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May 2021 · 164
Inner Tides
I feel the meat of myself, the fleshy bits of personality
Setting with purchase once again to the skeleton foundation
Left bare for a time. A great, terrific wave of life, the amalgamation of
Grief and loss and love and duty and exhaustion that
Time blended together all at once and rushed toward
That current of fragile self. That crashing, toiling weight tearing
All but the sturidiest pieces of who I thought myself to be,
Washing them to their sedimentary settlement Bygone.

Now a hungry, rattling, airy thing I am, shouts and drools to be fed.
A present of consumption is at hand, and who I am but a servant
To the needs of me? The bones need meat to feel whole,
Fill holes, and it matters not from what source that marrow
Drinks, and chews, and gouges. A season of fat shall come,
And bones sing to the insulation and warmth it will bring.
Let me be whole again, and the new me brace for life's next wave.
Apr 2021 · 166
Almost Something
I have a barren emptiness inside desperate and thrashing for the intense desire filled by another.
A thirst quenched with a fleeting eclipse and as infrequently found to satisfy.
To feel the outline of the depression you instilled as you squeezed the void between us into an almost something.
Then satisfied with the relief of a potential connection, decompressed your you from any meaningful we.
Apr 2021 · 401
Littered with Your Name
Whether you know it or not, you murdered
Me. Or at least a version of me.
The me who flew off into those potentials
And maybe's and what if's
As if the only way forward was up.
He sought the greener pastures
Littered with your name and played
The game of same-nes(s)-cessary
Action only to find an oblivion
Of ambiguity.
Apr 2021 · 559
A historian who retells humanity's triumphs and downfalls, only to their journal every night.

A preacher set on converting the masses, barracading the doors of the chapel from the inside.

A marine biologist on a mountaintop, speaking of the things of the ocean to the sky.

Passion and desire meeting the fruitless nature of distance and doing nothing to close it.

So too is your heart, searching for affection and adoration yet hidden from even your own eyes.
Don't reach for me from the other side of the canyon.
Apr 2021 · 1.7k
Crimson Sentinel
At night, against the pulsing embryonic black which could
Squeeze any number of untold horrors from it’s voided heft,
There sits a door; bright searchlights unmoving, having forever
Ago found and revealed the menacing target of their feverish hunt.
The lights, beacons of vision and revelation stay still,
Afraid to ever lift their gaze from the door.

The door; a crimson sentinel of conformity’s’ demands. A gate
To a finite space of infinite secluded terrors. It’s mocking facade,
Not the true foundation of the haunting visage, but it’s chosen
Illumination against the choking nothingness around it.
There is nothing else but it, and if the lights lose
Their oppressive gleaming, there will be nothing.

Would it not be better for the deep to win the ever waging war
Against our struggles to find hints of sight and recognition?
If the door were to vanish from the othering out there,
then it would be impossible to not turn inward. A forced reflection,
a mirror that’s presence is known, existence felt, but is unseen,
only available when the absence is absolute.

Nonplussed, the bastion remains, a gravity well pulsing
In and out the night, as if the darkness centered around
Maintaining the illusion of safety from knowing ourselves.
Do not be afraid, you will not be forsaken or alone with anything
Other than the beating of your quickened pulse, the edges
Of your vision shrinking until all that you are

Is mirrored in that crimson sentinel.
Sometimes even the simplest things can sometimes a sense of uneasy dread
Apr 2021 · 1.9k
I swear I just heard the trees breathe, a deep contented sigh. Harmonious to the one echoed in my soul.

Breathe in, Sway out.

Breathe in, Sway out.

Let the breeze move through your mirrored branches.
A movement dedicated to life beyond your center.
A late night observation in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of everything.
Apr 2021 · 597
Fattened Prophet
I weirdly - no, wantonly - want to kiss you the next time

Your blue-gray eyes besiege my focus and I resign

My sight - no, soul - to your vision and spread your word

As the bearded and fattened prophet of these feelings deferred.
Mar 2021 · 812
Red heat burns at the extension of my
Fingertips, ashes stoked for a second night of

Clandestine wetted brown sinks it’s teeth
Into my lips again, it’s breath in my lungs a smoky

Warmth fills me for the first time in
Months, but a fire lit myself pales dimly in

To yours. And yet, there is welcoming comfort in
Knowing that it’s closeness won’t flee the

At the first sign of invading intimacy. The risk of
Cancer here is but longing brought to

Cut me with glances, burn with touch. Gods and devils
Both pine for the heart you’ve already
Cigars burn as hearts do sometimes.
Mar 2021 · 477
Boiling Oath
As the night settles to simple silence,
My brain seeds in diminished doubt,
Waters it with cold contempt and waits.

Waits to grow lonely compliance,
And the inevitably harvested fallout,
The lungs and heart equally bates.

Bates the breath and feeling both,
As thoughts collect sowed dissent,
And into the broth they’re swiftly stirred.

Stirred until they take a boiling oath,
And hateful knee truly bent,
So that notion of self fully blurred.
My mind trying to make sense of itself
Mar 2021 · 796
Fingers II
I run my fingers everywhere,
Well, almost everywhere.

They dance along your back in reassurance,
Seek shelter in the comfort of your own,
Press matter to matter to confirm your existence,
Wring the day’s dripping tension from your back,
And shoulders, and feet.

In the mornings they profusely itch,
Until they get the chance to text you good morning,
In the afternoons they gnawingly ache,
Until they’re knocking at your door.
But mostly, in the evenings they joyously sing,
Home once again wrapped up in yours.

I run my fingers everywhere,
Well, Mostly everywhere.

But mostly, they strain to breaking
Reaching out to you.
Follow up to my previous work, the other side of the coin, the other hand intertwine.
Mar 2021 · 756
Wild Bouquet
I want to buy you every Forget-Me-Not
so that my name's the only one you remember.

I want to drive down highways, backroads, and forgotten paths, picking those wildflowers that you love.

Lilies and hydrangeas, and all the other fleeting pretty things,
I want to give them all to you.

After collecting every flower, and setting your world into
a wild bouquet, I want to just be there, with you.
Wrote this for an old flame once upon a time, since she lived too far away for me to just give her flowers.
Mar 2021 · 105
If only there was confessional
For atheists.
I wish Catholics didn’t hold an monopoly,
On old men stuffed in wooden boxes,
Who listen and offer a way out.

It would be nice to call a stranger,
Father, and list to him
All my perceived transgressions.
Stuck with me as I give,
A detailed report on all the ways I hate myself.

Put them on every street corner,
No one uses telephone booths
Confession; I am not, and
Have never been a Catholic.

But my life feels awfully close,
To one long Hail Mary.
So I wish Catholics didn’t hold a monopoly,
On old men stuffed in wooden boxes.
White collars pristine and choking back judgement.

Father, don’t cry for me,
Or try and lie about yours.
Just tell me what phrases,
To repeat 30 times so I know when,
I can stop flagellating myself.
Mar 2021 · 585
You run your fingers everywhere,
Well, almost everywhere.

They whisper through my hair,
Intertwine with mine in quiet times,
Comfort me with gentle squeezes,
Link behind me when we hug hello,
And goodbye.

I’ve seen the product of their delicate touch,
Felt their strength in your convictions,
Tasted the delicious meals of their efforts,
But mostly, I fear they will continue,
To keep me an arm’s length away.

You run your fingers everywhere,
Well, almost everywhere.

But mostly, you’ve just got them,
Wrapped around my heart.
Mar 2021 · 253
Good Ship Misery
I wish I could sleep,
do anything but think,
About all the ways this year
Is already at the brink,
We could sink.

But we could also
swim or fly or
parachute down a mountainside.
I do not care to weigh,
all the times I cried.

And I tried,
To feel all the pain
that lives inside,
it resides so close,
to all the important parts,
of me.

And I can see,
looking through looking glass,
I cannot live stuck
in the past,

This too shall pass!
Pass on to that
Good ship Misery,
and with a little wizardy,
and a bleeding liturgy,
our pain, shall too,
Be history.
Wrote this last year before the pandemic hit, it's been stewing for a while.
Mar 2021 · 116
Words or Pictures?
An age old question,
Not one of little note.
When one side risks repression,
We see nothing or hear what's wrote.

A picture's worth a thousand words,
But does it really take that many?
I could tell of singing birds,
For the cost of one whole penny.

They sung and laughed and fluttered hard,
As far as little wings could carry,
And surely soon they let down guard,
Their feelings could not tarry.

But as certain as that stanza spun,
A picture in our heads,
Nothing's like when paint does run,
And those brush strokes sew like threads.

So pen or brush or sculptor's tool,
Strike swiftly while the iron's hot.
There's only one way to show a fool,
For them to say some kind of art, is not.
Mar 2019 · 143
Altar of the Answer
So many questions, left at the altar of the answer.

Does the hate fill you completely, or does it leave room for more things to be consumed?

When you think about the pain in your heart, is the relief in the reality that it brings?

Why abandon something good so hurriedly, with plenty of memories left to be made and thrown to the fire?

Where does your free time lead you, under the assumption that you feel like doing anything at all?

So many questions, left at the altar of the answer.

One last question, left at the altar of the answer.

When the sky laughs its' booming chuckle, I wonder.
I wonder whether you dance in the rain
or sleep soundly thanks to the constant pattering.

Do you look forward to the sunshine breaking through
or do you welcome the sadness and grief it brings?

Do you wish the rain would never stop,
so it can wash away all that has ever hurt you?
Or do you pray that it never rains,
so you are never reminded of the pain?

Is the downpour a megaphone,
shouting to the world how you feel inside?
Or do you use it as something to dull the hurt,
a strong tonic to nullify all things evil?

I want you to love the rain,
Love the rain the way I do,
And stand in it to drown out
that stain of weariness.

Stick out your tongue sometime
When you get the chance.
Catch a raindrop
and embrace the freedom that it brings.

Do this so when we meet,
We can dance together, soaking.
the clouds will laugh, I’ll move
the beautiful sopping hair from your eyes.

I want to share our first kiss,
in the middle of a hurricane.
And hold you tight,
So there is nothing but us and the rain.
Wrote this to a future love, during a physics lecture, while listening to the rain pour down outside.

— The End —