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May 2022 · 404
A Day for Earth
Nicole May 2022
verdant terra firma
deep abyss of azure seas
splashing colors ablaze
on a sphere, crafted in chronicles
woven fabric to shelter architectural arrangement
elixir in distilled scenery
a lasting preservation
May 2022 · 216
Waterfront Encounter
Nicole May 2022
a hushed midsummer ardor
toes deep in sand and brine

a breathless caress undercover
reflecting the skylines burning line

their cloaked embrace encircling
a misting seas whispered shrine
May 2022 · 172
Nicole May 2022
The dappled, grey sky fractures,
bringing a petrichor-scented breeze through my window,
mimicking the torment brewing inside.
I lay here, flesh frozen and cracked,
staring unseeing at the empty space I'll leave behind.
The spartan walls crowd in,
circling to compact my overworked senses
from bleeding out of my chest.

The loss parts way to darkness,
accented in sharp, stinging barbs
striking at my once treasured memories.
Holding my breath to stave off the pain,
I drift sluggishly, my arms heavy as lead.

Wrenching air into my starving lungs,
I'm held anchor in this cold prison.
The dreary world passes by
with ascribed demise marked ahead.
My eyes fall closed in cessation,
a submission from lent aid.
A bandage awaits beyond the graveyard.
Apr 2021 · 486
Water's Edge
Nicole Apr 2021
Hush -
hear the stillness in the waters,
the calm and steady to and fro,
the ripple-less canvas
that delivers life to our door.

Clear and cavernous,
bliss is found in it’s depths.
Toes dipped in, cooling
in summer’s relentless heat.

Teaming with adventure,
dates chronicled in the flow.
Silence deafening, suppressing,
newness found in attention.
Apr 2021 · 800
In Memory
Nicole Apr 2021
Excitement pumped throughout my palms.
Sitting on the table,
I waited for a sign from you.
Hope lingered,
if only I would have known.

There was so much to look forward to
in this little room.
So many dreams to be had
by this small existence.
Only time would tell.

We held our breath
to hear our future.
Tears and anger followed.
There was no sign.
No sound.
No beat.
No life.

I’ll never forget the defeat
the denial
the devastation
the death.
You had barely just begun.
Now you will never be.

I felt it was my fault.
I could have done better.
I could have dreamed bigger.
I could have wished harder.
I could have…
done nothing.

I think about you often.
What would you look like?
What would you become?
Do you think of me too?
I’d like to think we’d be friends,
past the titles we were originally given,
but it will never be.

You left me that day.
It wasn’t your fault,
but I weep every year.
Understanding has never come.
My heart holds you still,
my joy.
Apr 2021 · 705
Ode to a Tree
Nicole Apr 2021
Imposing green,
a lonely stretch
into the streaking sky.

Strong and steady,
never wavering,
even in the gales.

Crisp leaves
flutter and shift,
always reaching up.
Apr 2021 · 442
Bad Habits
Nicole Apr 2021
ink tinged night
murky veil covering
dim, blood splattered eyes
cowering in the corner
sweat soaking skin
an outstretched arm trembles
grabbing the glass again
Apr 2021 · 266
Price of a Poet
Nicole Apr 2021
pen to paper
joy in the craft
don't lose momentum

a poet should prize
more than the analects
they put to a page

mark my word:
live in colors caught
expose and labor in the flow
sagacity is the destination
Apr 2021 · 784
Nicole Apr 2021
eyes softly caressing
fingertips alighting in goosebumps
whispers beckon the night

all are bridges to you
Apr 2021 · 775
Sun Salutation
Nicole Apr 2021
centered, I envision my next flux for the illuminant
deepening each stretch, I angle to the ruminant
breaths breathed deep, I press into a bent round
clearing my mind space, hands grasping at the ground

mornings pass by, entering each one in the same
renewing by imitating nature's avid, sparking flame
rhythm artlessly singing, conflict emptied at the door
consciousness absolved, my bond begins here on the floor
Apr 2021 · 398
Nicole Apr 2021
ink-black clouds stalking
dampened rain puddles splatter
flashing light, deep sounds
Apr 2021 · 262
Hedgehog McGee
Nicole Apr 2021
Down in the grassy meadow
in the stump of an ancient tree,
surrounded by clandestine hedgerows,
lived the indolent Ms. Molly McGee.

She was a prickly sort of gal,
with a long, cold, pointy snout.
She rocked all day in her chair,
and sniffed everyone out.

So beady, small, and blackened
her wily eyes fool most anyone,
but only she knew her secret news:
Her eyesight was all gone!

Covered in sharp quills from her head to her ****,
she displayed such a thorny demeanor
Under the solitary crescent moon, she sighed,
"I guess I could always be meaner."
Apr 2021 · 2.3k
Empty Addiction
Nicole Apr 2021
It started with a thought -
a solitary lie.
Cunning in it's deceit,
no freedom, lest I die.

No normal pangs of hunger -
gorging beast within my face.
Heaving it up in sacrificial abjure,
a rejected fall from grace.

An act of complete surrender -
heavy pressure in my chest.
The beat continues beating;
Yet I fear it will arrest.

Mirrors turned to enemies;
A smile turned to grief.
A day without ingestion
becomes a dangerously sweet relief.

Abandoning dreams to disappear -
affliction taking hold.
Imperfection sought to fix, with
restricted weight controlled.

It started with a thought -
a solitary lie.
Cunning in it's deceit,
no freedom, lest I die.
Apr 2021 · 128
The Entanglement
Nicole Apr 2021
Intimacy found in mystery,
released despite the forbidden.
Eyes, joined in distance,
replies acknowledged in hidden embraces.

Pining turned to fixation,
blinded by the passionate
drive to completely consume;
Burned by expressive awareness.

The journey of a thousand memories,
whispered in late night phone calls.
Stolen kisses, frenzied then tender -
confidences only two can tell.

Behind closed private doors,
desirable physical caresses
are uncovered; Expressively debauched,
in the eyes of pledges broken.

Ties bound to one, divided
by an intensive linking,
that can never freely breathe deep.
Apr 2021 · 393
Illusory Being
Nicole Apr 2021
in plein-air,
Lays silent and waits.
He is isolated, but not dead.
A man invisible, but not lifeless.
He claims elusiveness in his stance,
shrouding in surroundings - masked in a veil -
he gulps a large breath to contain a fleet of sentience.
A watchman - apart from the whole - empty of all motion.
Straining to eschew footsteps in the brush, withal immobile.
A stationary reed, quashing true self, to blend into what they want him to be. Still, a shadow of himself. A solitary tree in a crowded forest.
at its
Apr 2021 · 87
Time in the Sun
Nicole Apr 2021
The day pulses within budding blue eyes.
She lays solo in the rickety bed -
a hand-me-down from a cousin removed.
Dust bunnies swirl and dance overhead
in the early morning sun, beckoning her awake.
The chill in the air sends goosebumps
past her threadbare nightgown
worn years past it's expiry date.
Peeling off her sprawling quilt,
she joins the already burdened dawn.

With noiseless footfalls, she creeps
to the crippled chair in the corner
where her favorite grass-colored smock
hangs - a token of love stitched
by cramped aged fingers, now silent.
Creaks echo, sounding as bullets, awakening
the aching chamber housing two generations.

The task to break their fast falls to her:
the sizzle of scent surrounds the kitchen berth;
A familiar routine partaken in duet.
Gratitude is given, utterances exchanged,
then abandoned to her role of domesticity.  
Lather and rinse, plates come clean
- a grind that is chanted again and again.

Deepening her breath, a sigh is summoned out.
Slipping away is a fixture encored:
a record scratching in her head.
Bypassing the large crack in the porch,
she tumbles down the steps of grandfather's house.
Each clip and clop wrench draining blows
to the descending wooden flight.
She walks down the pebbled driveway,
scratching raw the bottoms of her unshod feet.

A solitary spot calls from an aged oak tree
- branches droopy and weighed down
with a verdant embrace of an ivy blanket.
Ideas and dreams flare here, spent and shaped
- a sagging memento of her station.
Hours drift by, the warm summer day
aids like a balm to a frayed heart.
Swinging from her childhood tire swing,
careworn from similar seasonal passing,
she waits for her time in the sun.
Apr 2021 · 94
Nicole Apr 2021
a delusory warm sunlight glow breaks in cracks
through the curtains in my room
energy leaves my body
as my breath is breathed into aching lungs

a haze encircles the breeze through the window
mirthless scenes begin, touching deep
dragging me down under
a happiness once felt, only brief

unbending alliances drift into my head
loss reverberates in droves
savage in it's descent
compassion destroying my senses

wild ashen gasps are delivered into the air
worn out from the drain
of surrendering to the senses
dissipation blurring the cost

as the bodies pass by, living in prism-ed hours
relief now only contained in my four walls
eyes close to balm
in the downcast chill that night's gift brings
Apr 2021 · 812
Nicole Apr 2021
darkened window panes
etched with multiple colors
bright, though dim within these eyes

emotions kept hidden
etched with inescapable pain
alive, yet dead within this heart

never knowing where to go
etching lines through these streets
crowded with faceless people
Apr 2021 · 163
an emotion for you
Nicole Apr 2021
my love weaves a tapestry to your heart
each stitch, an eternal memory
of delight in another

an embrace leading to a smile
of beauty in the fabric, yours
and mine to behold

softness of hands, fingertips touching
tender caresses on jawlines
sparking deep feelings

strength in our bond, carried in years
ebbing and flowing as one
adoration in affection

words and whispers in devotion
threads binding together
a language of ours alone
Dedicated to my one...
Apr 2021 · 284
The Winding Road
Nicole Apr 2021
Fiery, striking tips painted
along a destination uncharted.
Staggering twists and turns -
tracing a path in the hillside -
snake-like in it's stretch.
A softly rolling landscape
following the winding trail.

A path less traveled -
hidden kismet in the shadows.
A journey burdened with turns
and twists. Narrow in sight
beyond the varied curves.
The bends eventually will arrest,
and lead me to your door.
Apr 2021 · 94
Nicole Apr 2021
carved out emptiness
replacing shake-able joy,
until it's just a gnawing ache.

Grieving streaks
drip in streams,
Covering my trembling face in
broken, bleeding etchings.

A crushing burden,
to breathe in the morning,
and carry as the sinking sun
dips below the fading horizon.

Another day, another loss.
A bitter pill to take.
Apr 2021 · 370
Nicole Apr 2021
Today, I planted a seed.
Laboring to follow cycles decreed.
The fertile soil I tilled
and the water I spilled.
Both blanket my treasure -
an anchor sprouting, I closely measure.
Taking root, it bears stem,
blooming to peak: a potent gem.
Now, the leaves broach to unfurl,
elevating dawn with a blossoming pearl.
Spring is the season for new beginnings - however they emerge.
Apr 2021 · 1.6k
Spring Has Sprung
Nicole Apr 2021
Fragrant blossoms imbue
in a distillation of technicolor vision
across the dampened meadow,
awakening it from a winter repose.

Dew-tipped grass lightly bends
as a chilled breath swirls in the air.
Verdant landscape hues cover
faraway shadowed rolling hilltops.

A crispness in the surrounding signals
an embraced dusting of vapors,
following a light cloudburst above:
A sprinkling refresh for growth.

Spring has sprung.
Apr 2021 · 110
Tempus Fugit
Nicole Apr 2021
another day is almost done
scented bubbles - an anticipation
warm water calls her by her name:
a relaxing "mom time" accommodation

with exhalation, hands gently grasping
a book binding worn to smooth
eyes lusting for a deep escape
each written word meant to soothe

her heart covertly coveting,
for a short time, an empty abode
her favorite novel only just begun
short self-care arrangement is bestowed

time ticks its fast advancement
bathwater wrinkles, besetting
children caterwauling with woes of needs
each knock - a sound on nerves - upsetting

husband now calling through the door
she's pleading for a moments peace:
"One more page," she responds to all
hoping for the complaints to cease
Apr 2021 · 1.0k
The Bibliophile
Nicole Apr 2021
He was known for a puzzling idée fixe
for literature in an array of topics;
Not a citizen of particular themes.
Given to a pursuit of this literary ENTERPRISE,
he would hermit away and ravenously read,
which left him with a pale VISAGE.
He'd dealt with comments of its PERNICIOUS effects,
putting a BLEMISH on his social standing.
Yet, it didn't DAMPEN his spirit.
He didn't shy from upgrading to a learned man.
A mixture of books granted him entrance to
TRAVERSE an ever transforming road,
for which weather had no dampener on.
He was a SENTRY of his own mind,  
following the ASTRAL bodies in the night sky,
to channel knowledge into dreams.
Wrote this for a poetry contest last year. Had to include the words: dampen, blemish, pernicious, traverse, sentry, visage, astral, enterprise The poem won 3rd place.
Apr 2021 · 103
City Living
Nicole Apr 2021
striking cityscapes
a focus of symmetry
in slicked surroundings
wet with salty tears
escape in views
solitaire existence; crowded
path to the unknown
follow at your own risk
Apr 2021 · 306
my bedroom mirror is broken
Nicole Apr 2021
my bedroom mirror is broken -
an arrant illustration of torment
wrists landmark a spectacle carved in crimson blood
damaged mutterings seeking acceptance
darkness in the corners of self
rapacious hunger cut off by unfilled desire
ribs devoured and exposed, but covered
hiding pain in plain sight
famished; none the wiser
with a cracked precision, I smile
Apr 2021 · 187
Coloring of Night
Nicole Apr 2021
an amused lilt adorns two crimson lips
with a first glimpse into the deep saffron sunset of eve
crystalline aquamarine pools cast a gaze
taking delight in this time escaped

wisps of your lemon-gilded hair flee their bindings
as we steal into the lilac-hued fields of night
hand in hand, we behold the tangerine arc of the graceful sun
slipping into peaceful slumber 'neath a blanket of hillside

ne'er before seen guileless beauty follows
in the appearance of distilled magical faerie light:
auroras floating by in lavender and chartreuse swirls
across the charcoal painted skies

twinkling coral celestials reign overhead
smiling upon our watermelon-shaded cheeks
from chilled whispering words of ardor
breezing by in this, our color-breathed eventide
Apr 2021 · 99
Dragon King
Nicole Apr 2021
born of the venomous night
in shadows blacked in cruelty
the savage hunter hides in wait
bearing a tormented existence

a feared winged warrior, without opposition
swooping in from hilltop kingdoms
forced crystalline gaze perceives entirety
breathing a fierce-flamed death

trampled in a fetid slumber
drinking the blood of his rivals
fire blazes in illumination
not resting till he conquers it all
Apr 2021 · 98
Nicole Apr 2021
Time -
a high-priced commodity,
leaves us with a shortened
supply of memories
until it's our turn
to pass on.

Death -
the fickle fiend
leaves a gnawing ache
inside our brains,
stinging with hurt until
there's a mountain left of
Nicole Apr 2021
I'll sing for you a symphony
    and strum the strings in beats
    an inspired grandiose melody
    of lifelong rhapsody entirely
    four movements my heart completes.

I'll sing for you a chanson
    full of lyrics affecting and pure
    my solo voice defies easy scansion
    to develop an embracing expansion
    admiration is mine to ensure.

I'll sing for you an anthem
    devotion to you alone
    your sacred being beyond fathom
    ardent, I'm held for ransom
    devotion to cherish and own.

I'll sing for you a love song
    every word flows right and true
    to croon an acoustic-filled levity
    with a phrase ensured in brevity
    for your heart I will win anew.
Apr 2021 · 523
Brewed Concoction
Nicole Apr 2021
aromatic and deep mahogany
decoction swirled with steam
a cupped nectar of rebirth
morning glimpses of heaven
first sip a remembrance
nuanced tincture
delicate demitasse
This slipped into my mind this morning over my cup of coffee...
Mar 2021 · 183
Rain and Heartache
Nicole Mar 2021
Heavy ink-tinged clouds drop
dew splattered attacks across my visage.
Drifting arms splayed in surrender, I
embrace the crush of brokenness
that envelops an armored heart.

A hollowness drills in dull drumbeats
in the pitter-patter of beaded drops.
It's a welcome retreat, stinging of sacrifice,
though annums have expired, behind guises of healing,
I harbor the chills of loss without outward censure.

Numb epigrams, spoken multi-fold to my ear,
bear breakage behind closed doors.
Planning to assuage the bruise
and restrain myself, a burden of knowledge
that you still left, and the falling rain caught on...
Mar 2021 · 251
Graveyard Angels
Nicole Mar 2021
wings unfurled in protection
eroded from surrounding rudiments
along a beacon of illumination

visage composed and serene
branching arms cradling cleaving souls
afraid to fade into eternal rest

gifts born from remembrance
weeping, wilting, worn
beneath a wandering ivy-covered guide

quiescent consignor of peace
beyond the cessation of life
- suspended in advocation
Mar 2021 · 222
A Mask
Nicole Mar 2021
Solitude behind the disguise.
Displaced smiles,
we see only in eyes.

Will we ever reach out
to each other in friendship?
Or will fear guide our hands to our sides?

Necessary distance,
alone in a spaced out crowd.
Walking hurried, no time.

Safety in isolation.
Contact no longer needed,
in keeping with the paradigm

Fear in high numbers
greatly denied for a moment,
placated with guarantees.

Denied closeness,
weeping for our past.
Do we invite to death's door to appease?
Mar 2021 · 293
the sacrifice of ambition
Nicole Mar 2021
millions of multi-shaded visages:
prisoners of coordinated sale
stolen, sea-bound accedence
- casualties for an avaricious pursuit

biting blows stricken upon aching backs
cracks etched in crimson blood
their surrender commanded
- breath stolen for ownership

callused steps, an abeyance walking
bruised with bitter warnings
uttered in acidic oaths
- ebony sacrificed for gold
Nicole Mar 2021
Night assaults in charcoal smudges,
repeatedly cloaking the horizon in darkness.
Hollow ruins coat the empty space in agony
as loneliness clings to every surface,
breathless in the brewing alchemy shift.

The barren and jagged mountains,
though cold and bitter in shadow,
are abruptly caressed by a balmy breeze
exhaling secret incantations into the dampened surroundings.

Beneath the heavy silence of night,
blankets of celestial fires and moonlight foil
spill a summoned revolt across the chasm.
A measured mist of cooled water drops
ventures a dance along a cluster of murky trees
at the edge of a hushed clearing.

Beyond, a presence, plagued and exposed
by the arduous web of darkness,
beats a crippled, even antsy rhythm.
The cessation of its burden is nigh;
the emancipation of daylight - a fated end.
Mar 2021 · 203
Winter's Embrace
Nicole Mar 2021
Dawn breaks through the darkened night
exhaling beams of sprinkled light
across dense blankets of snowy white.

Naked, bony limbs start snapping
reaching arms upward while napping
allotting chilled moss to lay wrapping.

Frosted crystalline water awaiting
the ice-kissed surroundings, while creating
melancholy moans of biting wind deflating.

Craggy hilltops bordering, in sharp peaks,
glistening barren landscapes in streaks
as relentless Winter hibernation bespeaks.
Mar 2021 · 134
Successive Beauty
Nicole Mar 2021
Beauty is in the
Eye of the beholder, they say.
Another being might not
Undo my reluctance.
The hours pass by with no recourse,
Yet you stay, and

I’m relieved.
Seeing your truth before me,

My pleasure is yours to command.
In curves and sweeps, you take me
Near to Heaven -
Enamored, I am.
Mar 2021 · 90
Forest Walk at Night
Nicole Mar 2021
calmness floats along the breeze
lightly brushing my face and arms
deep colors of indigo and bronze
splash across the darkening sky
silence interrupted by nighttime
tickling and buzzing in my ears
each sound a delicate offense
sweetness breaks across my nose
as a sprinkle coats the blackened green
breathing deep the murky veil
fingertips roughened by crumbly bark
soothed by satin covered leaves
soggy steps guided by trails of plush grass
at one with Nature
in all her gleaming glory
and reflection
Nicole Mar 2021
Eyes of pure glass
piercing my soul,
deeper into my heart
until my heart is careened.

Lips as soft as silk
speak words of life,
flowing gently in my ears
like a lover's gentle caress.

Hands as strong as steel
grab hold of mine,
clutching at every moment
as though to possess me.

A man in perfect form
fools with my emotions.
Daring to control me,
I am left wanting.

A love so strong
endures a lifetime.
It overtakes my being and leaves me
Mar 2021 · 98
The Sun
Nicole Mar 2021
Silence -
The sun breaks through the darkened sight
bringing the songs of birds,
and opening the world with light.

A cloudless morning
dressed with fields of flowers.
Each moment different,
and each one is ours.

Overhead the sun rises,
covering with a warm embrace,
always loving what she's doing
with a smile upon her face.
Mar 2021 · 93
A Writer's Affair
Nicole Mar 2021
Etchings of sincere thoughts
written down in time
so not to abandon their meanings.

Explosive feelings
falling ardently to paper
agonized with each ache and affliction.

We right any injustice,
defend each analysis,
and plead toward understanding.

Amid life's occurrences,
our audience takes in our wisdom
studying with rapt attention.
Mar 2021 · 90
Forgotten Graveyard
Nicole Mar 2021
Stones of shape
inscribed with adages
and memories of lives spent.

Sinking lawn
mossy earth surrounding
damp and concave they allay forever.

Dark and deserted
ceasing age they linger
no one concerns to bother anymore.
Mar 2021 · 91
Nicole Mar 2021
Toes dip in
to the deep water below.
I can’t move to get o u t.
Inch by inch
slowly s
I raise my eyes to the sky.
My chest feels tight
I try to steady my breath,
Fearful of the surrounding solace.
I am still, unmoving.
It keeps coming.
Cold and unfeeling.
Lifeless without peace,
my head under water.
I am succumbing to the dark.
Denying the blackness…
Mar 2021 · 85
Vanishing Childhood
Nicole Mar 2021
Playtime ceased
laughter no more
memory and loss

Imagination fleeting
smiles and tender joy
leaping and running

Seeking and hiding
bonds mend and spirits fly
taking care with merriment

Under a charmed spell
precocious and undaunted
unconcerned with the hours

A blink of dark eyes
gone in an instant
ripped through grasps

Echoes in time
wrought with tears
and forgotten events
Mar 2021 · 79
Desire in the Night
Nicole Mar 2021
Drops of sweat, beading and clinging
    breaths of pleasure, carefully singing
          motions carried to and fro
              sighs embracing, craving hello.

Darkening passions never descending
    grasping onto desire bending
          tender night allowed to grow
              devotion displayed in overflow.

Lasting memories forever deepening
    emotions aflutter, gently careening
          hoping against what we know
              twilight consumed so long ago.
Mar 2021 · 178
Of Nature and Time
Nicole Mar 2021
Skies with brushes, painted
in deep reds. Pillowed clouds
in shades and hues, comfortable
in their floating presence.

Sloping mountains in solid strength
and character, standing guard -
Witnessing the alchemy
in the pace of the day.

Movement of tides, with fluctuated flow
of sands swirling. Bubbly and boundless,
the peaceful blue is untouched
by the capsule of time.

Mornings breath in vivid decoration,
graciously beginning a jubilee.
We sit, watching and waiting
in nature’s solace again.
Mar 2021 · 85
Carefree Heart
Nicole Mar 2021
With reckless abandon, I tearfully love
Nearby the carefree heart is laid
Lashes of eyes so greatly beloved
With reckless abandon, I tearfully love
Passion ensued in wishes above
Quietly grinned a serenade
With reckless abandon, I tearfully love
Nearby the carefree heart is laid
Mar 2021 · 125
The Machiavellian
Nicole Mar 2021
With honeyed comments, you absorb adulation in vain;
Drinking it in like a congratulatory champagne.

Down your nose, you smoothly cajole;
Deft at choreographing leverage to reach a goal.

The effete man you put forth is cast in boorish airs -
stealthily exuding to foil all players.

Irreproachable character, you claim in spades,
but to athwart interference you throw up blockades.

Speaking in bitter tones, speeches full of lies suppressed -
churlishly angered with those that protest.
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