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Kwamé Aug 2018
When I'm with you
the world
Stops spinning and time
Ceases to exist
Little branches 
Covered with hazy bits
Earth wind fire and water join
Forces as we journey to nirvana
Aroma of skunk fills my nose
The smoke is thick and soothing
Our time together is forbidden
And that makes it so much sweeter
Kwamé Jul 2018
I once wanted to live underwater but how long could I hold my breath?
I now seek a place on that mountaintop
Just grow a pair of wings and soar high in the sky
Skimming through the clouds
As I wonder,
How high can I fly, before destiny intervenes
And I suffer a fate no different than Icarus?
Kwamé Jul 2018
Prisoner without a cage
Soul forever trapped
Confined to a lifeless shell
Devoid of emotion
Slowly I waste away

Endless nights dreaming of escape
For this is not the life I chose
I don't believe in that higher power
For who would trap me here
Like a caged bird
Doing tricks for crackers

I'd rather be exploring Astral Plains
And wander lusting for knowledge
Than stay here another moment
Around people sippin the Devils potion

For this brew is awfully potent
One sip fills you with wrath and rage
As you begin to rattle my cage
All their minds filled with green

As they do anything to fulfill their greed
And begin to gorge themselves
Like glutinous giants grilling in Grenada
Never getting their fill

Lusting after thick thighs
And supple *******, doing
Anything for that 2 piece meal

Envious eyes eying everything in sight
Boasting that selfish pride, as your
Inner voice says that can't be me
He's talking about
You yes YOU

As you sit smug with your
Body shaped like a circle
Due to years of sloth like behavior

Don't worry about me I know
I'm different, I don't belong here
I know that
We are nothing more
Than temporary beings
Gone in an instant

Seeking the meaning of
Our existence
What is my purpose?

I guess I'll never
Know why I'm on this craft.
Kwamé Jun 2018
If I ever see you again, 
I'll close my eyes forever
And keep your image cemented to my eyelids
If I ever hear your voice again, 
I'll record it and lock myself in an amphitheater
Play it on repeat till the end of time
If I ever touch you again
I'll offer myself to the covenant,
Your sweet embrace will be the last thing I feel
If I ever love you again, 
I'll dance with the devil,
For no woman can be this sweet,
A succubus in disguise
Kwamé May 2018
And if I'm being truthful
I'm not the biggest fan of the sun
This bag old ball of gas sitting
millions and millions of miles away
Clamoring for my praise
I don't know how else to say it.
The sun can be so...
It's tentacle like rays reach across
Vast distances
Leaving burns on my delicate skin
The sun burned me to a crisp

But let me tell you about rain
The rain is wise
Drip drop
Pitter patting on my head
Rain is calm and honest like a buddist monk
Or it's can be furious and relentless,
A torrential downpour whipping at you from every direction
But even when its angry
there is a passionate honesty to it.
Somehow I know that the rain is neccesary
It's wet embrace leaves me feeling happy
Sometimes we need a stormy day to wash our sorrows away
A little rain to give me a break
from the ordinary.
Kwamé May 2018
Caught you running through my mind
But I warn you,
It's a dangerous place to get lost in
I see you watching me
My eyes got you in a
But before you look away
I ask you
Would you leave your secrets
In the palm of my hand?
Kwamé May 2018
They say a rose by any other name will still smell as sweet
But what about another color
Will a black rose still captivate the heart
And remind you of love?
Or will it be ****** doomed and cast away
Its aroma enchant you and fill you with lust or will it remind you of death and decay
This ***** is strong
Its stems carry the burden of people forgotten
This ***** is dangerous
Its thorns stab and *****
In the name of vengeance
Vengeance for every rose cast aside for its imperfections
This ***** is beautiful
Its petals flawless and noble
A red rose thrives in the sun and wilts under pressure
But the black rose
Grows in all conditions
Plants strong roots in concrete
and despite the odds
I rise!
Black plight
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