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370 · May 2023
Quote 153🌷
In each of us lies everything
to achieve anything
strength , grit and perseverance .
All one needs
Love and Faith

Shell ✨🐚
370 · Jun 2022
Pure and pretty
Happy wild  flowers  
dancing softly on the tune of the wind.
Reaching for the sun
Bringing charm to nature
Upgrading affection in life
Between the weeds
your being stands proud

370 · Feb 2021
Carved heart
Passing by the old oak tree
You see a carved heart there
from you and me
Little did we know back then
that with a carved heart
It would also end.

Puppy love, the innocence of being young
368 · Mar 2021
Just blue
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Out of the blue I met you.
Out of the blue I fell for you.

You looked deep into my eyes,
I almost died
Couldn’t wait to hold you in my arms
I felt my heart pounding
Aching for you
If we don’t meet soon
I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Out of the blue you went away .
It’s not out of the blue that I’m blue.
The sky and violets are still blue too.

Shell ✨🐚
Being blue just out of the blue....
so it seems.
368 · Sep 2023
Haiku- happiness
healthy body bliss
nature’s view I thrive on you
music feeds my core

What does one need to feel happy.
Health, nature, music.
This on the fundament of Faith.
When being healthy you can work and take care.
In nature you find peace of mind
With music you fly.
367 · Jul 2021
Rainbow🌈 colors of love
Every child deserves
to be welcome
To be born in colors
The rainbow of love.

Every child deserves to be welcome in the world.
367 · Feb 2021
Mate of my soul

Like pearl grey rain
falling softly
from a silky sky
on thirsty dry land
making it  forever green.

Metaphor of what a soulmate should be
A friend can be your soulmate too.
365 · Jan 2021
Never walk away
Never go to sleep this way
Never forget it’s
never too late ......
to say I’m sorry.
It doesn’t take anything away
from you.

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes it’s necessary to say I’m sorry. We all make mistakes.
365 · Jun 2021
Let us ❤️
Let’s love the sun love the moon
Love the flower buds and in bloom
Love the different ways to universe
To reach the stars and touch the sky
Or let’s simply
love each other.

Love is the only thing you can give someone for free. And of course a smile and kindness.
364 · Feb 2021
Worthy earth
The world in all her beauty
Still humans forget their duty
To look after this precious earth.
Respect and cherish
What He created with so much worth..
So devine and heavenly
Treat our earth with dignity.

Shell ✨🐚
We have to cherish our planet.
363 · Aug 2022
In a life
where being social
means nothing more
then being on social media
Where we are nothing more
then written profiles
Where people pretend
knowing other people
Surrogate of the real thing
Pollution of social skills
Leaving one lonelier then ever.

Shell ✨🐚
362 · May 2022
Quote 112🌷
The only reason we’re here together, is to be there for one another.
If you’re not my Earth brother
Who are you ?

Shell ✨🐚
361 · Aug 2021
See God in Mother Nature
Squirrel store food
Pure nature move
for survival
As mustangs untamed
As bats blind during the day
acting like bees during the  night
maintaining this beautiful midnight flower splendor in desert land.
Flamingos are what they eat
Doing a ritual circular dance to find their mate.
The swan moving graciously
Not even moving the waters
to meet a mate for life
A lonely tree once green and lushes.
Many destroyed because of sour rain and human greed
Blue green waters
Disappearing slowly, everywhere pollution,
killing everything beatiful.
Sky ,different  kinds of blue
Nature , Godmade, Godgiven
A blessing to us all
Let’s handle it with care and the respect it deserves.

Looking at nature. A wonder.
Let’s take care of  our beautiful nature.
Silhouettes to see
yellow, orange to golden touch
Fall leaves fall

Shell ✨🐚
When the moon falls asleep
That’s when the stars shine to see
They look at the moon
On this pillow soft bed
Can’t help but smile
Smooth like a baby, facing the sky.

356 · Jun 2022
Always on my mind
Lost in my park of Eden.
Filled with thoughts of you.
Colorful mind.

Shell ✨🐚
356 · Nov 2021
Quote 73🌷
can’t touch it
but it touches you the most.
can’t buy it
but you need it the most.

354 · Feb 2021
Half faces
Half covered faces
All over the world
Only eye meets eye
I look at you
You look at me
Am I smiling
You don’t know.
Only sadness in your eyes.

New era, another kind of world, a new reality. How long will this last
352 · Mar 2021
Let’s lie down
under sun and open sky,
under moon , under the  stars!
With  the purest love of all
You’re my king and
I’m your queen
till end of time
Let’s be royal for a day
make a castle
And hide a way.
Live happily ever after
as in a fairytale.

Shell ✨🐚
You can always dream!!
Life isn’t a fairytale at all.
Keep dreaming.
352 · Jan 2023
Quote 142🌷
Out of gratefulness came gracefulness.

A grateful being makes
a graceful being.

Shell ✨🐚
350 · Mar 2021
Standing on the shore
of this big wide sea
Looking at the horizon
as far as the eyes can see
All my life in front of me
Little ripple waves
Big foaming thunder storm
I stand there facing all
Shakingly cold
watching lightning touch down under
Standing there await
other  days of wonder
while the storm has gone
and the sun goes under.

Shell ✨🐚
Life is as a sea. Never knowing if it will be calm or if there will be thunder.
349 · Dec 2020
December month
December month so fine
But not everyone has a happy mind
Being together is the key
That’s the way it’s supposed to be
Memories of you and me
Will stay in the heart forever
Don’t be sad
Your angel is with you
Burning forever together
Are our candles.

348 · Mar 2021
Spring painting
Turquoise sky ,
some white clouds
fresh green landscape
soft pale sun
Pastel blooming trees
moving leaves
Birds sitting quietly

Shell ✨🐚
347 · Aug 2023
Foster child
I was born out of the blue.
Lost and oh so sad, it’s true.
No one cared, no one loved.
Then you found me.
My own you are now.
Close to your heart I’ll always be.
You couldn’t carry me yourself
But you are carrying me now.
Kind and loving in many ways.
I’m so blessed to have found
a mother like you.

Shell  ✨🐚
What a noble thing to do. Adopting an orphan or a left behind child. I admire you all. Blessings.✨✨✨✨
Sometimes out of the blue
it hits you.
This special feeling coming over you
from long ago
when you were a child
When you were home
A longing for what was
but has gone by.
It’s still inside you.
makes you happy
makes you cry.
It defines who you are
and why you are
the way you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Nostalgia, sometimes when you close your eyes you can feel exactly as you did when growing up. In your home!!
345 · Mar 2022
Beauty in the eye.
You look
and a beauty she is
Then she moves, smiles and talks
and the beauty is gone.
    You look
and you don’t see beauty at all
Then she moves, smiles and talks
And a beauty she is!

Beauty is more then what the eyes can see.
It’s indeed in the eye of the beholder.

344 · Feb 2021
Everywhere you go
I go
I follow you till
end of time
till end of earth
Till end of night
After day
I’ll wait for you
See you soon
I am your moon.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s a wonderful thing that it seems like the moon is following you.
343 · Jul 2021
Haiku- sow🌾
sow kindness a smile
harvest happiness inside
blessings will follow

341 · Apr 2022
Quote 109🌷
All the makeup of the world couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings you just can’t hide.
341 · Feb 2021
Silent prayer
When I lay myself to sleep
When actually I want to weep
That’s when I close my eyes
and say a silent prayer
while teardrops falling sideways.

When you are sad or distressed that’s the time that you need a silent prayer
338 · Oct 2021
Quote 70🌷
Sometimes you can love someone deeply and intensely
because that someone loves you deeply and intensely.

337 · May 2021
Quote 39🌷
Until you meet the right person you don’t know how much you can love a stranger.

Shell ✨🐚
336 · Feb 2021
Please don’t leave this way
You don’t know
I don’t have much time left
to stay.
Please give me a hug
Let me hold you one more time
Soon it will be too late
if it goes the predictable way.
tears don’t come out
I don’t want to break this heart
Not yet anyway.

When someone is terminal it’s very hard to share this with love ones! Harder then you think!!
334 · Mar 2021
Secret love ❤️
The one you love
so passionately
Is coming like the wind
Leaving you behind with
just a breeze....
till we meet again
Oh take me wind
along with you
to great hights let me fly
Let me lay down in your
Gaze deeply in my eyes.
Let me be your sea my love
The force behind your force
That’s what love is supposed
to be....
Oh secret love of mine!

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes we love in silence
334 · Apr 2021
Book 📖 - haiku
Beautiful old book
Let me caress your cover
Journey to the mind

333 · Aug 2021
While time goes by
every second of the day
I disappear, slowly
Losing myself in eternity
living in our own timeline
Growing old
everyday living and dying a little
Time never stops until the breathing stops
The clock stays ticking.

Shell ✨🐚
We  all are here for a certain time still timeless we all are
333 · Jul 2022
Haiku ( mid summer )
bright colors blue sky
children play in hot weather
birds chirping till late.

Shell ✨🐚
332 · Jan 2022
Happy New Year my dear
Wherever you are.

Shell ✨🐚
331 · Jun 2021
Quote 47🌷
Life onhold
The clock is ticking away
While time stands still

Shell ✨🐚
330 · Aug 2023
Quote 167 🌷
The seed of love is always in you
Waiting for the best conditions to shoot root.

330 · Feb 2021
The brain
An archive of all moments in life.
The heart
An archive of long forgotten moments of love.
The mind
An archive of every treasured moment .
The spirit
Never an archive
Always in touch with the higher One!

You never  forget certain things, experiences, feelings and moments..
They are saved inside us .
velvet dusk meeting
sun and moon’s lingering love
fleeting encounter.

Shell ✨🐚
Sun and moon meet at twilight
cold white winter night
colorful pine trees decor
classic Christmas Eve.

peace tree, shining lights
share laughter, open presents
glowing love, deep joy.

Shell ✨🐚
328 · Nov 2023
Searching hands
Bloodshed on living walls.
In the name of light of peace.
Searching hands in yellow clouds.
Reaching for the untouchable men behind the gate.
Not knowing what they are doing.
Where they are going.
Man versus man.
I meet you on the battle field.
Look at me .
I am you .
Both lost in this political game.
Let the bloodshed stop.
Let us go together to only light
To brotherhood.
Heal everything that’s broken.
No more darkness behind closed doors.

Where Peace on Earth awaits.

Shell ✨🐚
When will we see…..
327 · Apr 2022
Quote 107🌷
After tears fell
It could never be what it was before.

Shell ✨🐚
327 · Jan 2021
The crown 👑
Corona seems such a sweet name.

The howling wind is passing by
When they bury the men
and the  people cry
So many lifes forever changed.

Lockdowns all around
Nothing more the same
A crown shaped virus
Is to blame.

Corona doesn’t ask  
what’s your color
what’s your race
what’s your faith
not even what’s your name.

The whole world
for once together
suffering the same
So many hurt
So much  pain remains.

Shell ✨🐚

- [ ]
People  take good care of yourself.
Protect yourself and each other
Stay safe!
326 · Jun 2022
My love
Don’t walk before me
Don’t walk behind me
Walk beside me
So we can hold hands
That’s what it’s all about.
I can walk miles to meet you
If you walk miles too
and meet me in the middle.

Shell ✨🐚
325 · Feb 2021
Standing on one foot
in the rain
Who is to blame
Holding out a hand
for a dole
or..... for another hand
to hold
to help go
People just passing by
Looking away
To avoid
eye to meet eye
Who’s to blame?
We hide in shame.

Shell ✨🐚
People look away most of the time if they see someone in need  on the street!
I guess they don’t feel comfortable being confronted with it.
324 · Feb 2021
The mind
Always wandering
Eyes always searching
The heart always wondering
Who to let in.

When you experienced bad things with people you once trusted you change,
Trust can be difficult sometimes .
321 · May 2023
Flower moon 🌝
Go into nature’s pure, untouched harmony
Bringing happiness and peace
There is where you’ll find
the healing herbs for the soul.
Go deep inside
find your core
Humanity and love.

When spring begins Earth’s like a newborn coming into light.
Different greens are coming back,
bringing hope and delight.
Pastel floral splendors in the make.
Hanami time is here
Flower moon appears
Poppy flowers open,
let’s fly high.
Genesis all over.

Poppy’s magic time
Flying high in wonderland
Flower moon’s delight.


Shell ✨🐚
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