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2.1k · Aug 2018
Snow (First draft)
AW Gray Aug 2018
Trapped inside this box of your brain
Just one way out ;  crystal's key
Crush  purest, whitest rock.
won't feel so foul
though careful now!
you'll waste your go
theres only bout a gram you know
translucent Blue cases and razor blades,
an assortment of bank cards and notes far and wide,
torn up notebook scrap dyed red -  a meaningful sign  
from the brutal nosebleeds marking the straws
The purest indication
of our devout dedication;
my love,
complete devotion to such  godless acts
Hear cheers of charlie
speaking salacious acts
Sniff some magic snow for silence
the hankering soon be back

One in the kitchen starting his war,
One in the spre room - dead on the floor,
Two in the bed lost to their head,
And myself on the hunt
for half ins for more
not finished, needs editing for structure
1.3k · Aug 2018
Way Back Then
AW Gray Aug 2018
How I miss
the ***-holed path
that one that never ends.

The one that blocked us
as we walked, secured
by great green fence.

The tumultuous crash of the Clyde;
our halter
as people roar past us
in manic motors.

A wicked wait brimming with tribal tension;
an unheard prayer for divine intervention,

the distractions we made to stay like this,
the noise we made to refute our lips,
a fear of another chance to miss,
such horrors hold from cupids kiss.
660 · May 2018
The game.
AW Gray May 2018
The game in every office,
is the same as
                 The game in every restaurant,
                 is the same as,
                                  The game
The rules are not widely known,
                - Called Morals
                  Now go forth,
                  Forward with your Conscious
                  And play the way you,
                   have now been taught.
620 · Oct 2018
A new day
AW Gray Oct 2018
A fresh rising sun, grass glazed in dew
thhe sweet sweet sound of the robins tune,
Sounds of the storm begin to brew
humming along to thhe robins tune;
inside the palace,
        -the guilt,
        -the shame,
it grumbles and growls
but you're not the same.
Slaughtering deafening silence
in you,
continue to follow the robins tune.
532 · Aug 2018
The Red Summer
AW Gray Aug 2018
Crimson tears crash
from the eyes of the Gods,
faithfully flowing through
the cobble-****** path,
I walk

in the direction of the fire.
The heavens burning,
and providing light,
dimming down this dwindling road.

shrieks of terror, shouts of faith
as the herd of sheep
fruitlessly phone.
Desperate for their burning bush
to reveal

Itself. Yet I Grin,
lips spread thin
cheek to cheek,
ear to ear,
such absurdity leads
to either laughter or fear.
520 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
Remember me,
Remember the fear-ridden,
Hopelessness I showed ,
That night.
Remember the overjoyed,
The manic, the hyperactive days,
Of just laying in bed,
Only caring of our fix of the world,
The fix of anything that could be scored,
Love and laughter until leave
Remember the unsurities, the insecurities, the parties and the sad,
In which no matter what we felt,
No matter how we felt,
We were sure of the unseen force pushing us in a direction,
Good or bad, entirely irrelevant,
We knew that it was our decision,
And that's all that mattered,
Remember these times,
And the many others,
We need to talk,
Or lose and suffer
458 · Feb 2019
AW Gray Feb 2019
Wistfully Melancholic, Brown Overtones.
It's that ****** day again -
never stopping or skipping a second,
nor letting stillness be.
Is it future or is it past?
Never mind,
you'll never heed this
That painting on the wall,
a time long lost - desolate,
and left to longing,
with the romantic bliss that was,
and is nevermore
363 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
Laying Contortionists,
Bodies twisted, tangled together,
in beauty,
For in this moment,
our selfless souls are twisted,
twisted in our purity,
in our naivety,
all an act to try for transcendence,
yet it is all in vein.
All the effort in our entanglement,
a failed attempt at two souls becoming one,
We are always left alone in the end.
330 · Aug 2018
AW Gray Aug 2018
The blasting intensity of the echoing bell,
formation finally falls into place
as the sheep align - a simplicity
fondly remembered now

The pen,
momentous and modern yet cold
and uncaring, a jail cell
for generations to come.

Guards persona's personable and kind,
like Christ they claim to know best,
Began with the fables of Biff, Chip and Kipper,
then break to fill your chest

This stop's swiftly stolen,
forced straight back to the program;
a servitude designed to force labour
till death.
I'm not happy with how the end flows so i'm still working on this, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
319 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
Beside you in time,
Such a magnificent place,
We, pure perfect pair.
basic haiku
312 · Jan 2021
White Lies
AW Gray Jan 2021
This feeling,
A million tonnes pinning down my chest,
A heavy heart sagging lower
                                                    and lower and for what?
You owe me Nothing yet my clairvoyance crafts unconscionable debts,
like a parasite, it eats me alive from inside to out.
car left parked and a lie l o o s e l y laid
but the knot was not as strong ro save me from such crushing weight.
Heavier and HEAVIER as lights start to spark,
with waves crashing harder and HARDER against the busting barrier,
I lose
and all hell breaks loose,
and I crawl back unto the dark...
311 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
The green is now brown
Poison symbiont in you
Heaven and hell here

Moments pass in bliss,
Lost in your purgatory,
May this never end.

The bliss falls away,
From sickness unto your death,
This will be your end.
299 · May 2018
The Search
AW Gray May 2018
Tried to find it at the dregs of the poison,
          Only lead to momentary pain,
Searched for it flying high as a kite,
          But that only left me bored again,
Hunted down the thin, white line,
          The euphoria quickly faded away,
                              Only in love
                              Can i feel it,
                              Yet love never
                              Finds it's way
289 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
Never changing,
never ending,
cyclical curse remains.

Change of scene,
Change of style,
still it pains.

Moments pass,
feelings won't last,
nothing but shame.

Happy today,
by morning, it fades,
yet cruelty remains.

there is truth,
one of a kind,
beauty always stains.

The curse will always,
will always reside,
always reside inside.
280 · Jun 2018
Baked Goods
AW Gray Jun 2018
Fresh from the oven,
Baked golden brown
Like ash it crumbles,
Snowing softly onto spoon

Translucent tap water,
And help from an orange,
As orange flames burn
Your poison forms

Ball as white as purity personified,
Safety first, how ironic,
Tip of the needle drinks,
Defiant of danger

Blue belt tied,
You've got make 'em all pop,
Wipe then shoot,
Your heaven awaits you
AW Gray Aug 2018
Blank stares and faultless frowns
          bright white light
           smashes through the night
as the blanket on
the ground turns murky brown.
A short summary of what I've empathetically felt of some peoples struggle
271 · Mar 2019
Doubt ( A natural Response)
AW Gray Mar 2019
Dearest daughter.
Seed planted at twelve,
spiralling, sprawling.
Fourteen's springtime; sprouting,
while toiled and soiled,
till twenty's plenty.

The precious peers arrive,
cans in one, fertiliser in the other.
You plead, you beg,
nothing but stilted silence
Expansion you cannot take.
Not for this inner tree of black,
where nothing but anguish falls.
262 · May 2018
Time: part one
AW Gray May 2018
I remember days long past walking
aimlessly through parks shrouded in shadows - sun nowhere to be seen,
the cold grey stare of housing peering through our purity as we walk
no where to go
no where to be.
I remember the simplicity, the magnificence of meaning,
meaning nothing to no one as we,
we brave bodies continued forth in our bohemian bravado,
bottles in hand with best intentions in our heart.
The times when time wasn't so torturous -
when time did not tick at all,
just this singular eternal moment
As still as a frozen snowman smiling
in the frozen winter wasteland we called home,
a moment when we still had our kindness
a simple kindness in our hearts and our lips
causing the most simple delight
when our wide eyes would light
up at even the most simple sensations -
the beauty of the shining sun,
the tip-tap of the rain as it smashes of of the concrete slabs
that made us the pepole we would unwillingly become,
Moments of
Love, friendship and alcohol
love friendship and drugs
the love and the friendships founded on these
terrible troubles lifted from Lucifer
to corrupt
what once was so innocent – so naïve,
to bring ruin to mighty Babylon generation
after generation for this is our fate
unbeknown to us yet
EDIT 1: Rewrote some lines for better flow and some better imagery.
Still a work in progress so feedback would be fantastic
259 · Aug 2018
In charge of nothingness
AW Gray Aug 2018
Screams stifling the stream
as they tear down your cheeks,
how hard it must have been
to crack the whip as you remain unseen,
oh how hard it is
and always has been
249 · Aug 2018
A day of Summer
AW Gray Aug 2018
Skin sizzling, sun;
bright blinding
blasting through blinds -
I am the dog chasing the ball;
bliss yet determined mind.

A perilous journey in this heat,
crossing this solitude street
portrayal of the world and its foes
and demonic villainous woes.

The buzz of death overheard
carriages slowly shuffle ahead
as the sweat scent overcomes your mind
your day begins with leaving on time.

Smoke lingers,
the precious angels lay as a rock
in the room next door.
Raucous laughter ,
daft banter and a moment
that makes you think:
"one more".
231 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
you certainly don't look the part.
the give away;
track marks and that long scar,
well babe come spend the time,
we dont stay long and we dont go far,
before time takes us
in the back of that car,
well babe lets waste some time,
2 of charlie, 3 of ****,
we're rushing off to keep our speed,
i've warned you once but don't you heed,
c'mon babe lets take that line,
c'mon babe lets **** our time
222 · May 2018
Take me
AW Gray May 2018
Help me
I beg you to
Help me
I'm needing a
Quick fix
Of your loving a
Quick fix
Of something
So please
Take me
Into your arms
Take me
Into your heart
Is it too much
To ask for?
Is it too much
To beg for?
217 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
I try and
Try and
Try and
It's never enough
Not enough but why
I die
And die
And die
And die
It's never enough
You feed me lies
I want to live
I want to feel
Some love
Informed it wasn't real
Your hazel eyes
All part disguise
Though I know you
A desperate sigh
211 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
is it too much,
to crave
in such an
unloving world
your soft touch inspires
my love to
in such a
cruel world
i crave your flesh
softly caressing my
that moment of
innocence and purity
it deceived
thinking i was
able to
i guess i
am destined
to wait
211 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
I've came to a realisation,
Acceptance all around
That in which I crave,
Will never be found,
I watch, eyes flooding,
My own worst nightmare a reality,
I pushed you too far,
And now I must pay,
I only wanted you,
To stick around
208 · Jun 2018
AW Gray Jun 2018
Fine crumbs snowing in the spoon
Boil, purify
Pierce the cotton with the eye,
Draw your shot, locked and loaded
Roll your sleeves or arms get bloated
Shoot the poison
Straight into brain
Such toxicity
To keep a man sane
208 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
I miss the feeling of our intertwining skin,
I miss the silky softness of your hair
Running through my fingers as you lay down on my bed,
Nothing but sweet thoughts and morphine in your head
I miss the warmness of your structure,
the heat from your heart that warmed even the coldest of souls
Recklessly ruined by
Private paranoia
And a fatal dice roll
207 · May 2018
Do i miss you?
AW Gray May 2018
Self deprecation
And thoughts left unsaid
You're laying with me
But it's an illusion in my head
One moment you with here
The next you vanished; gone
The only thing I question
DID I do you wrong?
The sweet serenity
Of silence when we lay
I crave it oh so much
More than I could ever pay
So come on for a walk
A walk around the green
Remind me of our beauty
A self destructive machine
185 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
                     Total Bliss,
No one around to,
                     meddle with madness,
You'll arrive soon,
                     I'll be there,
an offensive sign,
and a book
                     to show i care
175 · May 2018
Spiralling pole.
AW Gray May 2018
The fear strikes before,
time wasting wildly in hope of running the clock to death,
this never works,
I arrive and its time to begin,
the blade softly slices skin,
another mans hand holding hell,
warns me that i must sit still,
slice, slice, slice
the byroduct of my own existence falls,
one of many indiciators of times Passive Passage,
hits the floor
171 · May 2018
Stroll in the dark.
AW Gray May 2018
As the darkness envelops us,
As it squeezes its mighty hands,
around our place in time,
                                we walk,
We walk past houses, now hidden,
in shadows,
these normally knackered ruins if a bygone generation,
these mighty masses of human ambition,
as perfect as never before,
The night has shone it's light,
these rows of perfectly particular placed plastic,
We walk to the end of the never-dwindling road,
Unobvious obvious opens before our eyes,
                                     It is all,
                                     as it should be,
The beauty of this moment,
170 · May 2018
AW Gray May 2018
The poison,
It gives you happiness,
It brings the beauty of a better life.
Does it save?
Does it damage?
Only time shall show the scene,
Of my future,
Of my destiny,
Only time shall show,
Truly what i mean.

— The End —