently, as lovingly,
by teaching  the language of tolerance, of justice,
as we would before the entrance to immortality.
Be boundless, feel the earth recieve you as you are,
be conscious and the infinite expanse of heaven
will grow even wider.
I know that underneath the mess of our differences
everything is common. Just think about it.
Alexis karpouzos Sep 2018
The Light Stays Bright
When it doesn't Avoid the Shadow.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2024
A free bird I want to be
Despite the fears of freedom
Despite the unfamiliarity of the destination
Free as a bird I want to be
as the breath of stars.
In every heartbeat, a story lies,
In every soul, a universe of skies.
Yet in the echoes, we remain,
A whisper in the wind,
In the vast expanse within, we are kin.
No lines to mark where you end and where I begin
We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.

A free bird I want to be
Our hearts beat in unison, a universal song,
In the dance of life, we all belong.
No walls can hold the spirit, no chains can bind the heart,
In the realm of the soul, we are never apart.
We are threads in a tapestry, woven with care,
Each one unique, yet all are there.
In the fabric of existence, every soul plays a part,
Connected by love, the language of the heart.
For in the end, we are one, there are no borders in our soul,
In the dance of the cosmos, in the flow of time,
We find our place, in the rhythm and rhyme.
A unity of hearts, a collective dream
A free bird I want to be
On wings of dreams, I’ll soar so high,
Beyond the clouds, across the sky,
Unbound by chains of earth or sea,
A free bird, yes, that’s what I’ll be.
In skies of blue, my heart will sing,
Of freedom’s joy, the gift it brings,
No cage, no walls, just liberty,
A free bird, that’s my decree.
In forests deep or deserts wide,
Above the world, where secrets hide,
With boundless joy, so wild and free,
A free bird, that’s my destiny.
With wings spread wide, I long to fly,
Touch the stars, caress the sky,
Unbound, unhindered, wild and free,
A free bird, I yearn to be.
Alexis karpouzos Sep 2020
After time,
people will say,
in those years,  
we lost the meaning of we,
we lost the sense of universality
found ourselves prisoners into ego,
in a long soliloquy
and the infinite life reduced to i,  
war inside us,
we fight inside us,
the birds of prey scream
and their beaks hurt us
but through the fog, the stars,
the makers of wandering dream
with their accumulated wisdom
they're sending us a mutiny message
go on and on the tragic crossing
the owl flies at night.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
The earth, a grain of dust,
suspended in a sunbeam,
it underscores our responsibility to treat
each other with more kindness and compassion,
and to preserve and love this pale blue dot,
the only home we have ever known.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
All humans on earth are one.
We descend from the same family of common ancestors.
We are, in a quite literal sense, siblings,
and like siblings we depend on each other's love
and care and responsibility.
We are interdependent not just in our families and communities,
but in nations, and increasingly on a global scale
- just as we are also interdependent with nature,
with earth and the universe”.
So, different souls  and cultures but one earth,
so, different stars but one universe.
Alexis karpouzos May 2020
And at the end, what?
what happens to the living when they die?
what happens to the tears when the eyes close?
Where do the stars go when we don't dream?
where the pain of memory goes?
What happens on the myriad greens of foliage
in sun and shadow?
On the deepness of the glade,
a gentle breeze wraps us with the quiet of power
by unifying our silences.
Alexis karpouzos Mar 2020
Our life a dazzling dream and the death a new arrival,
there is no end and never was a begginning.
Thousand centuries will gone and will leave faint signs
in the breaths of time, thousand suns will light up
and will burst and unexpected visitors
will come and will gone,
but something innate in us knows,
we were, we are, and will be forever,
a timeless gentle touch in eternity's face.
Alexis karpouzos Jan 2021
An old dream is dead
but a new one is being born,
as a tree that pushes through the solid ground to recede.
A new strength, born of pain and suffering,
is pulsating in the veins and a new empathy
and understanding is being born of past suffering.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2024
In every leaf upon the tree, In every wave upon the sea, In every star that lights the night, In every dawn’s first gentle light.

A thread unseen, yet ever there, A bond that all of life must share, In every breath, in every heart, An endless whole of which we’re part.

From mountains tall to valleys low, From rivers fast to winds that blow, Each soul, each spirit, every being, In nature’s web,
a vast unseeing.

The whispers of the ancient breeze, The secrets of the deepest seas, The songs that every creature sings, All speak of ties, of boundless rings.

In life’s grand dance, a tapestry, Woven with threads of unity, In joy, in sorrow, loss, or gain, We find we’re one, in sun and rain.

So feel the beat of nature’s drum, And know that you and I are one, In this grand scheme, this endless quest, We find our peace, our common rest.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2024
I know that our efforts all come to nothing. Analyze life, tear its trappings off, lay it bare with thought, with logic, with philosophy, and its emptiness is revealed as a bottomless pit; its nothingness frankly confesses to nothingness, and Despair comes to perch in the soulI know the end of us all is nothing, I know that at the end of Time, the reward of our toil will be nothing — and again nothing. I know that all our handiwork and all our ideas will be destroyed. I know that not even ash will be left from the fires that consume us. I know that our ideals, even those we achieve, will vanish in the eternal darkness of oblivion and final non-being. There is no hope, none, in my heart. I know, No promise, none, can I make to myself and to others. No recompense can I expect for my labors. No fruit will be born of my thoughts. I know the time — eternal seducer of all men, eternal cause of all effects — offers me nothing but the blank prospect of annihilation. So, my dignity is broken and weak, in recognition of my impending defeat.

The man who is alone, who stands on his own feet, who is stripped bare, who asks for nothing and wants nothing, who has reached the apex of disinterested­ness not through blind renunciation but through ex­cess of clear vision, turns to the world which stretches out before him as a burned prairie, as a devastated city — a world in which no churches, asylums, refuges, ideals, are left — and says: «Though you promise me nothing I am still with you, I am still an atom of your energies, my work is part of your work; I am your companion and your mirror as you march on your merciless way. But I owe nothing to any one. I would be responsible to freedom alone.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2020
Darkness at the shut of day,  
broken hearts and silent tears around me
the words are sad,    
the clocks stopped,
but the light from a dead star  will live in infinity,
its rays will continue  to cross the vast starry heavens  
and they will illuminate worlds of miracles.
Alexis karpouzos Sep 2024
In the quiet of the night,  
We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.
No lines to mark where you end and where I begin,
In the vast expanse within, we are kin.

Our hearts beat in unison, a universal song,
In the dance of life, we all belong.
No walls can hold the spirit, no chains can bind the heart,
In the realm of the soul, we are never apart.

We are threads in a tapestry, woven with care,
Each one unique, yet all are there.
In the fabric of existence, every soul plays a part,
Connected by love, the language of the heart.

So let us embrace this truth, let it make us whole,
For in the end, we are one, there are no borders in our soul.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2024
In shadows deep, where anger grows,
A world in turmoil, sorrow shows,
Hatred’s fire, a burning blaze,
Consumes the light, obscures the days.

Yet in the darkest, coldest night,
A spark of hope, a flicker bright,
Peace begins its gentle rise,
A beacon in the troubled skies.

Where hatred sows its bitter seeds,
Compassion blooms in quiet deeds,
A hand extended, hearts that mend,
In unity, our souls transcend.

Through storms of rage, through cries of pain,
We seek the sun, we seek the rain,
To wash away the scars of strife,
To nurture love, to cherish life.

For every act of kindness shown,
A bridge is built, a seed is sown,
In every heart, a chance to see,
The path to peace, our destiny.

So let us rise, and let us stand,
With open hearts, with open hands,
To turn the tide, to heal the land,
In peace, together, we will band.
Alexis karpouzos Aug 2020
our place is placeless,
traces of the traceless,
beggars, made of immortal light,
we search the lyric grace of silent music,
the hidden harmony of stars,
we come on life to signal the end of darkness,
love, this great pull in us to connect
Alexis karpouzos Jan 2021
Behind the heavens,
life and death, a tone,
Behind the heart,
a butterfly dancing,
In the end everything is simple,
as simple as a leaf that one holds in one’s hand,
as simple as the laughter of a child.
Alexis karpouzos Aug 2019
I will find you in the shadow of words,
in the hidden signs of silent moments,
in the eloquence of your eyes,
in a tingling in the spine,
in a trembling in the voice,
in a distant memory
be there....
Alexis karpouzos Jul 2023
Better than grandeur,
better than gold  is the shrine of love,
the haven of life is a heart
that can feel  a woe in affliction’s hour,
better than pride and vanities is the balm
of a tender hug with its soothing power,
when all  decay and fade away  trust the blessings of heaven.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2020
Beyond the heaven there is the country of heart,
here dwell the deepest secret nobody knows,
here the bud see the bud, the mind
can't hide its darkness and the shadow
of the soul is illuminated,
and this is the miracle that's keeping
the stars in harmony orbit.
Alexis karpouzos May 2020
In the heart of time you will find the birds of imagination,
they are emissaries of sacredness,
create something that still does not exist,
unmasking the invinitely inventive life.
The birds of imagination, no doubt or  hesitation, no gravity, no names or religions, no nations,
only journey, journey creative,
one-way flights to unspoken desires.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2018
''Come to the edge''.
''We can't. We're afraid''.

''Come to the edge''.
''We can't. We will fall''.

''Come to the edge''.
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2020
Come to me wearing all your scars,
come to me bring the divine tears of despair
and the darkness of your fall,
you see i want it all from you,
don't worry, the softness of our lips
will change the fate.
Alexis karpouzos Jun 2023
Creatures of clay, vain dwellers in the dust,
lonely, we roam like the cloud, the wind, the wave,
Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, nor death
Can raise a soul to heaven, only love, the new creation,
and all we see is a shadow of things unseen, and time that comes to flee Is but the broken echo of a rhyme
In heart’s great epic of Eternity.
Heedless and blind to Wisdom’s wasted light!
Alexis karpouzos Mar 2022
The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here's so much sorrow, in every eye.  Nothing but hurt left here,  Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …. Yet for the children of  world only one equation counts: their shared humanity.

We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children's birth right. Let's step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid and don't trust any immortalist. The dove will find a resting place!
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2021
I thought that my voyage had come to its end
at the last limit of my power,
that the path before me was closed,
that possibilities were exhausted
and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity,
But I find that thy will knows no end in me.
And when old words die out on the tongue,
new melodies break forth from the heart;
and where the old tracks are lost,
new country is revealed with its wonders.
So, don’t give up on love
when it seems that all is lost,
for there is always life
if we’re prepared to pay the cost.
Alexis karpouzos Jul 2019
Don't tell me the stars
stopped the dream.
Don't tell me the birds don't fly.
Don't tell me the kids stopped crying.
Don't tell me the lovers are lost.
Observes the wonders
as they occur around you.
Listen blessings dropping
their blossoms around you.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2021
The earth ponders,
'I feel, a thousand deaths on my body,
no more flowers left to bloom,
no more harvest to reap,
tears have become irony'.
The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers,
'I am so yours'.
The earth wonders,
'How could that be.
You are boundless.
You have so starries jewels in your treasure,
stars, suns and moons,  
and I, I am little, I have no light'.
And the sky replies,
'Haven't you noticed?
Your ***** is as green
and your heart glisterning in trampled darkness'.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2019
Fallen angel! Why are you scared?
Why you dwelt alone in shadow?  
Why you tighten your fists?
why threaten the whole life?
i know, afraid to .love,
let tenderness pour from your eyes
to irrigate the earth and the light of love, silently,
will lift you on the heaven again.
He’s seen the rise, he’s seen the fall,
The hands of fate, he’s touched them all.
Through love and loss, through war and peace,
His journey never finds release.
A wanderer with weary eyes,
Chasing moons in endless skies.
No start, no end, no final stand—
The Forever Man.
Through ages old and years unborn,
He walks the earth, weathered and worn.
A face untouched by time’s embrace,
Yet burdened by each fleeting place.
He’s watched the empires rise and burn,
Loved and lost with no return.
The hands he’s held have turned to dust,
Yet onward still—because he must.
The forever man.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2019
From love, fire becomes light,
from love, sorrow becomes joy,
from love, fury becomes mercy,
from love , thorns become flowers,
from love, sickness becomes health,
from love, dead becomes alive.
Love, just the sun
shines on to our world,
without any exception.
Alexis karpouzos Aug 2024
From the void, a spark ignites,
A celestial breath, a pulse of wonder,
We emerge—fragile, ephemeral—
Inhaling galaxies, exhaling dreams,
Life molds us like clay,
Alchemy of joy and sorrow,
Each tear a drop of cosmic ink,
Writing stories on our souls.
Alexis karpouzos May 2021
Our road not marked on maps.
Fugitives of the centuries,
our origin is the breathing
and our destination is exhalation,
A thousand suns are flowing in our blood,
and the vision of infinity is always chasing us.
The form cannot tame us,
Our days are a fire and our nights a sea.
Alexis karpouzos Jul 2021
When I shall end my days on this earth.
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
The soul, denies its divine heritage in life
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go away, the silent world of shadows is coming. And if the Roads are blocked and Barbed wire rampant everywhere, hold fast to dreams,
dreams are the mystics messengers of freedom
that come within our heart and call us in secret.
A soul rose on this earth and walked its chosen path
to fill her hands with morning songs.
Alexis karpouzos Nov 2019
Last night, in my dream,
while i wandering in the wild lands
and crossing silent shadows,
i met a word and ask:
''What's your name?
''My name is love
and i'm alone in life,
i need you,
otherwise will be lost the dream''.
I answered: ''We need you too,
but we are in pain and scared
and don't admit it.
Please,  lend me your glowing eyes''.
''No, no need, you're in the embrace of light,
but  you've forgotten it''.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2021
The gods are silent in a naked sky.
the stars glitter
but the eyes of human are closed,
looking through the shadows.
If the Mountains fall and seas divide,
life brings men into deep waters,
not to drown them, but to cleanse them.
Alexis karpouzos Jan 2019
In a world
full of fear, be  courageous.
In a world
where few care, be compassionate.
In a world
full of lies, be honest.
In a world
full of phonies, be yourself.
The world
hopes for you
and can be better because of you.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
In every moment
life offers herself,
whole and ardent,
in every moment
life invites itself at the banquet of possibles,
possibilities, silent messengers,
through the mists of time,
they invite the world to take shape,
to come out of hiding place of eternal silence.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2024
In the cosmic dance of swirling lights,
Where stars are born and darkness fights,
The universe whispers secrets old,
In silver threads and dust of gold.

Galaxies twirl in elegant grace,
Each a part of the endless space,
Planets orbit in silent tunes,
Around their suns, like drifting balloons.

Mysteries hide in the blackest night,
Beyond the reach of human sight,
Yet we gaze up with hopeful eyes,
Dreaming of truths beyond the skies.

Infinite worlds, both big and small,
The universe holds them, one and all,
A canvas vast for us to explore,
Its beauty, a siren call to implore.

So let us journey through the stars,
Past the confines of our earthly bars,
For in the universe, we find our place,
A tiny speck, in its grand embrace.
Alexis karpouzos Nov 2018
It left.
A mark.
Every sigh,
every word,
every moment.
It left.
A mark.

She told me:
''Coming back,
back to the stars.
Perhaps i''ll find you there.
Until then,
hold on to my hand
even when i have
gone away from you''.
Alexis karpouzos Aug 2020
Maybe, in other kingdoms
to have the infallible sense
of what our lives are meant to be.
Maybe, the trees may touch us
and the flowers have time for us.
Maybe, we may gleam
a sunny morning on the leaves,
maybe, we may rest
on the immaterial chords of love.
In other kingdoms....
Alexis karpouzos Sep 2018
When you look deeply into yourself you may be able to see that there is, in this moment, a quality of aliveness that is animating you that is not philosophical and is not abstract. It's independent of what you think about it, what you believe about it and what you feel about it. It's always there! it is animating your breath, It is coursing the spirit, it is what makes it possible for you to think and speak and see and hear.
                               This is the Invisible Touch.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2020
Is a cloudy day,
coldly winds blow,
the people hold their breath,
looking from distance their fate,
the fear of the shade cover the earth,
and suddenly from the depths of unborn worlds
a secret language says, the unity is our guide
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2019
i  saw a little leaf to whirling in the wind,
didn't want to fall from the tree
but the leaf keeps falling over,
i prop it up, it falls again .
At the end, the heartbroken leaf
leaves a tear when it falls
and say goodbye to the tree,
Then, the little leaf, reincarnated into the earth
and started its cycle all over again.
Little leaf, the storyteller of our life.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2022
If I can stop one Heart from breaking, shall not live in vain, If I can ease one Life the Aching, I shall not live in Vain. Life is too short, A flickering flame, a transient gleam, A flower doomed to swift decay, To bud and bloom and pass away. Between the cradle and the grave a frightened child with tears in his eyes looks at the light. Life is too short, But he who kisses with joy  the life, lives in eternity’s sun rise.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2020
It's hard time to be human in times of fear,
between twilight and the silence,
the earth in freefall,
and if you are alone at the edge of shadow,
don't worry, the light shine in you
you see, the world partly reveal and partly veiled.
Alexis karpouzos Jul 2020
''I want to open up the heart of humanity,
i want to know what's inside her''
''Look your own heart.
you're a collection from angels and demons,
fairies and monsters,
a eternal battle is taking place within you''.
By day and night, the shadow is chasing us,
and the edge of the cliff is our home,
accept your shadow, in the dark the eye begins to see.
Alexis karpouzos Oct 2023
In the burrows of the Nightmare
Where Justice naked is,
life watches from the shadow
And the stars go squawking
but Life remains a blessing
No winter without a spring
beyond the dark horizon a brighter day
For those who leave us for a while
Out of a restless, care worn world
Our hearts will once more sing
a sun will always sing
and a sky will carry our heart into stars.
Alexis karpouzos Jun 2023
‘’God, why give Wings for the angels,
but feet for people? .
‘’You were born to dream, you were born to love’’.
‘’Give me wine. Give me bread,
Lift me higher! Lift me higher!
From this sphere of earthly dross,
redeem me from the clay!
Alexis karpouzos Sep 2018
There is a voice that doesn't use words.
Listen to silence, it has so much to say.
Let silence take you to the core of life.
Alexis karpouzos Jun 2019
Little by little,
we will turn into stars,
little by little,
we will turn into the infinite universe,
little by little,
we will spin in eternal ecstasy,
hand in hand,
pure love that flows.
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