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Mar 2021 · 1.1k
My Yellow
Aylin Chavez Mar 2021
It was always the eyes
The ones that captured my attention
But yours
Were like no other
The warm honey
And the forest floor
I felt so at peace
You were my yellow
Mar 2021 · 582
Aylin Chavez Mar 2021
We looked in the sky
Admiring the night
filled diamond dust
Hoping the night stayed young

You said to make a wish
As a star shined so bright
And so I closed my eyes
Wishing us only forever and love

As I open my eyes
Blackness only surrounds
With quietness lingering in the air
The star no longer shining

I sat alone with the memories
Dec 2020 · 1.2k
Love isn't Real
Aylin Chavez Dec 2020
With you, I had no sight
I was left blind
When you whispered the words
"I love you"

The careless kisses you gave
left a scar on my lips
feeling only pain
when another kissed me

The gentle touch of your hand
left a burn on my face
to only flinch
when another strokes my face

But my love wasn't real
nor was yours
it was just easy to say "I love you"
Oct 2020 · 804
i don't love u
Aylin Chavez Oct 2020
it was a Saturday night
a night full of fun
but filled with loneliness
and I needed you

that night you were replaced
the hands of another touched me
and the desire for you, disappeared  
i didn't feel alone anymore

it was a Sunday morning
a morning in someone's bed
and with me realizing
i didn't love you anymore
Sep 2020 · 11.0k
a beautiful kind of love
Aylin Chavez Sep 2020
it was those eyes
that reminded me of honey
that brought you warmth
and fill you with love

it'll always be those eyes
that I thought I loved
Jan 2020 · 260
Royal Eyes
Aylin Chavez Jan 2020
Beaming within the royal
You hypnotized me
To take me to the rooftop
Where we bore within our fate

The midnight heavens was dense
And you grasped my palm
To perceive my covet  
But no stars lived to radiate  

Bitter wind swirled around, opposing one
You yanked me tighter in
For the world all over me to be paused  
I only wish sorrows were given

With a snap of realism
You let me plummet
To observe how far I’ll tumble
And your royal eyes perished
Aug 2019 · 852
Aylin Chavez Aug 2019
As I say my hello to you,
I begin to prepare my goodbye.
Every hello ends with a goodbye.

So hello,

I wish our love wasn’t so cruel,
but our love conflicts with one.
Love had a different journey for us.  

I never understood your love,
and you never understood mine.
We confused our love.

I had my flaws and you had yours.
We were imperfect,
even though we worked wonders.

I was once your hello,
then I became your goodbye.
I was another goodbye to you.

Now I’m saying goodbye,
even if you were the first to leave.
So goodbye...
Jun 2019 · 1.5k
She’s Your Jewel
Aylin Chavez Jun 2019
Your eyes revealed the truth
The sole that hid beneath the water
Covered by gravel
Unknown like a treasure

You preserve the truth
Trusting it’ll never be established
For it occupied a jewel
One that expresses so much

When we glanced at one  
Your eyes looked past mine
But you glared at your jewel
For your eyes loved her more
May 2019 · 398
To Him
Aylin Chavez May 2019
You kissed me,
knowing it you wouldn’t be the last.
You loved me,
knowing you wouldn’t be the only one.
You touched me,
Knowing there’s going to be others.
You hurt me,
Thinking I’ll be alright.
You left me,
Thinking there’s someone better.
Apr 2019 · 1.5k
Aylin Chavez Apr 2019
You say you love me,
But your love feels like death.
Your words are meaningless.
They’re nothing but blurred.

We tangled in the sheets,
twisting the words in my head.
Complicating it’s meaning,
twisting it’s simplicity.

You blocked my thoughts,
with your trail of kisses.
Trailing to a dictionary,
to the truth of the word

Our hands entangled with one,
not able to write what we felt.
No marks were drawn,
to draw that heart.

You blind me with your “love”,
with you I had no sight.
You were that special one,
until I’ve seen.

You claimed to love me,
but your eyes looked past mine.
Not sharing the same love.
My eyes loved you more.

You pushed me aside,
not expressing the love.
That’s when I realized,
your meaning was different than mine
Mar 2018 · 368
Aylin Chavez Mar 2018
The leaves whisper.
The sky wept.
We stood in black,
mourning for the risk that our love is about to burden.
We gaze at one
and realize, it’s steadily crumbling.

We desperately desire to dig up,
only discovering there’s no value.
No significance, in our memories.
Memories were cherished,
but weren’t treasured.
Momentarily as a love song,
a sorrowful sweet lullaby.

We used to press replay,
just to restart.
To clasp affection newly.
Into the moment we first met,
just to acknowledge what we sense.
To relive what we embraced.

Now we neglect the melody.
To abolish it, before the ache.
Never reliving the bitter end.
Skipping stormy nights we shared as one.
Till the moment we overlook,
there was never hope.

We remain there,
feeling each other’s pain.
Placing roses on its Death,
to personify the love that expired.
The roses disappear,
like how our love did.

In our grasp, we clutch a rose.
Ripping the petals away, saying,
“I love you, I love you not.”
We impair each other,
for only the final petal to be,
“I love you not.”

The last petal drifts down slowly.
We stare within one’s eyes,
knowing it’ll never be the same.

— The End —