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Nov 2024 · 64
freesoulandpoet Nov 2024
I've written it all, the sound of a heart that breaks
The steps of a soul that goes away
The silence between our space
I've left it all on the paper

So why is my heart still breaking?
Why is your soul still running away from me?
Why is the silence between us becoming louder?
I'm still writing it all on the paper

I carry a heart that breaks when your back turns
I carry a soul that slowly dies when you smile less
I am a sound that shouts with each steps you put between us
I'm still writing it on the paper

To the broken heart
To the empty souls
To those with silent tears in the distance
I will write it all on the paper
My heart sings new melodies every time it breaks. Look at me writing symphonies like Beethoven with all the parts I carry
Aug 2024 · 141
L'Amitié et Ses âmes
freesoulandpoet Aug 2024
À ces âmes qui rendent nos sourires plus beaux,
À ces amitiés qui se tissent au fil du temps et résistent aux tempêtes,
Tempêtes qui emportent souvenirs et précieux moments,
Que je suis reconnaissante de vous avoir dans ma vie,
Oh vous, mes plus belles.


To those souls who make our smiles brighter,
To those friendships who grow with time and stand storms,
Storms that carry away memories and precious moments,
How grateful I am to have you in my life,
Oh, you, my most beautiful souls âmes.
A special poem for people I've known longer than I know life. I love you, beautiful âmes.21.02.24
freesoulandpoet Jul 2024
And when you die, die with no regrets
For death does not take appointments.
Walk that road, sing those notes,
Smile a little bit, cry a little bit more,
Hug often, eat that sandwich,
Run that marathon, drink those life's delights,
Walk when the sun sets,
For you might not be here when it rises.
And when you die, die with no regrets
For death does not take appointments.
Life is as a feather taken on a journey by the wind. May your feather stand through storms, cross deserts and float on torrents. May your feather write its story as it was designed.
May 2024 · 338
To Be Loved
freesoulandpoet May 2024
To Be Loved is To Be Seen
To be loved is to feel like the center of the universe
To be loved is to be held
To be loved is to be heard
To be loved is to be cared for
To be loved is to allow that inner voice to calm you down
To be loved is to allow those suppressed feelings to soar
To be loved is to carry your burdens with intention
To be loved is to see what's called ugly in a new light
To be loved is to feel the chill rain on a hot day
To be loved is to be offered a cup of tea or coffee when it's cold
To be loved is to smile, and really smile
To be loved is to be kind
To be loved is to be cherished
To be loved is to see your reflection and somehow, somehow love it
To be loved is to see yourself in others with light and love
To be loved is to be given the choice to choose
To be loved is to choose
To be loved is to be free
To be loved is to be here
To be loved is to say it, show it and live it

So believe me when I say "I love you", you are to be loved <3
May we experience love that grows beyond doubt, may our hearts be filled with such a feeling that words can never describe it, may our love shine through our every little moments. For now, and ever.
freesoulandpoet Apr 2024
This heart is hurtin' a lil' bit
Is it the snow all out or the cold inside?
I can't tell the difference
Because this heart is hurtin' a lil bit
freesoulandpoet Apr 2024
I grieve a love from a dream I had last night
I grieve a smile from a person I saw yesterday
I grieve a hug I let go a little bit earlier
I grieve a hand I didn't hold, afraid it goes away

Then it went, and now I grieve a love from a dream
I grieve harmonies we never sang
I grieve gazes from lost eyes,
Eyes that will never lock into each other's sights
I grieve stolen glances, brief smiles and deep looks

I grieve a love from a poem I never wrote
I grieve a song from a heart I never loved
I grieve a melody from a guitar I never played
I grieve a breeze from a wind I never felt

I grieve a silence from a noise I never heard
I grieve tears from moments I never lived
I grieve life from memories I never made
I grieve a love from a dream I never dreamt
Sit with your feelings. Listen to them. Give them room. Let them paint the place, let them remove the painting on the walls. Then, maybe then, you'll see your soul
Feb 2024 · 960
The Love of A Red Rose
freesoulandpoet Feb 2024
Your Love is like a Rose with Thorns
I am not sure what I see is the Red of Your Rose
Or the Red of my Blood
Because I am not sure if my hands touched the Rose
Or the Thorns


To Love You is to Love a Red Rose
The Red of my blood blend in so well
With the Red of Rose
Because every time my hands reach out for your Heart
All they hold are the scorching thorns on the Rose


I'll write to you when I can
But the ink will be my blood
Because these hands bleed every time they reach out
Reach out for You

May you go where you're appreciated, may your love be understood, may your heart be filled with laughter and care. May your reflection never be shallow as the cold desert on a hot morning. May your smile remind your lover of a shooting star among other stars, a miracle to always look forward to.
freesoulandpoet Jan 2024
I pray the next girl in your life gets the flowers I never got.
I pray that she doesn’t have to guess if you love her or not.
I pray you tell her every day, every time you get the opportunity to.
I pray you hold her hand in public.
I pray you understand her more.
I pray that she finds her happiness.
I pray that she doesn’t smile less as days go by.
I pray she doesn’t forget what love is, feels like when she is with you.
I pray she doesn’t become lonely even when she is not alone.
I pray you become present in that present, instead of promising a present in a future no one is guaranteed to see.
I pray she learns how to love herself before loving you.
I pray she has a heart that understands but that also knows when it’s time to speak up.
I pray she has the courage to tell you words and sentences I didn’t have the courage to say.
I pray she stays because she wants to, not because she doesn't have any other option.
I pray she feels like loving you is an exciting adventure, not a gloomy experience to endure.
I pray you give her your attention because your money won’t.
I pray you look into her eyes and see her because your absence will scream louder if she’s unseen.
I pray she finds in her heart to love you with a love that only God provides.
I pray she is proud to be your woman.
I pray she is happy.
I pray she is fulfilled.
I pray she receives flowers, not just on her birthday.
I pray she receives hugs and lunch gifts, not just on your birthdays.
I pray she doesn’t have to hide who she is, out of fear of not fitting in your world.
I pray she doesn't cry herself to sleep because you are not around.
I pray for her, even if I don’t know her.
I pray she is happy.
In the midst of chaos, I found an anchor. One that gave me peace and freedom.
freesoulandpoet Oct 2023
They fired a bullet in the Wall,
Light entered through the hole in the wall
It was dark in her prison cell
One that she didn't know was hell.
But the light was there
Shining, Reflecting in her darkness
Could she see beyond her walls?
Could she carry her light beyond the night?
It was a bet she was willing to take
Now that she has seen what light looked like
Through that Bullet in The Wall
Fired in the Cold Night of Purpose.
My soul speaks a language the true heart can only decipher. My brain sometimes tries but most of the times cannot. I play with words like a child plays with their first toy, with care, and exploration.
Sep 2023 · 138
The Earth's Plea
freesoulandpoet Sep 2023
I wrote a letter to the Sun
With the Hope that each word turns gold
Once it was burned by my lover.
When it reached my lover, all He did was
Change every word in thousands of drops of rain.

My letter got carried away by a cloud
Once that got angry when chased by the wind
My letter asked my lover:
"Did I love the stars you gave me right?
Did I give them everything now?
Now that they killed all the Manes and cut all the trees?

Tell me Love, tell me,
Did I love them right?
Now that they no longer care about Nature, My Daughter?"

My Lover said nothing. He burned my letter and changed it
To Thousands of Drops of Rain.
Aug 2023 · 248
WANDERING - 23.08.2023
freesoulandpoet Aug 2023
These ideas I write do not coordinate
It's not a place you find on a map
It's not a chapter you read in a book
It's a ray of sun that shines a little bit too bright
It's a drop of rain that's a little bit too cold for your skin

I'm sorry my love expresses itself in storms and angry floods.
Protect that inner child at all costs.
Feb 2023 · 197
See... I'm A Poet
freesoulandpoet Feb 2023
You See... I'm A Poet
All I have is broken words and unhealed wounds
My ink will bleed on you if you get closer
But it won't be blood you'll see
It'll be colors and shades of my soul

I traveled on the path they chose for me
All it did was scorch my feet and burn my skin
For I was never meant to walk that way
Or sing the songs they taught me
Because I'm A Poet

As you see... I'm A Poet and I no longer apologize for it
I stand tall, afraid but ready to face the reflection in the mirror
No longer carrying the expectations that once broke my back.
I carry the universe with me and shine with its million stars
Floating in the sky like a lucky star
These words are painted with the brushes of my naked soul. I will give all I have and it will stand throughout the ages, as I fade with time.
Dec 2022 · 170
freesoulandpoet Dec 2022
It's me walking in a gloomy fog at 4 am in the morning
It's you not being around when all I see is you leaving
It's me holding on you tight while you slip through my fingers
It's you choosing to walk away while I join the drinkers

My heart is addicted to you and I can't fight this feeling
Oh trust me, I know... That all I'm doing is falling
And man, I've never been so high on falling
Because as I fall, all I know is I'm high on you darling

Why am I seeing your face into every person I meet?
Why is your smile the only thing standing out in the crowd?
I should know better, I should know you're not in but all out
Yet, I stand and call your name, thinking you'll stand the ground
And man,  how to describe your voice? To my ears, a sweet sound
One I long to hear all day and night, all moments of time...
I knew I shouldn't have fallen for you but I did. Will I crash? Will you catch me? Will you let me be a memory when you're  more than that for me? I don't know. I don't want to know. All I know is you've been this for me.

With love, your poet.
Dec 2022 · 164
The Phoenix
freesoulandpoet Dec 2022
What if dying was never the hardest thing?
We cling to what we have, what we know
Afraid of never finding better
Getting lost in the deceptious lie of comfort
And missing out of life's precious gifts

What if discovering something new
Was better than all the fears we carry
What if we really were mythical creatures
Destined to burn to ashes and be buried
Only to be reborn with beauty
And a new beginning?

While I fall in the flames,
Consuming me to my very core,
I close my eyes and feel the fire
Maybe dying is what I was looking for
A new page, a new chapter and more
We're destined to more and more. As life burns us down, let's find the courage to raise from the ashes and shine again, as Phoenixes do.
Dec 2022 · 186
While I let go of your hand
freesoulandpoet Dec 2022
While I let go of your hand, my heart breaks in pieces
All I can think of is what's left of all the small pieces
The vestige of a life we built, the promises we made
Shattered by the mistakes I made and again, made

You were not the one to blame,
I was the one after the fame
And with your heart I played
Setting it on fire while you prayed
For me, for us and for love

You were in love with a dove,
But baby, I am a phoenix
And I can never be chained by love
I'll die and come back before six

Poetry is a blessing but also a curse
For poets always long for depth
And sometimes they find it in a pulse
A heartbeat or a broken heart

So darling, I'll toast to your life
While I crumble and die
But don't worry about me, love
I am a Phoenix, remember?
Let's never silence the little voice in our hearts. It knows better and will do better, whether we are aware of it.
Dec 2022 · 138
Breakup Poetry...
freesoulandpoet Dec 2022
Tonight, when the moon is high
And everything is quiet
I'll let the tears down for a while
Hoping to let go in style

You know I write
Even when it's not right
Because I can't do anything else
Than let the world see my place

For all the words I want to say But fail to speak
For all the songs I want to sing But fail to voice
For all the love I wish to give But fail to provide
For all the care I want to share But fail to show

Writers and poets are like water in the river
Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's angry
Sometimes it's a lot that what we can carry
And other times, it's all that we can bury

So we write, because what else can we do?
I write, what else can I do?
I am a poet in a world where poetry is not seen
And all I pray for is to be seen, really seen

Tonight, I'll talk to my heart and wait for it to answer back
As I wait in the silence of the night for a comeback
I'll cry some tears and hope for some peace of mind
And somehow pray so that Hope is all I find
Inspired by my own break up and the song "whiskey lullaby" by Brad Paisley and Allison Kraus
Oct 2022 · 1.1k
The Dark Phoenix
freesoulandpoet Oct 2022
Push me back to the walls I can't break

Push me through the forest I can't cross

Drive me down the road I cannot walk

And watch me rise like a dark phoenix

I'll break these walls and build a bridge

I'll use the trees to build my shelter

And I'll walk down that road to my excellence

Such a dark phoenix, I'll come back to life...
Life will definitely throw you around and most of the times down but it's up to you to learn how to fly with the wind or be carried away by the storm
Aug 2022 · 217
freesoulandpoet Aug 2022
If legends lived eternally,
My Momma would live longer
Than the Trees she planted
In her Home Garden

If birds could walk,
Man would have seen and understood
That the sky was never the limit
And flying high is as creating your own path

If trees could talk,
They would teach man to not lose their roots,
And forget who they are
For a soul without roots is as dead as a cut tree

If rain could sing,
Its melody would play
And man would hear
That sometimes it's good to let go of the hold
For a thunder is not appreciated as a sweet rain

If emotions could speak,
They would tell man that they're guides,
Not obstacles raging in the night
But omens to the Greater Self

If I could write,
I'd tell you what I know
And you'd tell me what you know
But we hide and never write
Random thoughts on a chill evening. The heart has never been silent, it's the mind that's never stopped shouting.
Jul 2022 · 331
Allow me to love you
freesoulandpoet Jul 2022
Allow me to love you loud
When the sun is hidden behind the clouds
When fear is hovering like a thief in the crowd
And all I can do is look at your eyes, all proud

Allow me to love you deep
With words written in the silence of the night
When the whole world is asleep
And the only ones left standing are just you and I

Allow me to love you
With a heart that beats only for you
And beats faster when I hear you
A heart that'll stop without you

Allow me to love you lastly
With acts that speak loudly
When words fail slowly
To show you where my love stands
For now and the infinity
May you find love that gives you freedom and allows you to be you.
May 2022 · 123
My Oath to Thee
freesoulandpoet May 2022
What if all I got was this life?
And it’s still not enough?
What if all the lights die slowly,
And let me stay in the dark alone?
What if I was a light to be lit,
And a fire sent to burn everything down?
Would you still let me be the ink that fills your chapters?
Would you still hold my flame so it doesn’t disappear in the night?
Would you still reach out and let my fire burn your fears?
Coz darling, I’m made of paper and steel
No matter what, I’ll always hold you still
In this life and the next one.

Feb 2021 · 149
I am more than a story
freesoulandpoet Feb 2021
I am strength emboldened in a body
I am grace wrapped in a human shape
I am tears worn down by the raising sun
I am screams of despair chained down
I am mounts of sorrow and pain
I am depths of furry and anger
I am courage and fierceness
I am more than a story on a paper
I am more than a name written in the sand
I am more than a face covered with emotions
I am the voice shouting in the night
I am the storm that took and swept you away
I am darkness and light fused
I am poetry and love songs
Hidden in a book of ancient tales
I am fiction and romance
Written with love’s ink
I am more than a story on paper
I am poetry and love songs
Scarred and graved into the soul
Romance, songs and souls
Feb 2021 · 154
I write to you
freesoulandpoet Feb 2021
For every poem
I wrote
But burnt down
For every song
I sang
But tore down
For every memory
We made
But thrown
For every kiss
We shared
But erased
For every touch
We had
But lost
For every day
We lived
But forgot
For every thing
You and I were
But never will be
I write to you
I write to you
So that this time
I don’t lose
Nor forget
Nor erase
Nor burn
Nor tear down
For you and I are
Stars made in the sky
Shining brighter
As I write to you
May my ink, like the never-ending night, carry our tales.
Like planets, turning around the same sun but never crossing paths
Oct 2020 · 142
Hold my hands while I fall
freesoulandpoet Oct 2020
Hold my hands while I fall,
And if it gets heavy, let go
For we're made to be feathers
Light as happiness
Clear as joy
And loud as we can be.........
Take care of yourself, take naps, do what you like, hold hands, give hugs, and spread love
Jun 2020 · 4.1k
freesoulandpoet Jun 2020
Heartbeat that went live when I cried into the world
Heartbeat that went up the first time I felt happiness
Heartbeat that went up the first time I saw my mother's smile
Heartbeat that goes up every time I am with my friends
Heartbeat that goes up every time I hear his voice
Heartbeat that now goes up with every scream in the world
Heartbeat that goes up every time an innocent soul is taken away
Heartbeat that shatters at every time I hear a girl's cry in the air
Crying for her life and mind taken away by devil's in human shapes
Heartbeat that screams every time inhumanity wins over love
Heartbeat that finally goes up with every hope
Heartbeat that still believes life is worth living
Heartbeat that cherishes life and happiness
Heartbeat that protects true friendship and soul connection
Heartbeat that I listen to, heartbeat hidden in my heart
Hearbeat that pours my soul's scream into lines
Heartbeat that guides my mind out of the darkest depths of despair
Heartbeat that will stop the day I'll leave this world
Heartbeat that will seal my journey
Heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat...
It takes a heartbeat to take away a human's life but it also takes a heartbeat to show love, compassion and stand courageously for what's right.
May 2020 · 217
You Are Enough
freesoulandpoet May 2020
She walked past her mirror once again
Not glancing at her tired reflection
Crippled with fear to see her own pain
Pain that has turned into an addiction

She didn't feel worthy anymore
She didn't remember what hope used to be for
She has let her thoughts do it all
The thinking, the overthinking, that's just all

Her warrior heart was no longer defending her
For she has failed her, filling her soul with doubt
Doubt that she has tried to tear down, cast out
But in vain, as she could not face herself, as her

In the midst of the despair, a voice whispered
In the coldness of the night, she heard a soft melody
Murmuring words of hope, words of those who survived
Survived the war of their souls against their deepest fears

"You're enough", she heard,
"You're enough", she heard again
A voice, coming within her soul, like a Shepherd
Fighting to be heard above her pain

"You're enough", she heard all over and over
And this time, she chose to believe it
As she smiled at the fierce survivor in her mirror
No longer afraid of her reflection, as she was enough.
You are enough, you don't have to prove anything to anybody, mostly to yourself. Accept yourself before anybody else does it.
Mar 2020 · 605
Here I am again
freesoulandpoet Mar 2020
Here I am, once again
Facing the depths of my soul
Those hidden crypts, If I could
Would gladly have avoided

Here I am, facing again
That truth that I've always run from
Those thoughts that I've always buried
Afraid of the reflection I might see
If I looked closer

We all shape our reflection in the mirror
With the hope to not gasp in horror
At our own image, own self
Wishing our agony was silent
Like a book gently resting on a shelf

At last, here I am again,
Agonizing in a beautiful stream of words
Depicting emotions, feelings, and pain
With the hope of being freed from these chains
Chains that have surrounded my world
Dragging me down into the scary depths of my soul
It is one thing to acknowledge our mistakes. It is another thing to acknowledge the pardon we deserve to be able to move on. I am stuck in the middle of those two things.
freesoulandpoet Mar 2020
When love fades like a breeze
When time refuses to stop
When all I need is a gentle reminder
Of life and happiness in one
And that one is you

When the rain reminds me of you
When the sun shines on your smile
When the night let out the moon
As I let my heart roar for your embrace

Life is made of sweet moments
But all we need is the courage
To accept the sad ones with the same heart
That accepts the happy ones

To be able to smile with the same intensity
When there is no reason to keep smiling
Because in the end, we all pray for love
To keep it alive and in us
And not let love fade like a breeze
Inspired by "Never Be Alone" by Shawn Mendez and "Birds" by Passenger
Feb 2020 · 319
Obsessed with the Moon
freesoulandpoet Feb 2020
Here was I walking in the night
Night that was calm, silent but bright
Full moon, in display in the sky
Couldn't it be more beautiful, oh My!

You smiled, didn't you?
When I said, look up, won't you?
For there is a full moon, special day in a few
Where beauty can only be true

Obsessed with the moon, aren't you?
You said, with that smile that makes me shiver
With a smile back, I answered quicker
Than the thoughts in my mind, mind you
"Ain't obsessed with the moon, rather obsessed with you"

For you were shining under the full moon,
And all I could do was live
Live this moment in your sweet embrace
For I am not obsessed with the moon
But I am obsessed with you, my solace
Love is beautiful, calm and poised like a full moon in a sky full of bright stars.
Jun 2019 · 291
Rainy Tuesday
freesoulandpoet Jun 2019
Listening to Yuna's Crush
To you, my thoughts rush
It is easier than I thought
To keep you in my thoughts

I know it might not be right
But I can't help it nor fight
The love that I feel
Every day is becoming more real

As a sweet song traveling in my mind
You make my day and I don't mind
For you are a genuine and true soul
Reminding me about love and all
Inspired by Yuna's song "Crush" ft Usher on a rainy Tuesday
freesoulandpoet Apr 2019
It always catches me, darling,
I thought I left behind but it always caught me
And it still does darling,

I thought I ran away from those sleepless nights
But I am still wondering as my eyes refuse to close
I thought I had no tears left to cry
But I feel a river flowing through my eyes

I watch the sky get darker
Falling in harmony with my soul
Oh, how I wish my soul was lighter
How I wish I was smiling back
But I can't darling,
Because it's always catching me

I let you see my demons
And you stayed, with no sermon
You loved me for who I was
And I can assure you that I was lost
But you took me back,
Chased my demons away and showed me the light

And sometimes I feel it is coming back
I feel that I am giving in to my old demons
I feel that I am getting trapped again
And darling, it is stronger, I can't fight it

Let's just close our eyes, shall we?
Let's listen to the birds singing
And then maybe, you'll hold my hand
You will stop me from running away
Because darling, after all this time, I know
That it is still going to catch me
Writing is a mirror of the soul. Sometimes, the only way to get free is to let it all out but don't shout, nobody would listen. Just write some lines and breathe deeply.
Feb 2019 · 304
The Rain
freesoulandpoet Feb 2019
As I watch the rain, falling peacefully
Of you, I think instantly
As the cold wraps itself around me
In your arms, I want to be

Like a sweet thought in the night
Does your love feel so right
As you hold me tight
With grace, no fight

I've learned to love you
Sweetly and gently
Calmly, as the rain falls through
Warming our hearts so easily

With you, I didn't fall in love
I knew that falling hurts
Instead, I became love
As you took care of my heart

Watch the rain, darling
Let it remind you of my love
Each droplet falling
Declaring to you, all my love
The rain reminds me of you. As I watch it fall, I realize how much I love you, unconditionally and peacefully
Jan 2019 · 623
Just Care Enough
freesoulandpoet Jan 2019
Care enough to read the pain in people's eyes
Care enough to understand that every silence hides a scream that most people don't hear
Care enough to know that tomorrow is an unpredictable present that you wrap today
Care enough to love when you have been hurt and you think there is no tomorrow
Care enough to allow yourself  to understand the meaning of the unspoken words
Care enough to read poetry and watch artists shape their thoughts
Care enough to go through hell and still believe in heaven
Care enough to look for happiness in broken souls
Care enough to live and wake up with a new smile every day
Care enough to understand that poetry and art are the core of life
Care enough to just care because, in the end, no one cares enough to care
Don't wait for someone who will care for you. Learn to care about yourself for yourself
Oct 2018 · 288
Finding an Anchor
freesoulandpoet Oct 2018
She looked up to Him, unable to hide the pain
Her red eyes were giving her away
She tried to hold it together and act sane
But she couldn't when she saw Him on her way

She has been holding it for so long
That she forgot how painful it could be
And weak she felt, before Him, so strong
That she just decided to let Him see
See the mess that she carried all along

No words were shared in the murmur of the night
Just shattered dreams that were seeing Hope again
As He walked slowly on the path to reach her side
Side that has been empty but full of pain
Pain that was no longer blocking her sight

The cold of the night didn't reach her skin
With a courage, in a while, she hasn't seen
She ran, carrying how she has been
Her mess, her fears, her mistakes, and sins

She reached for His arms that were waiting
Waiting for her beautiful imperfect being
Being that was feeling whole and breathing
Breathing fresh air that He was giving
Giving as He offered her a new way of living
Living, with Him, that just felt amazing
It is amazing to smile at somebody and have them smile back with the same intensity
Aug 2018 · 331
Dear Friend
freesoulandpoet Aug 2018
I watch as your eyes are filled with tears
But I can't hold you for I am the culprit
I am the one who made them fall
I am the one responsible for all

I watch as your heart screams my name
Away I hide, indifferent to your pain
You want my comfort but in vain
I am no longer acting sane

Oh, dear friend, you are hurt
As you tried to come within these walls
Walls I build with the pain in my heart
A heart that can't let anything fall

You just wanted to see my pieces
But now, you too, are in pieces
Like a wrecked ship by the seas
Shattered, empty and in crisis

Lastly, I say that I am sorry Friend
Because this is not only the end
But the beginning of your walls
As I let you slowly fall
Without holding you back
On a cold morning, I seek for your eyes but as the sun hides behind the clouds, you hide from my eyes.
Jun 2018 · 256
freesoulandpoet Jun 2018
Broken was my heart
When thoughts of you filled my mind
Fool, was I, more than hurt  
When I used to see you as kind

You used to be my love
In you, I saw peace like a dove
Into craziness, I drove
Sadness could I not rise above
Jun 2018 · 313
Not anymore
freesoulandpoet Jun 2018
I don't know how to love you anymore
I guess I do not know what it is for
For my hands have turned cold
Cold as the dark and silent night
Night that has dawned on my heart
Heart that was broken in pieces
Pieces that I failed to fix
Fixing is what I need
Need is a word I do not understand anymore

I am afraid to break you, love
For your love is perfect and more
Leaving me breathless to the core
That I do not know how to hold you  
And here I am standing in the rain
As you prove to me that it is not vain
To trust and let go of the pain

But I do not know how to love anymore
As I watch you leave, sad and hurt
My hands seemed glued to myself
As I can't hold you back no more
You are going away with the rain
As my tears fall on their own
Making you blur as you walk away
I guess you could not love me anymore
Inspired by "Please, don't go" sang by Stephanie Rainey
May 2018 · 221
Her Walls
freesoulandpoet May 2018
She took her time
She made her walls
She made them with her broken pieces
She could not bear to be broken again
She could not let people see her ashes
She was void, like an unidentified planet in the universe
She was simple, yet so complicated
She could hide a world in her eyes,
But she was so easy to read
She was not that strong
But she held her shoulders high
And found within herself the strength to go on
The world always labeled her
The words were glued to her front and her back
But she did not care
She was more than a body
She was a soul
She was more than curves
She was mountains of knowledge and wisdom
She was beautiful, her smile held more than shooting stars
She was ashes, yet shining as a reborn phoenix
She was a secret, a murmur, and a thought
She was everything that the world would never know
She was the universe, she was the galaxy
And she was within her walls.
We are not born to fit in, we are born to stand out and be unique
May 2018 · 182
Lover of the Moon
freesoulandpoet May 2018
Born on a hot afternoon
I am a lover of the Moon
A masterpiece, straight out of a cocoon
Me, Myself & I

— The End —