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 Jul 2016 sayona
Jazzelle Monae
You are just a boy who walked away
Without so much as a goodbye
So forgive me if I walk away
I do hope you'll ask me to stay
But I've become intolerable
To the lack of effort
You seem to use quite often
I refuse to pour emotions into you
I won't invest my time
Into a boy who never looked back
I won't think twice
About walking away
Without so much as a goodbye
For someone who is only
Just a boy
2016 © Jazzelle Monae
 Jul 2016 sayona
Melaka Jude
Him and her
Us and they
I and me
Might and may

Day and night
Land and sea
Sun and stars
Faith and belief

Love and war
victory and defeat
joy and happiness
tidy and neat

Shoes and hats
Frocks and shirts
Pants and bottoms
Lovers and Flirts

Ying and Yang
With a little bit in both
A world apart
But an inch too close

You and him
Him and me
Me and you......
*Opposites and Equals
 Jul 2016 sayona
Illya Oz
 Jul 2016 sayona
Illya Oz
There is mask I wear to cover my face,
A mask that I can never replace.
I know my mask will keep me hidden,
From showing my feelings that should be forbidden.

When tears fall from my eyes,
My mask will only show lies.
Sometimes I wish I could to be true,
And show people that they haven't got a clue.

But later I know it is all worthwhile,
When I can finally show my real smile.
 Jul 2016 sayona
It Could Be
 Jul 2016 sayona
Only hours away, it could be a man with a million dollars.
Only minutes away, it could be a guy with a gun.
Only seconds away, it could be a love that will last forever.
But if it gets away, there might not ever be one.
 Jun 2016 sayona
DaSH the Hopeful
Tonight, I spoke into the darkness,
No stars to light my way,
       The black void all encompassing

   My words drifting up in ribbons,
          I waited for something, anything to happen

              I felt a rumble that was akin to ripples emanating from a drop of water hitting a puddle

        I was small next to the impossible,
And when it spoke back, it changed me
        The blank canvas of stark black was pierced by blades of light,
    The sky becoming a shutter in a rain storm
           Blowing open and closed
       The words came and wrapped themselves across my body in its entirety
        Constricting my air flow

             I felt myself shatter
  An implosion of feeble glass
       Ricocheting through a skeleton of paper, reflecting the brightness above inside ripped skin

                I was nothing.
                I didn't exist.
                I floated in an incomprehensible place that had no end, no walls

     No ceiling or floor

            Just illumination in every direction

                    I opened my eyes
    And was blinded by an incredible radiance

      I shut my eyes tight and swatted in front of me
        My hand struck something metal and I yelped in pain
          I shot up and stared downward
    Towards the desklamp unplugged on the floor
          Breathing heavily, I sat upright in my bed,
                 *Struggling to pull away words that had already sunken in
Writer's block
 Jun 2016 sayona
Kelly Weaver
Needles on my skin
Needles on him
Oh god, I’m so sorry.

Etching words of love
Etching words of trust
No, don’t ever worry.

A painful conversation
A painful detonation
Darling, I’m sorry.

Little did I know
Little did he show
A misunderstanding.

Taking me to bed
It echoes in my head
“When it rains, it pours”.

But I will be okay
And you will be the same
Today was not our day.
we haven't spoken in days
 Mar 2016 sayona
Amaya Danzy
My love is not the overwhelming kind.
It doesn't devour my insides and corrode my thoughts.
It creeps silently along the edges of my brain,
attacking at moments of weakness.
 Nov 2015 sayona
 Nov 2015 sayona
what have you done to me.
i let you undress me with your eyes,
slowly and reassuringly.
and then aggressively with your hands,
undoing the buttons on my shirt
and unzipping my jeans
nearly ripping the fabric right from under me.

pulling me across the bed
breathing heavily into my ear,
i'm remembering why
i ever called you mine in the first place.
we decorated these walls with our fingerprints
and they remain as memories of every time we've touched.

now why you?
is it your scent, is it your skin?
the way the marks you leave on my stomach
feel like you every time i touch them?
its you that i want, its you that keeps me here
when i should be with whom i claim to love.

when you were mine,
it was a perfect dream,
we ran through the war with not a scratch
not a dent in our skin.
we got out of the mess,
accompanying each other through the storm.

I should have let you sit in the driveway,
I should have never let you walk through the front door.
Why couldn't you have left me alone in this room
without your taunting glares
begging for the affection i crave so much.

I swore i wouldn't do this.
I swore i wouldn't kiss your neck again,
i swore i wouldn't make you want me.

but I gave in.
so here you are
once again.
you're lying on my bed,
and i'm on top of you.
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