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Nov 2024 · 1.3k
Struggle called mom
Lux Nov 2024
Did all you asked yet never was good enough,
Putting myself down to make you happy is tough.
Gave up my happiness to save us,
Fighting problems you don’t wanna discuss.

Tried my best to fix what’s between you and I.
Yet all you did for me was make me cry.
Cry every night losing hope,
Filled with emotions making it hard to cope.

I was blinded didn’t want to see,
I became someone I never wanted to be.
It’s true that in crisis only real one’s care,
What you did to me was in no way fair.

You hurt me like nobody else before,
That changed me deep in my core.
I will never see you same again,
I changed my behaviour even since then.

No longer hiding who I am,
Never gonna prioritise you again.
You don’t care than so don’t I,
You manipulated me and don’t deny.

Now I learn to stay strong alone,
You need to realise I am not your clone.
Maybe one day you will see,
I am better when you let me be me.
Nov 2024 · 205
Dear mom
Lux Nov 2024
You were the number one my whole life,
You were there when I turned five.
We used to be best friends,
But everything someday ends.

We drifted apart over time,
You became more sour than a lime.
From heaven to war we went,
What was said I hope wasn’t meant.

I still love you and always will,
Even with all the bad you spill.
I stand tall when you talk,
Yet some words still leave me in shock.

I cry when the night comes,
The words hurting me are my mom’s.
Scared to speak to protect you,
Don’t have an opinion, that’s what I do.

Never give up they say,
Give it time for a better day.
She is family don’t cut her out,
But I don’t want to continue on this route.

I can’t fix things when you don’t care,
I suffer because of you’re how is that fair.
I don’t wanna lose my own mom,
Yet your presence won’t leave me calm.

Friends again just in my dreams,
It is exactly how it seems.
I write this to ease my mind,
To help leave hard feelings behind.

Only time will tell,
If we’re ever getting out of this hell.
Hope it is soon or I will quit,
But I will regret every bit.

First he left now so did you,
But he came back as I grew.
You left me because I am sick,
Became very distant pretty quick.

Now you don’t care at all,
All I have is our daily call.
We barely talk when I am home,
All the time I feel alone.

God give me a reason to try again,
I want to stop this deep pain.
Oct 2023 · 4.0k
One word is all it takes
Lux Oct 2023
One word was enough for me to go down,
bring enough thoughts for me to drown.
One stupid word and habits change forever,
acting in a way I thought I would never.

No longer able to eat or drink,
making my stomach shrink.
Relationships with food became tough,
I’ve to lose weight otherwise I’m not enough.

Brain won’t allow me to keep down food,
fat is how I’m being viewed.
Counting calories wasn’t enough to be thin,
hopefully throwing up is the way to win.

Whatever goes down must go up,
lose more calories while you clean up.
One word was enough to bring me here,
to a place where food is my biggest fear.

The worst part is that I don’t want to change,
world without worrying of weight is strange.
Some day it won’t be about skinny anymore,
Throwing up food will become a chore.

Living off of water and air,
eating just to satisfy those who care.
What goes on afterward you can’t know,
there’s nothing that would show.
Oct 2023 · 395
One word is all it takes
Lux Oct 2023
One word was enough for me to go down,
bring enough thoughts for me to drown.
One stupid word and habits change forever,
acting in a way I thought I would never.

No longer able to eat or drink,
making my stomach shrink.
Relationship with food became tough,
I’ve to lose weight otherwise I’m not enough.

Brain won’t allow me to keep down food,
fat is how I’m being viewed.
Counting calories wasn’t enough to be thin,
hopefully throwing up is the way to win.

Whatever goes down must go up,
lose more calories while you cleanup.
One word was enough to bring me here,
to a place where food is my biggest fear.

Worst part is that I don’t want to change,
world without worrying of weight is strange.
Some day it won’t be about skinny anymore,
Throwing up food we become a chore.

Living of of water and air,
eating just to satisfy those who care.
What goes on afterwards you can’t know,
there’s nothing that would show.
Aug 2023 · 4.0k
Lux Aug 2023
Eat as much as you can fit,
then throw up every last bit.
Be quiet so no one hears,
when you’re done wipe all your tears.

Just once more and I’ll stop,
avoid every single food shop.
Shove a toothbrush down your throat,
watch the previously eaten food float.

Thoughts of getting fat making you feel sick,
throw up what you ate you can’t get thick.
May 2023 · 4.3k
Lux May 2023
All you care about is my school,
once again I feel like a fool.
I thought you cared about me,
however, the only thing you care about is who  I´m gonna be.

I wonder where did I go wrong,
hell is definitely where I belong.
I never felt so alone in my life,
my only friend is this knife.

You see it but you don´t care,
crying when I´m dead, don´t you dare.
Left when I needed you the most,
be ready to see my ghost.
May 2023 · 2.9k
Last note
Lux May 2023
No matter how hard I try,
All I want to do is die.
Unable to sleep or eat,
This mental illness is impossible to beat.

I gave up a long time ago,
No longer able to keep myself afloat.
Lying to everyone around,
Wishing to never be found.

Hating every second of being alive,
No longer fighting to survive.
The pain is just too much to bear,
I have so much going on but I don’t care.

Just let me **** myself once and for all,
Promise me not to make the call.
Police searching for me with no luck,
No one can see I’m stuck.

Tried asking for help but got nothing,
Everyone kept telling me to keep fighting.
One only has so much will and power,
I will be dead in a hour.
May 2023 · 3.4k
Painful words
Lux May 2023
Last night’s argument was wild,
It hurt my inner child.
Those words caused extreme damage,
A lot more than I can manage.

You have to make everything about you,
I am always wrong no matter what I do.
You say I always put myself first,
Said so many lies I’m about to burst.

I try to please you but you don’t see,
I am not the person I want to be.
I would do anything to take away your pain,
I hate every inch of my brain.

I am sure you meant what you said,
Thanks to that my mind wants me dead.
I wish I could forget those words,
They stuck to me like burns.

I will never see you the same,
You are the one to blame.
Now please let me die in peace,
I hope that brings you ease.
May 2023 · 6.8k
Lux May 2023
Locked up in your bathroom bleeding,
no one ever hears me pleading.
Always hiding your arms and thighs,
tears filling up your eyes.

You are hurting but no one sees,
feeling pain to give you ease.
Somehow wishing people see it,
understand the bottom we hit.

Forever making sure it´s hidden,
telling family is forbidden.
All I want is peace,
stop calling the police.

One day I will cut too deep,
for my body to keep.
Blood covering the bathroom floor,
finally done with this war.
May 2023 · 202
Lux May 2023
They say time fixes everything,
you just have to keep holding onto a string.
One day you´ll feel ok again,
there won´t be any more pain.

Keep telling me to see things from your position,
yet you refuse to understand my condition.

I am drowning and you are to blame,
you won´t even say my real name.
I had to lie for most of my life,
had to pretend I want to be the wife.

Terrified to come clean,
I started being mean.
Not to others but to me,
wished I would never be.

All you saw was that smile,
a slight change of style.
Body hidden under clothes,
make sure it never shows.
Apr 2023 · 5.0k
Lux Apr 2023
You keep telling me you care,
when I ask you to listen you don´t even dare.
Everyone says pain is not the way,
but there is no reason to stay.

No one ever sticks around,
each friendship leaves me feeling like a clown.
I don´t trust people anymore,
they left me breathless on the floor.

Bloodstains covering my clothes,
you think this is the life I chose.
Still convinced that you care?,
or are you leaving me there?.

Hope you find the final note I left behind,
reading it should ease your mind.
I don´t expect you to understand,
to answer your question, yes, this was planned.
Apr 2023 · 5.7k
Perfectly fine
Lux Apr 2023
I'm fine, perfectly fine,
you all trusted that lie.
Seemed so happy laughing all the time,
hiding my true self inside.

Clothes covering all the lines,
darkness holding my silent cries.
Pain fighting pain,
making me lose the trust I´ve gained.

Brain offering me two bad choices,
knowing even some fighters lose to their voices.
Life giving me blades instead of lemons,
sending me all its demons.

Fighting a battle I don´t want to fight,
waiting to see the final light.
Cold steel becoming my best friend,
helping me find the end.
Nov 2022 · 3.7k
Dear father
Lux Nov 2022
You blame her for my struggles,
yet you were the one who made me suffer.
Always busy earning money,
never doing anything funny.

You made me question my own worth,
shortening my time on this earth.
I was 15 when I first took the blade,
creating something that will never fade.

It’s sad how blind you were,
thinking you were a good father to me.
Couldn’t see the tears and the pains,
being treated by losing blood from my veins.

Needing pills to stay alive,
couldn’t even know how much longer I can survive.
Yet you still think you aren’t the one to blame,
thanks to you my life will never be the same.

I will never forget what you have said,
nor the memories which I can’t get out of my head.
I never wanna see you again,
and you should respect that if you are a man.
Feb 2021 · 1.4k
Mental health
Lux Feb 2021
People are scared to reach out,
Suicide is not a topic to joke about.
You are always fine
Until you say your last line.

Depression is a fight
You can't see the light.
All you see is dark
You life is a big question mark.

The pain doesn't seem to end
You pushed away ever single friend.
Hope is nowhere to be found
You are always the one in the background.
Nov 2020 · 7.2k
Lux Nov 2020
Watching yourself in the mirror crying,
knowing you are slowly dying.
Starving yourself to be skinny,
feeling really ignominy.

Trying so hard to lose weight,
not even remembering when you last ate.
Losing control of yourself,
finally understanding you really need help.
Food is now your biggest nightmare,
losing your beauty, hair by hair.

Recovery doesn't happen overnight,
but believe me it is worth the fight.
Keep trying until you get there,
some people will truly care.

Giving up is not an option,
just show me the real emotion.
Your feelings are valid there is no doubt,
don't be scared and let it all out.
Nov 2020 · 650
Lux Nov 2020
Crying after another sleepless night,
thinking you are too tired to fight.
Covering your mouth so no one can hear,
wishing you could just disappear.

Cutting your skin watching it bleed,
trying really hard so you can just breath.
Covering your body so no one can see,
knowing they wouldn't understand how much pain you feel.

Telling them you're fine,
even though you are going through a really hard time.
Crying every time you´re alone then faking a smile,
being scared to show your new profile.

Wanting to give up but trying to fight,
because you know how many people would cry.
Feeling alone anywhere you go,
hiding your pain like a pro.
Nov 2020 · 478
Lux Nov 2020
Depression is not a choice,
it is like battling a very loud voice.
People might not even see it,
they'll never understand the bottom we hit.

Suicide is selfish they say,
but for us, it is the only way.
We wake up every day,
knowing there is no reason to stay.

Rich or poor ninety or eight,
depression doesn’t discriminate.

— The End —