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448 · Feb 2018
Don't Judge
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
I set out to live,
A happy life.
And I’ve always strived,
To be my best.
Until I’m told that I’m some trash,
Over and over ‘till my soul turned to ash.

I soon believed this with all my heart,
Pretended to be happy became an art.
What goes up in the sky must come down,
And my cold body was found at the break of dawn.

What caused this? One would ask.
But would never know for I wore a mask.
They never noticed how I struggled,
And always questioned what’s the trouble.
What made me happy, I do not know,
For I cannot see beyond this hole.

And others never acknowledged,
My worth and further,
Until I saw death, as my only savior.

While I was alive, I prayed and prayed,
That I could one day I could live my way,
That I could do something just for me,
And not fit the mold others wanted me to be.

Constant pressure, surrounded me,
Drowned me until I cannot breathe.
Then came a light and broke the water,
Then it gave me a brilliant offer.

My life in exchange for eternal happiness,
And I don’t have to deal with the constant sadness.
I can’t believe something so great,
And quickly ask him to take my life away.

My little death never bothered others,
For I am not enough to deserve that honor.
And here you are reading this “poem”,
Probably feeling sad or solemn.

But the thing is, that’s all you can do,
For it was people like you who didn’t make a move.
You can all sit here feeling empathetic,
But truly, you are apathetic,
And its people like you, the world’s so pathetic,
And look at people like me as a fanatic

But what is done, can’t be reversed
And you never know who you’ve cursed.
And I hope you live without regret,
And I hope this “poem” didn’t make you upset.
You never know that it was because of you,
That someone decided that they were through.
They could’ve lived a life happy as mine,
Only to find themselves hanging,
At the end of the line.
445 · Feb 2018
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
My emotions, like the weather
Today it has blessed me with a sunny day
The pleasant smell of spring flowers
The wondrous rays of sunshine

Gone are the gloomy days
Gone are the sad clouds
Gone are the gray skys
Gone are the blinding fog
And we embrace this warmness
Hoping it won't go away
392 · Feb 2018
Oh Look!
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
Oh look! a life blossoming,
How creative mother nature craft its offsprings
A delicate a wonderful creature was born
And any harm to it will leave us all torn

Oh look! a life growing,
How a child grows and learn through falling
We all wish it the best
And hope life don't contest

Oh look! a life evolving,
It's growing, thinking and changing
It's going to grow up great
And change the world with its mates

Oh look! A tragedy happening
Its stuck, dying and not moving
We know it can get through this
And continue to live in bliss

Oh look! He is still not moving,
Its a sign that we should be helping
We think it's strong enough to push through
And push on without rescue

Oh look! A life ending,
And we are all watching
It's didn't live up to our desire
So we live it to burn in its fire

Oh look!
It's dead,
We're so surprised
We're so distressed
It didn't live its life as it should
We're all sad
Sitting here watching this lad
Wondering where we went wrong
386 · Mar 2018
Mr Passerby Mar 2018
We're so caught up in the world's rituals
its saddening
We wake up every morning and groan about our jobs and lives yet we don't do anything to change it
We follow the double consciousness of social norms and self thoughts
We keep our true selves hidden
We present what's "acceptable"
We live two faced

Anything that is not considered normal is unorthodox and therefore denied
Anything that is not considered beneficial to the society should not be brought up at all
Anything that is change and not following conventional practices is heretical and sinful

We're too focused on whats normal
However, should an immoral desire stem from this freedom we're all doomed
We should all expand the normal ground for all people
If not we should create haven for those considered abnormal
All talk and no action

No matter where you go
remember one thing
"It is not society that determines people’s future. It is people who determine society’s future"
"It is not society that determines people’s future. It is people who determine society’s future"- ****** Pass
361 · Mar 2018
Mr Passerby Mar 2018
For the longest time
Restrictions were placed on
Everyone and the world was under an
Endless reign of monarchy
Doing whatever they want
Oppressing the masses

From the oppression we learned that power
Ruined people's lives
Ending this fear would help
Ease the fear
During our time we should focus
On what really matters the most
Making lives better

Freedom means doing whatever you want
However, you're responsible for your action
Use freedom to your advantage
And make the world a better place
Do what you can for the people
Freedom to express
                     change the world
                     push for better
Use your freedom as a human being and be the change you want to see in the world
334 · May 2018
There is No Tomorrow
Mr Passerby May 2018
Who should argue
That time has stopped for the dead
For them, there is no tomorrow
No today, no yesterday
No time
Yet they live on in our world,
In our imaginations
In our dreams
In our hopes

Who should argue
That time never stops
We still live on with the dead
They're history to us
We learn about them as a factor of time
No real appreciation of what they once were
We simply progress
But for the dead, there is no tomorrow
We can only mourn and remember until we can't
Or until we too, are part of the dead
Then we'll realize that
There is no tomorrow.
332 · Feb 2018
Just a Thought...But Think
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
Have you ever questioned conventionality?
Or you just live on as long as it doesn't bother you?
Do you just live on without questioning the world's savagery?
Or you just live on as long as it doesn't bother you?

Not me

Life injure the unprepared immensely
Life impacts people differently
Life changes people
Life kills


With light there's dark
With good there's evil
Two sides of the coin with a slim inbetween

Sometimes that middle is strong enough to keep the polars separated
Sometimes that middle is delicate enough to crumble with the wind
Sometimes that middle is nonexistent and conflicts arise everyday
Sometimes that middle is those who are apathetic for the issue

That middle is most of us

I invite you all to think about what's normal
to challenge the small things
to help those in need
to not be ignorant and think
to shed conventionality
to think outside the box
to look at the world from both sides
to be patient despite triggering thoughts
to not harm, not judge
to start small and change yourself and others around you
I invite you all to be kind and tolerant and smart and helpful
Take action to change, take the initiative to turn words to actions

With light there's dark
With good there's evil
Two sides of the coin with t slim inbetween
Break conventionality and change.
This was a little thought that popped into my head today. After hearing all the different things happening in the world, there is no way for us to survive unless we join hands.
Mr Passerby Mar 2018
We wonder what separates us from the others
We wonder what makes us different
We wonder if there is more like us
We wonder if we're just ignorant...

We're all in a room
We're all friends here
We're all wearing costumes
We're all hiding something here...

Why are we so blinded by our interests
Why are we so deafened by our shouts of happiness
Why do we turn our heads away from the horrors of the world
Why do we shut our ears from the desperate cries of help
Because when we do look, nothing's there
Quiet, silence, calmness

Even in the same room we hide things from each other
We eventually kept to ourselves
We eventually don't talk anymore
We eventually became selfish
Our friendships still last virtually

The room exploded, shining lights everywhere
We covered our eyes
We blinded ourselves from the trouble
We shut our ears so we don't hear the cries of pain

We pretend not to see, not to hear and ultimately we say nothing
Our lives remained normal
We went back to business
It didn't affect us
Why Should we care?

We went back to our daily business, pretended nothing happened, but still kicked the bodies with our foot, pretending not to feel anything.

Life was normal
We here things on the news everyday. We think it won't happen to us, therefore we don't care because it doesn't involve us. We grow into this cycle. Every morning we turn on the TV, watch the horrors on the news and resume business as usual. We don't contribute any help, simply just pretended it didn't happen and someone will take care of it. Change that, please, don't ignore the problems, the cries of help.
318 · Mar 2018
Humility, Fear
Mr Passerby Mar 2018
What is everyday life
What is everyday life
What is everyday life
When can I pursue something that belongs to me
and only me

Why is it that under oppression
I suffer more humility
Why can't I do something original
When my creativity is more than capable
Why do I submit to fear
When I can fight back

I can't
All to no avail
I've come to serve and worship fear
I've adjusted my life according to fear
I do everything to ignore fear
Because fear is God itself.
306 · Feb 2018
A Sight to See
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
I look over my shoulder just to see where you are
only to see you talking not to me

I look at you from across the room just to catch
only a glimpse of you trailing hair

I be in the same room as you but I can
only get mad at myself for being a coward

I engage with you in a small conversation
only to find myself stammering at your beauty

I pick you out from the crowd just by glancing
only to find you walking with a guy, smiling at his jokes

I stray from my own thoughts and friends
only to disappoint myself and my friends for you are not there

I love you and would do everything for you
only to see you get your heart hurt by another genuine guy

A sight to see
only you're not in front of me

A friend to have
only to find myself unworthy for you

A women to love
only you don't even see me as a friend

A coward meets his crush
only to find out they were just passerby
249 · Feb 2018
Three Wishes
Mr Passerby Feb 2018
God of joy, freedom and sweet love of mine
I admire you, ye how so divine
Locked up in a tower away from the eternal blessings
Never has the forbidden fruit look so pleasing

Nothing in life I had ever want more
Than to be free of the world's sorrow
Should this life not suffice, I will pursue you more
Until I firmly have you in my hold

Three wishes I have, I hope you grant
And I'll follow you until my life goes faint!
I sacrificed everything for my three wishes
My will, my passion, it astonishes

Long last, I am out of the tower
Only to be bound as a follower
God of joy, freedom, and sweet love of mine
I admire you, ye how so divine!

Journey so long and so vicious
I traveled east by route of west, how victorious!
This is a story about a character wanting joy, freedom and love. He was unable to achieve any of this. He sacrificed everything he had to gain these three wishes, even his life. But because he pledged everything for his wishes, he remains nothing more than what he was before.
175 · Feb 2019
Mr Passerby Feb 2019
The daily life is a struggle
Nothing we could do but to power through
Hopefully it all goes well
And no one falls hard again too

Nothing we could do but power through
It will make life easier if we live day by day
And no one falls hard again too
Because we focus on the sunny rays

It will make life easier if we live day by day
Hopefully it all goes well
Because we focus on the sunny rays
Life becomes swell again

— The End —